Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome to Leucadia Sign area clean-up today at 5 pm

Hi everyone,
Patricia Bell from Embellishments and the L101 Mainstreet Assoc will be down at the Welcome to Leucadia sign with gardening tools and trash bags if anyone wants to help beautify the area. Thanks!


  1. Well somebody did something.

  2. Did anyone help out?

  3. Yep, Elena Thompson (ReMax Realtor), Patricia Bell (Embellishments); Morgan Mallory (Leucadia Art Gallery/Corner Frame Shop); Paul Ecke III (Poinsettia Ranch); Peter Curry (Realtor for Grubb & Ellis); Kevin Doyle, (Jeweler at Deep Fling); and me (Graphic Artist for Coast Hwy 101 Design, Sculptor, Musician, Antique Dealer at Caldwell's Antiques, Curator for 101's only Roadside Attraction "the Strange Thing", Let's Make a Deal winner, friend of Beaver's and Just For Men user. Oh yeah, and I've met Mary Fleener too!) thanks for the reminder JP. I probably would have missed it.

  4. good job guys! Allstar cast! im sure tons of people noticed!
    guaranteed theres a whole load of trash, condoms and syringes from all the tweaks who kick it there at night!


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!