Saturday, July 04, 2009


  1. Nice to see that the Kook is so patriotic.

  2. Too bad we can't aim a webcam on the kook.

    Does anyone have an unobstructed view? We could rig a telephoto camera and wake every morning to the latest decoration.

  3. Great idea. Someone must have one.

  4. let me guess he voted republican like the rest of you kooks in cardiff

  5. I have learned to love the Kook.

    where else do you see such humorist classic live art!

    Quote me know, someone someday will make a coffee table book about all the classic get ups of the Kook over the years.

    I always look forward to the next dressing.

  6. Put Dan Dalager up there so we can dress him like he deserves.

  7. The Kook as Uncle Sam. That gives "I want you!" a whole new meaning.

  8. If anyone is a great photographer, it would be fun to begin a collection of all the costumes the Kook has had over the time he/she has been there. J.P. has done an outstanding job so far. Are those your photo's J.P. or does someone send them to you? Please keep them. They will be worth something to the history of this community. Maybe you can post all of them on one post for all to see. That would be fun, at least to me.

  9. Woops. I see that Kevin posted this one. Sorry Kevin. Did you take the picture? It is good.

  10. "I see London
    I see France
    I don't see Fairy Mary's
    Under pants"

  11. 5:48

    How dare you accuse me of being a republican. I am a loud lesbian, police hating, Busby clone. Enough said. My only fault in life is that I don't live in Leucadia. Does anyone want me as a neighbor? Let me know. My current neighbors call the police on me.

  12. naw, yer just another Billbray neo con asshole hater who voted himself a pay raise as soon as he was sworn in.

  13. nobody whining that this is denigrating the patriotic spirit of the 4th and debasing the flag? are we becoming a tolerant community which embraces free expression? can it be....


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