Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blame Fred


  1. Fred, you have waaaay-too much free time! Please consider running for City Council next time!

  2. The video is hilarious! Only the "cool kids" are getting them, though (I didn't). So who is this Fred guy?

  3. Fred for President! I'm writin' in his name on Tuesday!

  4. JP you are a little pussy bitch of great proportions and if/when I catch you in person I will punch your mustache off.

    Trailer Trash!

  5. Thanks 2:17

    I hope I remember to vote for myself.

  6. A friend of mine works for Northridge Interactive which help put this together! Check out

  7. Fred like most smart Americans that love America would never vote for Obama or McCain. Both democrats and republicans are to blame for our current mess. My money says he will write in vote "Ron Paul" like I did.

  8. Fred,
    You are my hero!!!!

  9. Here in Ca it makes no sense to vote as the state goes to the dems. obama and mccain spend neither their money or time here courting votes as they take the outcome for granted. bush did the same and we got nothing from the feds except a tax bill. Roughly 20% of the usa taxes are paid by ca. We need to vote third party until they pay attention to us as so goes ca so goes the usa. But vote out bonds and stocks and dont vote doug long...

  10. I got one of these too. Yes, good youtube link.

    I'll be voting for Nanninga, Collier and Sheffo. I won't let anyone convince me to throw my vote away.


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