Monday, July 13, 2009

Two Years Later,


  1. Are you saying this was not a suicide?

  2. Who was that woman? Why isn't the woman's name or statistical profile on the poster? That could maybe jog someone's memory that knew something significant about her. Pretty strange circumstances. Condolenses to friends and family.

  3. Who was that woman? Why isn't the woman's name or statistical profile on the poster? That could maybe jog someone's memory that knew something significant about her. Pretty strange circumstances. Condolenses to friends and family.


  5. Where is the evidence that it was not a suicide?

  6. Her name was Michelle Hennessey.

    Well, if you new her you would know she wouldn't have killed herself. For some people that's good enough.
    My wife was friends with her & from what she told me, I think she was murdered.
    The Conductor said he honked his horn for a long time & she didn't move. She just laid there, on the tracks, didn't even flinch. I believe she was already dead.
    Plus she was on a run with her car key tied to her shoes.
    If you were going to throw yourself in front of the train would you really bother?

  7. bother?
    distraught people do odd things
    sometimes you think you know a person and they turn out to be someone completely different.

    2 years is a long time (evidence wise)

  8. I've seen more then my share of suicides. You can tell if a body has been dead before it was hit by a train. Granted there isn't much left but you can piece it back together. Suicides are often a shock to the entire family. That's why law enforcement takes them so seriously. They want to prevent them from happening .

  9. I knew a woman who fell crossing the tracks and broke her little finger. I wonder if Michelle could have fallen and knocked herself out on the rail? Doesn't sound much like a suicide with the key attached to her ankle though. But then it sounds a little unusual for someone to drive somewhere to take a jog and then have to cross some tracks in a revene like that? There are about 1700 suicides in CA each year though. I've known at least 3 people that did that locally. Two with trains.
    Were there any toxicology or tests for foreign DNA with her? Hope for everyone's sake it wasn't a murder.

  10. this state is cooked!July 13, 2009 8:30 PM

    Check out this great website.

    Our own retired fire chief brings home

    DONALD HEISER $11,785.81 a month or $141,429.72 a year.....

    TALMADGE TUFTS 9,417.39/month or 113,008.68/Year ENCINITAS

    In ten years, the tax payers will pay an additional $1.4 million dollars to Donald. were his parties for Jerome Stock really worth that much money to the public?

    list list will grow five times as long in the next two years. Can we afford all these government millionaire retirees paid for by the tax payer?

  11. Note - These pensions are tied to inflation and will grow by the inflation rate as well. Also, these pensions often include medical supplements to medicare.

  12. Becuase of the pension issue, the hall property and every other project will never get done. Our City Council screwed us with no vaseline.

    City Councilmembers may want to think of moving, because when this gets out to the public you may be run out of town. Council burned all of our money on their own pension increase and have nothing to offer but more debt.

  13. Did you know that all councilpeople except Barth will get free health care for life paid for by us?

  14. why not Barth?

  15. That's a shame. Why are they paid so much?

  16. The reason Teresa will not be paid is that you have to be elected 2 terms before that particular benefit kicks in. This is another reason term limits might be a good idea. No pension if we set it up right.

  17. A woman was killed in our neighborhood. Why are you back talking about city council folks and $.
    Great support, LeucadiaBlog folks.

  18. Maybe no one has any information about the woman who died. I don't.

    Maybe we want to blog about the outrageous pensions and corruption going on at City Hall with almost all the politicians on the dole from the unions and personally benefiting from increasing the pension benefits for all.

    Maybe us taxpayers are fed up with corrupt politicians and City Leaders. Maybe us taxpayers want the rest of the public to wake up and realize their tax dollars are going to union special interests and not for bettering their City.

    Maybe there will be a post on the topic in the future but until than I will blog what I like.

    Maybe you should post something about the dead lady if you feel inclined instead of your senseless whining.

  19. The woman died 2 years ago, and it was most likely a suicide I am sorry to say. I know that those who knew her do not want to believe that, but perhaps you may want to move on and accept it. If there have been no leads by now, there isn't going to be. Making it be magically something else, isn't going to change the fact the she is gone and we are still living and attempting to do the best with our lives by calling out corruption at City hall and the Sheriff.

  20. Term Limits would sure help!

    This should be a major issue in the next election. 2 terms max!

  21. And while we're off the subject of pensions - In Feb 2000, Jane Dorotik's husband went for a jog one afternoon locally. He never came home. Search and rescue found Bob's lifeless body at 4am 4 miles from home. A trauma for the whole family. But 4 days afterward, the cops came. They wanted Jane to come to the station for a lie detector test. Jane agreed to, (but wondered why they singled her out). The cops let Jane's sister Bonnie hop in the back seat for the ride at her request. Jane asked: "Do you guys think I need a lawyer for this lie detector test?" Wrong question. They hand-cuffed Jane, arresting her for the murder of her husband. Why? There were traces of Bob's blood in the bedroom. Her story was that Bob had two bad nose bleeds recently and she'd helped him clean up one of them. But one occured while he slept and he cleaned the matress without telling her. Enter the forensic experts. They made Jane's lawyer believe that "half" of Bob's blood was in the bedroom. Under oath, an expert said that the chemical Luminol can amplify a blood dilution up to 6000 times. But in another case an expert said 105,000 times. At the real dilution, the sq ft of a football field would light up from one drop of diluted blood - the difference between a mere bloody nose and "half" of someone's blood. But Jane's jury never heard that and they found her guilty. Then they said she dressed him, wrapped him up and transported his body 4 miles from home and dumped him 40 ft off of the street. Nevermind 54 yr old Jane had a steel rod in one leg from a car accident that prevented her from lifing much, let alone a 150 lb body. Attorney Kerry Steigerwalt talked Jane into the strategy of blaming her daughter Claire. Kerry's angle was that "we tell Claire to take the 5th on the stand and they'll have to find you innocent!" But when Jane's story was aired on CBS, the narrator said "Against Kerry's wishes Claire took the 5th on the stand" So not true. Apalled at the approach Bonnie and talked to another attorney to take over Janes case before trial. He agreed the strategy was not good. The idea of swithing gears angered Jane. She'd invested 70 k with her council and was not getting a new attorney. She had no criminal history whatsoever, trusted the system to exonerate her. She didn't speak to Bonnie for a week she was so upset. In hindsight she believes she made a big mistake not finding new representation. I was present when finally a last witness was called to the stand who not only saw Bob jogging that afternoon, but had told the police that in an interview the next day. But guess what? Her interview was destroyed, and the investigator appologized on the stand for that. Bringin in TWO seperate defenses like this is not good. (#1 "Killed at home by Claire and then transported 4 miles" or #2 Out on a jog when who knows who killed him. A split strategy like that makes it look as if the defense is grasping for straws. Both cannot be true. But the eye-witness was not alone. there were 4 others who did not take the stand. 2 were missing and after the verdict the judge was asked if they could be found and brought before her. Judge Joan Weber called it a "fishing expedition" and sentenced Jane 25 to life that day. She added "We'll probably never know how many people were involved in this murder"
    Who knows what that implied! Jane's was another wrongful conviction in my opinion. Claire was with Bonnie that whole weekend and had nothing to do with it, and Bonnie wanted to take the stand but they wouldn't let her because it was against the defense's strategy. Bonnnie became chairman of the Inmate Family Council where me and my folks also attend bi-monthly meetings at Chowchilla prison. There are more horror stories about our criminal justice system in San Diego. I hate it when that happens. Still don't know if the lady on the tracks was killed before the train hit her on her jog. It wouldn't surprise me if there were no forensics done though.

  22. Nice cold case. Now how is our City going to survive our corrupt City Politicians and City Leaders siphoning off all of our tax money for their high wages and pensions. With them focused on higher pay and pensions, they will need to raise our debt and taxes to pay for it.

    Besides term limits, I think the City should adopt a policy to cap the employee costs at fifty percent a year.

  23. It was just a matter of time before Fred brought up his relative's case. Get over it she was convicted by a jury of her peers.

    Fred, you are an idiot.

  24. It takes five years to vest in the city's (PERS) retirement system. So any council person has to be reelected once in order to vest. Barth is not vested yet.

  25. Excellent Post by Kevin and the ETA. Check out the link to the left. I wish our City Council was at least half as smart as Kevin C. It would be 10 fold improvement. Until then, at least they should start listen to him. Adopt term limits.

  26. Anon 7:29-

    You are an idiot for calling Fred an Idiot. Idiot!

    Adopt Term Limits Idiots!!!!

  27. 11:50

    You still haven't called me for any proof, Hasbro. Obviously, for whatever bad reason, you'd rather not consider that wrongful convictions occur. Just because someone is "convicted by a jury of peers" doesn't mean perjury, falsified evidence, and outrageous governmental misconduct wasn't used against a citizen to arrive at a conviction.

    Not sure about term limits but it's looking like it might be someone's plan to get rid of Teresa, so for that reason I may be against it. I am sure that recent threads are being hijacked by TL folk, so JP, why not have a special forum just for that? Don't worry, I find a way to work my sister's wrongful conviction into it somehow.

  28. That's really sad Fred, I hate injustice.

    As far as Michelle's death goes, word is the cops ruled out suicide.

  29. ...and sometimes evidence, etc. is all gathered and presented correctly, and the "jury of peers" still wrongly convicts. There have been such cases where subsequently DNA evidence cleared the convicted person, where previous blood type testing, etc. resulted in a conviction. The system may be generally good, but it is not 100% perfect, and anyone who thinks so is simply naive or idiotic.

  30. Fred - Teresa is probably for term limits. There are plenty of smarter Encinitas citizens out there then our current four bozo councilmembers minus Teresa. Term limits have nothing to do with having Teresa move on. Its needed to make sure we are not stuck with the other 4 bozos for the next twenty years.

  31. As far as term limits Fred, I think I was the one who may have been one of the original posters on this. I think Teresa is great, and term limits would not happen before the 2010 election anyway. Hopefully, she will win. However, in the long run, as we know, even some of the most "enlightened" City Council members have gone over to the "dark side" I am sure we all know who some of them may have been, so I won't name names. Please think about it Fred. You are an intelligent man. I think it makes some sense. I also believe that if we do this, we need an elected mayor or it wouldn't work out right as far as rotation.

  32. Fred-

    If we had term limits we would not have Stocks, Bond, or Dalager after next year. We would have Teresa and Rachelle and likely Dr. Lorri. I call that a big improvement. There are plenty more "Teresa's" out there. Term limits keeps the Politicians honest as possible.

  33. Teresa has had one one term anyway. A two term limit would have no effect on her next election. After 8 years in coucnil people should move on and let some other intelligent person take the lead.

  34. and not only did one council person go over to the dark side, she blantantly used all of Collier's supporters to do so. That guy who made the sign on the freeway was right. She IS a whore.

  35. 9:45
    Lucky you no trucks are near your house.

  36. 9:45-

    At least Maggie deals from the heart for what she believes is the best for encinitas. More the can say about the wannabe good citizens of encinitas council members. Most are pure sell outs to special interests.

  37. Frad,

    You think that ticket would be good news? You are a sick man.

  38. It's "Fred", Hasbro. But ya know what? I like Frad better! It doesn't lend itself to "Two by four", "Wet the bed", "Flintstone" or "Freeloader" as easily.

  39. Dealing "from the heart" isn't good enough if you are in politics. You are supposed to use your brain and use information to make a decsision that represents the wishes of the public and greater good. Voting against a sunshine ordinance shows nothing but aggrogance and stupidity, something that Maggie excells at.

  40. Term limits is key!

  41. I'll take a council member with a heart over scarecrow anyday.


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