Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter Leucadia


  1. A lot of character and culture in Leucadia. Its not for everybody. Everyone can agree that we are unique and interesting.

  2. Happy Easter and thank you for this blog. Keeps this dislocated native connected to home.

  3. OK - who ordered the earthquake?

  4. How's the bluff?

  5. Just a random question: What is that star-person-thing, and who put it there? It's cool, I just wonder what it's all about.

  6. * Bedazzled conversation pieces?
    * Celestial reminders?
    * Memorials to annoymous dead?
    * Gifts from extraterrestrials?
    * Guerilla highway statuary?
    * Portals to other dimensions?
    * All of the above?

  7. i know the guy who made this and put it up (it has been removed since this post) and he did it just for fun & beauty. he's a 25 year leucadia resident and just wanted to give something back. :) look out for more soon.

  8. Does anybody know the motivation for the sidewalk construction on the southwest corner of Leucadia Blvd. and Hygeia? What are the plans?

  9. That is part of a safe route to school.

    That intersection is also scheduled to remove the all way stop and get a roundabout in 3 more years. That would sure be nice. The signals need the most attention. The signals at Leucadia Blvd. and Orpheus and the one at Vulcan Suck!


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!