Monday, November 03, 2008

Will Your Vote Count?



  1. Yessiree! Nanniga's got my vote!
    Skiljin and Page for Encinitas Union School District Board!!

  2. Vote NO on A! (Fire Tax)
    Vote NO on K! (Sand Tax)

    --already voted for you, Bob.

  3. Save Pacific View! Vote Mo Muir for Encinitas Union School District - The ONLY candidate on record to save the school lot from developers...

    I do agree, we all need to support Nanninga!

  4. Vote for Carol Skiljan and Mary Page for Encinitas School Board. Both are committed to providing the best education for our kids. They have extensive experience with our local public schools.

  5. What a crap shoot voting in this election from prez to city council. I just pray those elected act wisely and think of us all before making any and all decisions. Spend our taxes like we would spend our own money, not like it grows on trees.
    May the prez keep peace in the world as best he can, and start to clean up the mess we're in. May no more soldiers die in foreign lands for big oil. May the Congress that voted for the bailout be voted out and big business go to jail for their evil deeds. Maybe those with so much hate in them lighten up a bit and see those with opposing viewpoints have strong convictions too. Above all pray for peace and a stop to all the death and destruction in the world.

  6. Vote YES for Skiljan and Page for the Encinitas School Board! They are for the students, parents and teachers- not just the Pacific View project. Skiljan and Page support what's best for ALL our students!

  7. I voted for real solutions not more of the same.

    I voted for Ron Paul for Pres.

  8. Whatever you do - don't vote for Mo Muir - she is endorsed by Jerome Stocks of all people.

    And lets vote out Billbray while we are at it. He doesn't even live in our district!!!!

    Go Maggie and Rachel!

  9. Mo Muir wants Pacific View to be a park. Does any other school board member want that? I think they have done everything that they can do get around the Naylor Act. I would suggest rethinking your position on Mo. But, I agree about Bilbray. He hasn't even felt the necessity to speak to his constiuancy. That seems a bit too arrogant for me. I'm voting for Nick.

  10. Dr, Lorri, A school board member's job is to develop education policies, not to be a land use planner. Vote for Skiljan and Page.

  11. Vital to get Stocks, Bilbray, Bond out! Collier and Houlihan are a must. Bob has the right political views.

    Vote No on Proposition Hate (8)
    Vote No on Proposition (4)

  12. A school board member is also supposed to set an example to our children IMHO. Attempting to get around the Naylor Act does not set a very good example. VOTE Mo Muir for change and integrity.

  13. A no vote on "Mo" Muir. She was an advocate for the charter school that bombed. Taking money and facilities away from the other schools in the district to create an elitist charter school doesn't improve or help to improve the other schools in the district.
    No on "Mo" Muir.

  14. Anonymous, if you are so set on not seeing Mo on the school board, why don't you post your real name? That seems strange to me. If I want a candidate to win, I have no problem posting my name. Secondly, Mo Muir was not on the Board of the Charter School you are referring to. A lot of people wanted that school, so how do we know that the other school board candidates did not want it as well? Should we take an anonymous person's word for it? Be brave. Post your name if you really want your people to win. It lends credibility to your cause.

  15. Oh, sorry, I forgot to post my name. It is Dr. Lorri here.

  16. Vote for Skiljan and Page. They support public education for all our Encinitas children. They won't waste money on charter schools for kids from surrounding communities. Our tax dollars must pay for our Encinitas kids. Skiljan and Page know our schools and their needs. Vote for Skiljan and Page.

  17. Vote Mo for School Board!

    GO MO...

  18. Both Presidential Candidates (Obama and McCain) support Chapter Schools. That doesn't mean their against public schools.

    We should expect more from our school system...

  19. Mo Muir is the real deal!

    Vote for Mo for Encinitas School Board.

  20. Brandenburg and Nanniga got my vote. I refused to vote for The dinosaur, the sleaze ball, the (ex)stoner, and the Ronald McDonald impersonator.


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!