Wednesday, July 15, 2009

El Torito Market, New Paintjob

El Torito Market reviews on


  1. For those interested in term limits:
    I know this is not the topic, but since the idea of term limits has been floating around, I thought I would post this and hopefully not ensure anyone's wrath:) Personally, I think it is a great idea. However, I would like to see two, 4 year terms and no benefits, such as pensions and healthcare after they leave office.
    Last Update: 7/14 6:21 pm
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    SAN DIEGO - The union representing San Diego County employees announced Tuesday a signature-gathering effort for a ballot initiative that would limit members of the Board of Supervisors to two four-year terms.

    The initiative's backers have 180 days to collect the more than 77,000 signatures required to qualify the measure for the June 2010 ballot, according to Melinda Battenberg, with SEIU Local 221.

    "We need new leaders with new ideas to improve the quality of life in San Diego County -- leaders who are not focused on their own issues and benefits," said Sharon-Frances Moore, SEIU Local 221's president.

    In a statement, Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Dianne Jacob dismissed the idea of term limits as ineffective.

    "Term limits reflect the philosophy that voters are too stupid to decide for themselves when to turn an underperforming official out of office," Jacob said. "The hapless and ineffective California Legislature is a prime example of the terrible consequences of term limits."

    No incumbent on the five-member Board of Supervisors has lost a reelection bid in more than a decade

  2. I'd shop there but its not safe to cross Hwy101 from the east. Until its more safe, all my business stops at 7-11 along with our whole neighborhood east of the tracks.

  3. Good post Dr. Lorri!

    I am with you. Term limits are a must. Why won't the town councils get off their ass and start the initiative?

  4. I don't know about the Town Councils, but I bet we citizens could do it too. If there is enough interest, I will check it out further. I wonder if J.P. would do a poll. I'll e-mail him.

  5. JP or Kevin- Start the poll Please !!!!!

  6. I agree. Start the poll. James Bond being re-elected so many times is ridiculous. A large majority of people have NO IDEA what is going on, do no research and some could care less. Instead, they often vote for "cute names", as we saw in the last election. Two terms is enough. New people try harder.

    El Torito is a good place. Nice people.

  7. Interesting that county employees want to impose term limits. Encinitas city employees would help fight term limits. They want the gang of four to keep giving them raises and increase pensions.

  8. El Torito is much cheaper than 7-11 and the meat is fresher. You can put together a pretty good dinner from El Torito meat and Just Peachy vegeys. 7-11 has better beer selection.

  9. Here's some more unrelated comments.
    But Much more interesting.

    Runaway Champ
    Joel Parkinson emphatically wins the Billabong Pro, J-Bay. Damien Hobgood takes second
    By Brendon Thomas
    Managing Editor

    Joel Parkinson has extended his already massive lead in the 2009 World Title race by demolishing the opposition in inconsistent, but perfect J-bay. The win comes 10 years after he first won here as a wildcard.
    In an inconsistent final, so much of the result hinged on a paddle battle that took place in the first few minutes of the heat while there was still no priority.

    As the first and only real set of the final rolled in, Damien Hobgood occupied the inside position, but by the time the best wave of the set had arrived at the “Boneyards” section of the wave, Parko had somehow maneuvered himself to the inside. The wave earned Parko a 9.47 and with not much else on offer for the remainder of the 40 minute final, essentially decided the victor.

    “I don’t want to apologize for what I did,” said Parko about the hassling after being chaired up the beach, “it’s competition.”

    And what a competition it was.

    After yesterday’s wave-fest that many are calling the best day in professional surfing history, the surf on offer this morning may have seemed, by comparison, rather meager. But the truth is, after the early morning devil wind had died and the offshore flow came through, the surf was certifiably going off.

    Although Parko may have left with the spoils, it was Dane Reynolds who was, in my opinion, the standout of the event.

    After getting a 10-point-ride against Jordy Smith on day 2, Dane backed it up with another 10 on his first wave of the next heat. He then backed up that score with a massive tail-waft that netted him the highest combined heat score of the event, a 19.20.

    Reynolds ultimately lost out to Damien Hobgood in a very tight semi final, but his third place finish is still his best to date.

    Earlier in the day, Kelly Slater lost out to Taylor Knox in a wave-starved affair which was aggravated by a strong devil wind causing big ribs in the wave face. The loss was devastating to Slater who was visibly upset when the horn sounded to end his heat. Kelly got so many perfect waves in his round 3 heat yesterday that they should have lasted him until Pipeline. Today, however, he couldn’t buy a set wave and he bowed out with a 9th place finish. The result could easily mean the end of his 10th title challenge.

    Parko’s camp, in the meantime, will be painting J-Bay red after their boy took another giant leap to securing his first world title.

    1. Joel Parkinson
    2. Damien Hobgood
    =3rd. Dane Reynolds, Kai Otton

    2009 ASP Rankings After J-Bay
    1. Joel Parkinson
    2. C.J. Hobgood
    3. Adriano De Souza
    4. Taj Burrow
    5. Damien Hobgood
    8. Kelly Slater
    20. Dane Reynolds

  10. Oh yeah, the food at 7-11 is not fit for Human consumption. It will give you Cancer & make you fat.
    So eat it up Losers.

  11. OK I promise not to get off topic. Nice choice of colors on the new paint job. But one question. Why aren't the pillars painted? With some imagination they could be great, but bare concrete? Maybe they're not done yet.

  12. Be prepared for mandatory vaccinations when our kids return to school this fall.
    Remember the Gulf war syndrome?
    Do some research.

    On July 13, a World Health Organization (WHO) Global Alert headlined, "WHO recommendations on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccinations" suggest that universally mandated ones are coming. It stated that on July 7, the pharmaceutical industry-dominated Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization held an "extraordinary meeting in Geneva to discuss issues and make recommendations related to vaccine for the pandemic (H1N1) 2009."

    There's no pandemic nor until recently a single death anywhere attributable to Swine Flu. Yet WHO said the virus "is considered unstoppable," while admitting little evidence of spread so far, most cases are mild, and many people recover unaided. Nonetheless, all countries will need vaccines and should follow these priorities as initial supplies will be limited:

    -- immunize health care workers "to protect the essential health care infrastructure;" then

    -- pregnant women; children over six months of age "with one of several chronic medical conditions;" healthy young adults aged 15 - 49; healthy children; healthy adults aged 50 - 64; and finally healthy adults aged 65 or older.

    WTO suggested the risks in stating "new technologies are involved in the production of some pandemic vaccines, which have not yet been extensively evaluated for their safety in certain population groups..." As a result, "post-marketing surveillance" and "post-marketing safety and effectiveness studies" are essential so that countries can adjust their vaccination policies.

    WHO "recommendations" are binding on all 194 member countries in case a pandemic emergency is declared under the 2005 International Health Regulations Act and April 2009 WHO pandemic plan.

    It's crucial to understand that these vaccines are experimental, untested, toxic and extremely dangerous to the human immune system. They contain squalene-based adjuvants that cause a host of annoying to life-threatening autoimmune diseases. They must be avoided, even if mandated. It's also known that vaccines don't protect against diseases they're designed to prevent and often cause them. They should be banned but proliferate anyway because they're so profitable, and if globally mandated to the greatest extent ever.

    Get ready because that's precisely what's coming - universal orders to risk toxic vaccine hazards. In the coming weeks, the dominant media globally will get into high gear fear-mongering mode to convince people voluntarily to submit to jeopardizing their health and well-being. It's essential to refuse and be safe and international law absolutely allows it.

  13. Yeah, I love El Torito Market too.
    When you shop there you are supporting a local family. Which means a lot to me.
    Fresh tortillas, great selection of veggies & some salsas you can't get anywhere else.

  14. Who are you calling a loser?

  15. Jon P - What other vaccines would you have us avoid?

  16. Vacines that make people vote for idiots like the three men bozo's on our City Coucnil. Adopt Term limits. Its the best for our City.

  17. vaccines!

  18. Dr. Lorri - all for term limits. Post the process and lets brainstorm.

  19. crap- Bonddi (aka- you know who) stay out of it or we are doomed to fail. If anything be against term limits and we stand a chance.

  20. I wonder if you all know who bbondi is? I won't "out" the person, but it is not who you are probably thinking of. I am running into a roadblock getting the information on term limits. The State of California's website says talk to the Deputy City Clerk, who in our case is Deborah Cervone. However, Ms. Cervone refers me to the State of California website. Nice sidestpping-not! Guess she just wants to kee her job-can't blame her for that I guess. So, if anyone out there knows a way to get the information, please let me know or post it. And about that poll J.P or Kevin- what do you think?

  21. casual observerJuly 16, 2009 9:53 AM

    Dr. Lorri instead of posting off topic comments why don't you and the pension obsessed person email JP and Kevin your guest editorials for the blog?

  22. Its a blog. We can post what we like. Thanks.

  23. I am all for term limits. Tell the City Clerk what the State said and have her provide the proper information or go over her head to the City Manager. If the City stone walls too much, go to the press... It would make a great story. Term Limits would be a great thing for Encinitas.

  24. All things considered, the council has done a pretty good job.
    For now.
    We have funds and are safe.
    Term limits are not the problem.
    What could be occuring with others being elected, outside of Rachel, could be worse.
    Don't you think?
    Who is better than who we have?
    If we had Rachel and one less guy on council, I think we would be OK.

  25. Regarding El Torito Market - I went in there Sunday morning for breakfast makings: a dozen eggs, a pound of bacon, a loaf of bread and a couple oranges. I got out for less than $9. Try that at 7-11.

  26. 11:57- BS. Council has sold out the future of this City. Term Limits are needed.

  27. Dear Kevin: Mia culpa. I hijacked the topic at hand. I do love El Torito Marketplace if that helps any:) However, I still think a poll on this blog would be helpful. Is it difficult to to? Sorry you and J.P. are spread so thin. Perhaps someone else (no, not me) could help with the blog? Just a thought. When I am feeling better (I fell and got a concussion) I will post an e-mail for those interested in term limits. I couldn't answer them now with any clarity or coherency. I know, TMI.

  28. Kevin C-

    Many of us who blog are town council members, founders, or activists.

    We cannot post our name for retaliation measures. I am sure you understand.

    As far as Pension issues go, you know most of the details as they have been posted here throughout many blog.

    Too summarize. In the last ten years, pensions have gone way astray. You know most of the details as they have been posted here throughout many blogs.
    In the last ten years, pensions have gone from 40% of the highest earning year retiring at 65 to 100% of the highest paying year retiring at 55. Maybe not exactly, but pretty dam close. The biggest gains came within the last 2 years.

    Jerome Stocks, a so called republican, lead the charge due to massive support from the employee unions especially the fire department union. He is so far in the union pockets it would get anyone sick that was not in the Encinitas employee union.

    Your actions follow you. And this one will follow Jerry forever. A pure sell out for union support. The Republicans should run his stinky ass Duke ways out of office. Any true Encinitas Citizen will run his ass out of town.

    As far as the rest of Council. Besides Barth, they are Sheppards behind the staff leading the way and also to increasing their own pensions and bankrupting the City.

    What a shame for themselves. What a shame for Encinitas. Self-righteous egomaniacs. What a pathetic pack of self-righteous crap. That’s why term limits are needed. I hope someone emails you with details so we can have a worthy post. If they don’t start with this comment and let’s see what kind of comments follow besides all the staff that read this blog daily.


  30. Just to be clear, since words mean things. The bloggers here are JP and Kevin. The rest of you are commenting, not blogging. When you post a comment, that is not a blog post.

    It is important to use words properly to communicate your ideas with clarity and specificity.

  31. i post my name and don't fear retaliation. I wonder why others do? Maybe I should know so I can be more discreet, if necessary. What can they do to us?. I guess, in my case, they could take me off the Parks and Recreation Commission. I figure that would be their loss. I hope my colleagues of Parks and Rec. would put up a bit of a fight, but who knows?

  32. Dr. Lorri-

    Your last comment was cute. I can guarantee you, you will not be reappointed to the parks and recreation commission. For our good, you better start your run for City Council. With thoughts like the last one, you are going to need all the help you can get.

  33. We will see about my re-appointment. It is next year, so I guess I will take my chances. Running for City Council----hmmmm! Besides, remember I have a concussion right now, so I am excused Jerome:)

  34. I hope you all realize that Dr. Lorri is a shill for the City. She is a friend of Mark Muir's, the firechief and is often seen at his parties. She kisses Jerome's, Dan's and Jim's ass. Don't let her fool you.

  35. anon 659

    I am blogging with my comments.

    blog (blŏg)
    n. A weblog.
    intr.v. blogged, blog·ging, blogs
    To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog.

    You must be Fred no one else is that stupid.

  36. Ouch... someone doesn't like Fred. Don't worry Fred, the rest of us love you.

  37. 10:17

    It wasn't me, Hasbro. I can't even say the word "specificity".

  38. Wow Dr Lorri, for being a shill you sure have some direct sharp comments for the City. What do you say about that. What is your relationship with Mark Muir and do you go to his parties?

    If you can get term limits passed, I would accept you shill and all.

  39. At least we know the cops won't be coming to those parties!

  40. What's a shill? BTW, I just got an e-mail back from the person at the U.T. and he suggested contacting the County Registrar of Voters for more info on the term limits. Will keep all posted, right after I look up what a shill is:)

  41. Doesn't quite fit-sorry ANON.

    Search Results
    Shill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A shill is an associate of a person selling goods or services or a political group, who pretends no association to the seller/group and assumes the air of ...

  42. I guess not answering the questions about the chiefs parties answers the question. Shill plus alittle original ideas. Lets see how she does on the term limits.

    I will stay with the thought, if Doc gets term limits started she has my vote for two terms.

  43. Sorry, I forgot abut the Chief's parties. Yes,I have attended one his parties. It was a library fundraiser. So I guess I am guilty as charged. Hope that helps. Also saw a lot of other interesting folks there that you may know, but I am not going to say who. I will say our City Atty. and our Director of Finance were there together if that helps redeem me at all.

  44. I almost forgot. To dispel further rumors, I am not a candidate for the 2010 City Council, nor will I be. So, I guess that leaves me free to attend anyone's party I want. Have one and invite me. I do love a good party. And the one I went to at Mark Muir's was a good one.

  45. Did you all know that the Pacifico Model back in the 1984 was actually Dr. Lorri. The picture is shown in the last picture on this post.

  46. Keep that to yourself. Oh, I guess it's too late since half the City read this wonderful blog.

  47. I am sorry to hear Dr. Lorri will not be making a run.... she is way more qualified then Mr. Long.

  48. 11:09
    I liked her better in Cool Hand Luke.


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