Thursday, May 14, 2009

Leucadia from Above


  1. packed in there like delta smelt.

  2. isn't technology greatMay 14, 2009 1:49 PM

    what is that red balloon? is that Jerome's fat ass or his swollen head?

  3. That red balloon marks the strangest confluence of roads in the world. And a cool little park.

  4. Looks like things are getting about ready for harvest.

  5. Whats funnier to see, I look at Leucadia, Encinitas, and Cardiff with pure uniqueness,........ then look at Carlsbox.... pure planned boring communities with people equivalent to their surroundings.

    No trees only rooftops...... no wonder price per square foot is so much higher in Leucadia and all of Encinitas.

  6. Instead of trying to get on that stupid city council, I should have planted more trees.

  7. 8:45... AMEN!

  8. I can see Steve Acieti's lies from here.

  9. off topic but very Leucadia...there's a new owner of the 7-11 and all the cool people who worked there are GONE. Everyone from top management on down. I hope this doesn't bode poorly for the wall mural the high school kids painted, altho I expect some of you will rejoice at that thought. Jeremy and I kinda gave it a six month life span anyway, and it's been up for a year, so that's more than I hoped for. Maybe the new people will leave it alone because in one year, there hasn't been one instance of tagging. Sweet!

    And in Encinitas, ACE HARDWARE has re-opened. We plan to buy our new yuppie BBQ there to support the biz.

  10. Support Ace Hardware or it will close and we will be stuck with only Home Boy Depot. Paint too.

  11. Oh Mary, I so hope the mural the kids painted is left alone. More importantly, I hope there are many more that follow. It is one of the highlights of Leucadia for me.

    Thanks for the information about the new owners. I am sad that the eclectic mix of workers is gone. I wonder what the real numbers are on Leucadia's unemployed and struggling.


  12. One one of the things that I would have never predicted 20 years ago about Encinitas is that the Leucadia zone has the biggest chunks of upland open space in and surrounding it.

  13. Buy everythinmg over the internet, delivered to your door, cheaper and you don't have to pay the governator his new taxes. Then, maybe he will get the message that most of us want him to CUT the size of government, not raise out taxes to support the legislators pet projects and/or jobs for their political friends.

    You think he will really try and sell the fairgrounds?

  14. Yep, the 7-11 has a new vibe. Go check it out. Feels like shopping at the Quikie Mart on the Simpsons now. I'm sure the new dudes have a fun personality somewhere trying to get out. And yes, what a bitch if they paint over our mural.

  15. moonlight missMay 16, 2009 4:15 PM

    I am looking for a place with a helpful hardware man. Any suggestions?

  16. I am not going to 7-11 anymore.

  17. I decided to keep going. They have a cute version of Sarah Silverman working there.


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