Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Leucadia Liquor Sign

Leucadia Liquor Sign, originally uploaded by signolicious.

How Do You Hold Your Liquor?, originally uploaded by Jennerator.

Leucadia Liquor, originally uploaded by Roadsidepictures.


  1. Liquor in the front.

    Poker in the rear.

  2. When I think of Leucadia, I think of that sign and how it makes me feel funky.

  3. Mid-century creativity. When I was a kid, the sign looked even better. It had orange Googie fonts with black edges on aqua backgrounds that lit up in color. (More like a whimsical Bowling Alley sign). Word was after we became a city, they asked the owner to take the sign down. He said no way. Cool.

    I hope they don't mess with that sign for the streetscape, making us have cookie cutter mall signs here. The city sure took a lot of their parking away with the temporary sidewalks. Albeit just north of there at Chappee's and La Especial the parking and pedestrian areas are way better.

    But that's another story...

    Perhaps code enforcement should be kept abreast about poker in the rear though.

  4. Hey Fred-

    I love the sign too….The only effect the streetscape would have on the sign is it would slow people down driving a bit so they could enjoy our stretch of coast highway and people would be out more on bikes and walking enjoying our cool local shops like Caldwell Antiques. The streetscape looks to improve the slow vehicle speeds down, re-establish our canopy, create safe walkways for pedestrians, create safe bikelanes and add parking while enhancing the uniqueness of our Funky Leucadia. Its all good!

    You should go see the drawings at L101 office and go talk to some of their folks. I bet you’d love the streetscape plans.

    If your worried about the future development about buildings andsigns, I hope you get involved in the future update to the City General Plan, that’s were issues such as signage and density will be determined.

    I am fine with higher mixed use on El Camino Real, but feel 3 stories on Vulcan is to high for the beach. Hwy 101 is lower than Vulcan Avenue. 3 Stories on Vulcan will tower over Hwy101 and with the state density bonus laws will create a cramped crap zone next to the railroad.

    How is that new 3 story building with no parking working out for you? Have any sold?

  5. what's the big deal of poker in the back? They are probably Indians and that is okay in California.

  6. Poker sounds somewhat prejudice in this day and age.

    I like to tell the joke like,

    "Poker, or as the happy people call it, Pokhim in the rear."

    I don't want to offend anyone you know. People don't quite get it at first. But it makes me feel better to be completely PC when telling jokes.

    Anything is legal and welcome in CA. As I always say, try it you may like it.

  7. Oh I see!

    I see we have spent $570,000,000,000 on the Iraq war.

    Was that money was well spent?

    4,000 Americans killed, it made a bunch of cheneys freinds rich, made America more hated throughout the world, and did nothing for securing our borders.

    A complete sad joke on the American public.

    God be with the fallen and the families of the fallen.

    This country is in trouble.

  8. Word has it that Leucadia Liquor needs a bailout.

  9. 7:33

    I'm pretty much in full agreement with you on your points. Just being cautious. I've participate in and seen the designs of the Streetscape workshops. The latest "and best" of which so far removes both thriving trees in front of my shop. One of them was planted by the city here in 1998 along with another palm in front of Bamboo 2 U. My neighbor's palm gets to stay while mine has a RED dot and is slated for removal. The other tree doing well here is one of the yellow bloom ones like at Roadside Park (given to me by Mary Fleener 2 years ago.)

    You're probably right about future revisions to the General Plan being a bigger boogieman than the streetscape when it comes to grandfathered in signage. But like any change, even when the "fine tuned" Leucadia's Specific Plan, the two men I know who were on that committee said "This is NOT what we had planned as the SPARC committee". Appears as though the Planning Commissioners threw developers some bones when it came time to edit the SPARC's work: 3 stories instead of two; TANDEM parking 2 car garages; 2 handicapped parking spaces that actually encroach on the THIRD parking space promised in drawings; Three story buildings next to one story; and dismally scant parking. And developers are still cutting corners and finding loopholes in the specific plan maximizine every cubic inch. And then the state comes in with SB 1818 and tells every city that if they increase the size of their projects, they may diminish the parking requirements! (Thanks Arnie).

    So let me rephrase my my observation: "I hope the revised General Plan coming soon doesn't obliterate cool things like the LIQUOR sign." Better?

    As much as I think liquor provides a lot of problems through abuse, something makes me like that sign!
    Didn't hear they needed bailing out, but I don't think they're stoked about losing 5 convienient parking places in front of their business. They had landscaped the exterior well before the temp sidewalks arrived, now they have the only large barren planter.

    OK it's raining and there's nobody coming in my shop right now. Sorry for the lengthy post.

    Oh yeah and one more note to answer another question. No, they have not yet sold any of the four 3 bedroom condos, nor 8 busniness they built next to me on an 80' x 50' parcel. It's kind of like that positive affirmation "dance, like no one is watching". They're building like no one is broke.

  10. Speaking of Leucadia Liquor: Does anyone know why they are keeping their own little patch of scorched earth? Why no landscaping at all since the new sidewalks went in? Certainly would seem to be better for business and the neighborhood.
    Its a pretty great business; I'm really happy they are there. Always can count on them for a fair selection of wine; some tasty specials, etc. I enjoy the people working there a lot as well.

    I know they got screwed with their parking when the sidewalks went in; wondering if the absence of any landscaping/just plain dirt is a residual bad feeling and protest.

    Time to move on...

  11. Hopefully the revised plans presented of workshop 3 figured out how to save most of the healthy existing trees. I don’t see it being It that hard to figure out. Where necessary keep it one lane like they have at the intersections. If one lane exists at the intersection its really not needed outside of the intersections. There is no good reason why the trees have to go and Leucadia cannot still have a streetscape which accomplishes all of the objectives determined by the community.

  12. The building's architecture and sign are iconic. It could house a church and still be funky. Even funkier, a church with drive through weddings like LV. Wouldn't that get some paternis officious hog wartus councilmen jess a little upset? Or, install a drive through for beer, jess like in OZ. Nope, not generica enough:(

  13. If city planners and developers want so much to fix the highway with roundabouts and new sidewalks and new trees then the sign must go along with royal liquor and the Leucadian bar and the tweeker motels and every other business or structure they deem unsightly. "Fixing" the highway is first, then "fixing" us is next.

  14. 6:08am- BS. The streetscape is about making the roadway more balanced for the surrounding community. Not an unsafe throughfare for Carlsbad commuters to get from Carlsbad south through Encinitas.

    Although you might want to work on yourself.

    I feel by your comments you would like you would like to see turn more like the tweeker motel and more like Vista.


  16. I love Carlsbad. But I don't love the idea of them forcing us to WIDEN La Costa Ave to 4 lanes (between 101 and 5) because of their developments.

    Some in the city are shouting Hallelujah because now we just reached a happy settlement with them and get to pay HALF for the road "improvements" (i.e. 4 million dollars) on our side of the fence. I don't understand the joy in that.

    I also don't love the idea of keeping 2 lanes south in our Streetscape (again) for the sake of Carlsbad commuters. I don't think Carlsbad would like us to either lower our speed limit or narrow our passageway for them and that's the real reason we're not getting one lane in each direction. Seems it's always about what Carlsbad thinks is best for Carlsbad.

    The people of Carlsbad are great by and large. But their governing forces at the city and some at their police dept. could use a lot of improvement when it comes to being good neighbors.

  17. Opps, try this link for the "settlement" in the lawsuit for widenening La Costa Ave...

  18. The Carlsbad/Encinitas settlement has nothing to do with the people in Carlsbad. It is solely the city council of Carlsbad and the council of Encinitas that will be agreeing. The Encinitas city council, by signing the agreement, can then push more development into Leucadia. If you want the intersection to stay as is, you must go to city hall and tell the council NO.

  19. 7:01

    The La Costa intersection should not stay as it is. But La Costa Ave itself should not be widened to 4 lanes from 101 to 5.

    The intersection at La Costa/101 should be a roundabout (like the Peltz plans show).

    Currently, and form many years, the only possibility for making a U-Turn for northbound 101 travelers is 4 miles north of the La Costa intersection. Another sneaky way Carlsbad keeps revenue headed toward them and forbids tourist to return to Leucadia/Encinitas. Those not familiar with our roads have to make an 8 mile trip to get back to Leucadia because there is no U-turn possible. That sucks.

    A roundabout at La Costa Ave makes U-Turns from all directions easy and is important to our business district. Besides, an Easter Island style tiki would make a nice greeter there.

  20. I agree with Fred. the roundabout at La Costa is an excellent idea and will work much better than the existing crappy signal. That intersection currently sucks. I can't waite until they rebuild that bidge and include some much needed bikelanes and walkways. I would love to walk to the beach with my kids, but can because of the current unsafe conditions.

  21. Tomorrow, if the Council majority approves the Carlsbad agreement, there will be NO roundabout at the 101 and La Costa intersection. What is in the Carlsbad plan, and shown in the Encinitas north Hwy 101 specific plan, is a second left hand turn lane onto La Costa. The agreement leaves no chance of changing the design. That is in one section of the contract where Encinitas agrees that it will actually design and construct the intersection to the "conceptual La Costa Improvement Plan" developed by Carlsbad staff. That is on page 82, section 1.3 of the agreement in the agenda report. Remember, the agreement is a legal binding document. If the ability to change the design isn't in the legal document your area will get what is stated in the document. That is two lanes north with two, instead of the current one, left hand turn lanes onto La Costa. If you want roundabouts, protest before the Council votes on this agreement.


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