Sunday, November 09, 2008

Local hipster couple lives off $1 a day food budget for 30 days

International Herald Tribune story: The challenges of eating right on a limited budget

How much does it really cost to eat a healthy diet? Economists, health researchers and consumers are struggling to answer that question as food prices rise and the economy slumps. The World Bank says nearly a billion people around the world live on a dollar a day, or even less; in the United States, the daily food-stamp allowance is typically just a few dollars per person, while the average American eats $7 worth of food per day.

Even middle-class people struggle to put healthful food on the table. Studies show that junk foods tend to cost less than fruits, vegetables and other healthful foods, whose prices continue to rise.

This fall a couple in Encinitas, California, conducted their own experiment to find out what it was like to live for a month on just a dollar a day for food. Overnight, their diets changed significantly.

The budget forced them to give up many store-bought foods and dinners out. Even bread and canned refried beans were too expensive.

Instead, the couple - Christopher Greenslate, 28, and Kerri Leonard, 29, both high school social studies teachers - bought raw beans, rice, cornmeal and oatmeal in bulk, and made their own bread and tortillas.

One Dollar Diet Project blog

See also: Boing Boing, The New President's Plans for Food Policy?


  1. All right, I'll bite...are they still alive? And, is that $1 a day each or 50 cents each? And, does that include the cost of gas to drive to the grocery?

  2. Bugs and insects are free. Don't be eyeing Rover.

  3. they're alive; one of them's a teacher at my school (SDA). they're also vegans, and maintained their veganism throughout the experiment.

  4. Looks like a diet that a lot of people here in the usa could go on.

  5. under our new federal administration we all had better learn to grow our own food. To bad we don't much game to hunt. Look back to the food lines and rationing during the great depression. We could be heading for the same. So these people are smart. publish a book make a fortune so you don't have to eat on a dollar a day.

  6. Aren't you the same guy who said gas was going to be $8 a gallon by now?

  7. gas will seem like $8/ gallon when your making %5 per day.

  8. It's ridiculous for them to say they couldn't afford to buy fresh fruit. The guy has an I-phone in the Fox News interview. Um...that's money that you could use to buy food instead of "looking cool"

  9. I think its great that you did something that most people only have an idea how hard it truly is for many people in the world that have no other choice to live, now you have the experience. So many people complain about our government, and yes they do have a right to and should do so, in order to want change but are we not already more blessed than most? Where we have more opportunities that our offered to families in poverty than what is offered in other countries. So, I would encourage everyone to give a little to the food aid programs that you see fit. Namaste

  10. Obviously if they have an iphone, they have more than a dollar a day to spend on food. This was a lifestyle challenge, not something they were forced to do on a budget. They probably also had food in their homes, but didn't consume that during the project.

  11. I can do one better than than they did. I can live without ANY food! I will be happy to prove it to any journalist and photographer who would like to see me live without food for a month! I am not referring to fasting or any gimmicks whatsoever. I can live without food for an entire month!


  12. If any journalist would like to see me live without food for an entire month, he or she may contact me at my address;

    marquezana30 at yahoo dot com

    I am for real and this is no joke.

  13. I think what they did is awesome. One it proves you can back when you need to. Also, it shows a flaw in our system where unhealthy foods are ceaper than the healthier chopices. No wonder obesity is a problem in our country. For those commenting on Christpher's iPhone, it wasn't cause they couldn't afford food this is an experiment.

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