Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Encinitas Voters Embrace No Change

Smart results click here


  1. Big money and bigotry continue to win the day in Southern California. We have so much work to do.

  2. Maybe it will take a few of the strip malls along the El Camino Real corridor being leveled and rebuilt as mixed use-commercial residential units seven stories high for New Encinitas to realize they got what they elected.

  3. We now need to join together and replace Teresa Barth!

    Her negativity and arrogance "MUST" be removed from the city council!

  4. I agree, Barth must go...

  5. same shit different day

  6. no, it's a different day today. Our country has realized it's greatness and it's equality.
    It is a beacon of light for the world.

    Politics is trying and the minions will keep chumming, but people are doing real work and changing the U.S. and Encinitas for the better.

    For all the hacks, try supporting and praising something for once.

    you just might feel better

    :) Peace

  7. Ahhhhh haaaaa Haaaaa

    Go take another pink pill!!!


  8. Yes.... I can retire at 55 with full pay! Thanks Guys! …… Jerome, Jerome he’s are man, if he can’t do it, nobody can…..Yeah Jerome!!!!

    I think we will now need to focus on closing city hall every Friday in the name of energy conservation!

  9. My prediction-

    Teresa will spank Doug Long just like Maggie spanked Jerome.

    Its time to run an effective campaign and remove Dan Dalager.

    Watch, I bet Bob will run again... helping David Meyer and their developer's profits.

  10. I'm so dissappointed, but i guess i should not be surprised.
    I just don't know where the votes came from; the results do not at all reflect the people I've talked to.

    How does this happen?

  11. As your resident "shirink" may I please make a suggestion. Now is not the time to begin bickering amongst ourselves about who is a spoiler. We could begin to make this City as great as we want it to be, no matter who is on the City Council. Look what happened last night. I am 60 years old and NEVER thought I would live to see an African-American become President of our country. So, let us put our colective intelligent heads together and continue to make our community every bit as good as it can be for us and for the next generations to come. Together we can do it.

  12. Obama is mulatto. He really isn't African American, unless they press is using the old definition of one drop of black blood, make one black.

  13. I guess it is my time to leave this blog. If we are going to squabble over whether Obama is African-American or mulato, we are doomed as a City. So good-bye my friends. I will leave you to quarel with one another while thers of us will make an attempt to make a difference in our beautiful community. Hasta!

  14. LOL!!
    Now that the election is over, and after all the pissing and moaning about the incumbants (who were ALL RE-ELECTED??), you want to argue over who is/isn't African-American? Give me a break!! Get a life!! (By the way, the term Mulatto is considered OFFENSIVE to most multi-racial people)

  15. I find the negative remarks about Teresa a little odd. She is humble, intelligent and fiscally responsible. We are lucky to have her.

  16. The press is making a big deal about African American. Obama grew up in a "white" family and went to private school. He didn't grow up in Kenya. One parent was white, one parent was black. The press could have ignored his race or called him bi-racial. Some of the earlier Presidents may have been part American Indian. Many people have American Indian blood in them.

  17. Do we have a bunch of racists in our community? God, I thought we were at least past that. Who is posting this morning. Sounds like a bunch of jerks, except a few.

  18. If you'd asked me a few days ago, I would've told you that the discriminating, right wing soccer heads were on their way out, because I hadn't spoken to ANYONE who was voting Yes on 8 or for Stocks & Bonds. It seems I was the ignorant one, assuming I lived in a progressive, open minded community. I'm thrilled the country has seemingly opened their eyes, but what a shock to find out my little community is so far behind.

    And JP - agreed on Teresa, she is the ONLY council member who has ever bothered to personally answer email questions I've sent their way. And the answer wasn't a political middle of the road response, it was actually her opinion, refreshing for once.

  19. Shannon. With all of the money pouring into the Stocks campaign, he almost had to win. Bond is the old steward and people are afraid. It really is not a surprise, as incumbants usually win. Most people in this City do not pay much attention to local politics. The amazing stroy is Obama. A little passive resistance is in place as I write.

  20. anecdotal evidence and faulty logic:

  21. Shooo, I thought I was going to have to move to Solana Beach!!!

  22. In the end, it was not the folks in Leucadia or the folks who post here who won this election. As always, it's the people in New Encinitas who are pretty steady, conservative Encinitas voters. I believe if we have a fault, it is that we are way too focused on our little corner of the City, and believe everyone will follow our lead. Wrong.

  23. 9:01

    Is "Octaroon" offiensive as well?

  24. Loven It....

    My freind is getting laid of his job he had for 10 years, but not me thanks to our caring City Council.

    Life is great. 14% increase in pay and even bigger pension benefits. I just can't get enough of our current council. Plus I have no threat of ever loosing my job whether I do anything or not. Union work is great.

    Thanks Voters. You made at least my next 4 years a cake walk with a guaranteed full pay pension. I am smiling today and might even try and do something this afternoon, or maybe tomorrow. I will be contributing big time next election.

    Keep up the support, we love it.

  25. Bye Dr. Lorri,
    You can bs with the best of them.

  26. Next thing to watch. The three good 'ol boys - Stocks, Bonds and Dalager will once again conspire and block the leading vote-getter, Maggie Houlihan from the regular mayoral rotation. After a deceitful campaign, preying on voter ignorance through the use of fake Democratic mailers and robocalls, the 3 stooges once again get to play dirty with the best intentions of Encinitas voters

  27. Mayor rotation would let Maggie be mayor and Dalager deputy mayor. The bozos, scratch that, the boys will shut out Teresa.

  28. Maggie Houlihan LAW BREAKER!!!

    What was MH doing breaking the LAW?? She was observed by this poster driving her white truck and TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE!! This is violations of state law!! She should report herself to the sheriffs station and receiver her ticket and PAY THE FINE!!! She is a law breaker!! I am trying to raise my children to respect this nation and the laws of society and what to I find, a soon to be 3 term council person BREAKING THE LAW!!! Do the 10,000+ people that voted for her understand the seriousness of this violation?? Would they have continued to support her and her law breaking ways if they had known this prior to yesterdays election???

    I am saddened beyond words.....

  29. Where is the press when it comes to accountability for these bozo's actions regarding giving city employee's pay and pensions raises along with free health care for life? Evidently the voters are not smart enough to know these jerks are bankrupting the city or at the very least extremely overpaying for what we get. Instead of hating those of conflicting viewpoints lets try to move forward and change what we can to make all of Encinitas a better place. Call someone from the press to investigate city salaries and perks. Or maybe how much they are spending on the 101 improvements, or who is really behind it. Or why they pave Encinitas Blvd but will not fix the gross toilets at Moonlight.
    Lets hope we get out of Iraq soon and never go to war again. Now get a job so you can pay taxes for gov employees to loaf.

  30. 3:37

    Clearly that was a parody right?
    you can't be serious.

    I heard from a traffic court guy one time that the average driver on a ten mile trip will violate over 20 traffic laws on average.

    are we at the low point now where we are going to say maggie should be fined if she does not use her turn signals, or jaywalks across 101?

  31. My assessment of the 2008 election in California?

    Citizens of California gave more rights to chickens than they did to gay couples.


  32. Thank God prop 8 did pass. Same sex marriage is not the same as traditional marriage and lets call it what it is. Gay marriage. The rights are still there, but it is not the same since the beginning of time. Try to look at it as the majority of people in the US see it. Speaking for myself and many others there is no hate on my side and I hope it is reciprocal. If it is not addressed pretty soon there will be plural marriage and after that it will be: "marry your dog". Or cat or horse.

    All prop 2 did is cause California to stop raising some of the best farm animals with the best safety regulations and now it will be trucked in from Mexico and Arkansas. Prop 2 does not apply there and we will be subject to salmonella and a host of other bacteria/diseases, let alone conditions much worse to animals than what we have now. If voters in Calif or anywhere else did their research before voting the results would be much better for our country.

    If there is one good thing, we will be out of Iraq come 1-21-09 or soon after.

  33. Your assessment is funny-

    I like to see where you live. Where your gay couples live in coupes and get let out to stretch their legs. When the dikes get fat enough they get their heads cut off and ground up into chuck.

    Funny. I didn't know gay people were treated like that. My, My. I better tell my gay friends to get back in the closet.

    What’s even funnier is my lesbian friends think prop 8 thing is a joke and just the gay community taunting the churches. They told me they voted yes on 8.

    My assessment is there are much more important thing to address in the country than whether gays can get a marriage certificate in our State. I personally could give a shit either way.

    I almost wish they would outlaw all marriages. Than my taxes would go down.

  34. Speaking of a gay chicken....

  35. I have some gay friends that have adopted three kids...all abandoned and abused by hetrosexual parents. Can we get past the gay bashing and look to loving committed people who choose to create happy families?

  36. I think I will join Dr. L and anon. and leave this blpg as well. The hate and homophobia is to much for me. Thanks for everything J.P. I am sure the radicals will stay. I hope you all get what you want. Right now I don't know what that it but I don't like the shit that is being posted. It has been a good ride but all things have a natural ending. Maybe this is the beginning of the end of any kind of cooperation in communties.So have fun hate mogers.

  37. thank god... the blog keeps getting better and better!

    If this is an indication, better times ahead.

  38. I don't like what is happening on this blog. Cardiff and Leucadia are natural allies. If the Cardiff people leave, who will help us Leucadians when it comes to gettig things done? Face it folks, they have more money and more clout. We couldn't even get Rachelle on the Council and they got Teresa. And don't blame Bob. He doesn't live in Cardiff. Is it Jerome and his buds at work to divide us? Looks like they are the big winners.

  39. 8:18-

    Sure. It has nothing to do with prop 8. Sounds good, lets move on.

    By the way, I am raising some pups that were from abusive dog families. What comes goes around comes around.

  40. this blog has no effect on elections. its just a place were informed people chat.

    The massive don't have a clue and are just guided by soundbites they receive in the mail. Hence the incumbants are always relected. Shame.

    I for one will not miss Cardiffian. that title has been used by a hundred people including the soccer nazis. Cardiff and Leucadia will always be together. We have the same interests. Getting rid of Jerome Stocks and the other two losers.

  41. Anon 8:46-Don't be too sure about Cardiff and Leucadia staying together. I know who Cardiffian is and we all know who Dr. Lorri is. Both live in Cardiff. Not that they are powerful, but Dr. L is a Parks and Rec. Commissioner and I for one hate to see her leave. I know she has left before, but I also know her, and she is thinking about running for Coucnil and just might reign herself in and not do anything for us. We coulnd't get Rachelle elected rememeber. The New Encinitas blog gives a lot of people another outlet besides this one.

  42. Stocks, Bond and Long relied on voter ignorance in this election. Check out the campaign financing statements in the following link

    Notice that nearly ALL OF Stocks contributors are businesses - very few individuals. Contrast that with Houlihan, Collier, Nanninga - even with Bond. It's striking. Now you know why Stocks has all the large signs and mailers. Also in that same link, you can see the payments that Stocks, Bond and Long made to the companies which sent out the deceptive mailer - posing as something from the Democratic party, with connections to the actual sponsors - Stocks, Bond and Long, only in the smallest print.

    They cynically assume that people won't read the fine print, and that even if they do, they can still fool enough people to make the expenditure worthwhile. Again, cynically preying on the ignorant and uninformed. You shouldn't have to turn on a bullshit filter to figure how to vote.

    Rather than trusting Encinitans to make up their minds based on the issues, Stocks, Bond and Long trusted that they could fool enough people to steal another term in office.

    And it won't change until we wake up and call them on it.

  43. Actually, the 2010 election should provide lots of fireworks. We'll have Doug Long vs. his old buddy Danny with a few other interesting twists thrown in.

  44. Anon 10:15

    Don't blame Stocks and Bond for their tactics, it was still the "ignorant and uninformed" that elected them. If blame is to be placed, the voters are where to place it, Stocks and Bond did not "steal" this election, people voted for them.

  45. Perhaps "steal" was the wrong verb, and certainly "ignorant and uninformed" were not the best adjectives to use. However, when your intent is to intentionally deceive for personal gain, such as was the case in the distribution of a fake Democratic mailer endorsing Obama, Stocks, Bond and Long in the same breath, I would say you are at least guilty of perpetrating a fraud on the voters. Are the voters then entirely to blame because they can't or don't bother to see through it? I don't think we should be required to examine political mailers with a magnifying glass to determine whether their intent is forthright.

  46. Well one things for sure, Rachelle got spanked by voters by showing herself as a LIAR in the home stretch. In the morning she was against needle exchange, in the afternoon she was for it.

  47. To Saul,
    Uniformed, illiterate white people that can't read the fine print or possible can't read elected Stocks and Bond. Oh well, I hope you and the electorate get everything that you deserve. After all Stocks and Bond were voted in.

  48. Thanks for the goofy rebuttal; please don't confuse me with the facts I've already made up my mind. Your the same type of person who backed Nixon until the end. Voters don't back ADMITTED liars.

    It will get even better when her criminal endorser Houlihan gets hit with a huge fine from the FPPC for leaving her forms blank. Another "wow is me" press conferance won't do it this time. She can run but she can't hide.

  49. So by your logic, the better strategy is to lie and NOT admit it right? That's exactly what Stocks, Bond and Long did.

    Do you really think needle exchange is a high priority issue in our city? Come on.

  50. Looks like Saul is in bed with Mr. Oiler. Are you top or bottom?


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