Thursday, May 07, 2009

Budget Error

Last week I reported on the Leucadia projects that were in the city's draft budget. Turns out the draft budget contained some errors.

The budget no longer contains money to close Leucadia Boulevard at the railroad crossing. Below is how the budget has been changed.

It's reported to me that another error surfaced. The budget has money for operations at the Hall property park starting in 2012 (that's a long way off). Apparently, the city doesn't even think they can expect operations to start by then and in the budget they will be pushing back the park opening even further. Operations are expected to cost $500,000 a year, so I expect they are being thoughtful about the timing of park opening.

See Also: Cadmus Error.


  1. Rethink that budget. A truly GREAT service the city could provide, instead of building more stupid crap, would be to offer (1) garbage service and (2) animal control

  2. Both are available, what are you talking about. The city needs to use their money to start a police department that actually cares about the city.

  3. The City has police they lease the sheriffs. We want smaller government not bigger government.

  4. And let's not forget our valuable volunteer police force. Everytime I see one of those cars, they have even more dents and scratches on them because the idiots who drive them are too old to be driving!! They also excell at eating at Norte Especial and Encinitas Cafe. That's all I ever see them do. They also like to cruise "D" street, like it's some hotbed of crime. They may be called "volunteer", but someone is paying for the gas, the maintenence, and the insurance and that's us.

  5. Are you all sure that the Director of Financer is who and what she says she is? Perhaps that is why the budget is a little strange? Of course, she is Glenn Sabine's girlfriend. so do not mess with her.

  6. The Leucadia Vulcan Hwy101 intersection should include bike lanes and walkway on the south and north side of Leucadia Boulevard.

    It is the heart of our downtown.

  7. The romance between the director and city attorney has ended.

  8. Shes too hot for that little weenie!

  9. No the romance has not ended.

  10. Wow, I am impressed
    The romance ended at 11:59 and now they are back together at 12:20?
    Very up to date reporting!!!

  11. The romance never ended, except for a very short time. Can't say much more without people knowing who I am. Sorry. You can believe me or not, but there is more to the story. Of course, with newspapers going out of business, it will probably never be told.

  12. So, is the thrill gone, or not?

  13. Maybe it's love? You guys need to watch more romantic comedies.

  14. Encinitas sleuthMay 09, 2009 9:09 AM

    My sources also say the romance is still continuing. The more important question is whether J.S. is qualified to be Financial Director.

  15. EEUUUWWW. Romancing the Drone.

  16. The question is whether or not there is a conflict of interest when the finance director is going out with the legal counsel for the city. Does the city attorney continue to address legal issues that come up when financing is the issue?

  17. 2:57
    There's nothing wrong with nepotism, as long as you keep it in within a circle of family or friends.

  18. I second that lol, JP.

    The budget is bogus. Bottomline, we are in a recession. The City is not willing to cut down on staff, but just raises all its fees.

    Staff's salary and benefit increased was negotiated without anyone being on the "taxpayers' side." Represented and unrepresented employees have representatives for the closed session negotiations, but the head of personnel or the City Manager supposedly represent the City, when they are getting substantial raises too!

    The raises for staff are built in for four years? That's bogus. And now the State will likely be raiding our General Fund again, to meet its needs. Our Council is not willing to cut down on operating expenses by reducing staff and consultants, so they must cut down on monies for capital improvements, such as safer at grade railroad crossings.

    Planning looks like a ghostown sometimes, with so many fewer people coming in to pull permits. The city's solution? Raise all the fees so we can continue to pay ESGIL and staff top dollars to sit on their hands.

    Raise all the fees at the Senior Center; raise the water rates because people are using less water.

    Unbelievable that we keep electing the same people who are not willing to tighten their belts and let some people go. We were in a huge boom, before, with lots of development. We are now in a "bust" cycle, and need to cut back on personnel, not continually increase salaries and benefits, taxes and fees.


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