Friday, October 31, 2008

Who RRRRR ya voting for matey?


  1. Houlihan

  2. Collier

  3. Collier

  4. Collihan
    Paul Ron
    and Slamster

  5. Tommy Curren
    Dan Kealoha
    and Greg Noll

  6. Houlihan

  7. Houlihan

  8. I already voted, didn't you?

    Rachelle Collier


    Ron Paul for President

  9. I am not, no never, going to vote for Stocks, Bond or Long.

  10. October 30, 2008
    ENCINITAS – Rachelle Collier, a candidate for Encinitas City Council, called a news conference yesterday to condemn the use of automated phone calls that say she supports lifting a ban on needle-exchange programs – but later admitted the calls were accurate.

    Collier is among nine candidates vying for three seats in Tuesday's election. She has been endorsed by Councilwoman Maggie Houlihan, who is seeking re-election.
    Houlihan and Collier called the news conference at the Encinitas Community and Senior Center on Oakcrest Park Drive to criticize negative campaigning by their opponents.

    At the news conference, Collier said the calls to voters stating that she supported lifting the ban on needle exchange were “a lie.”

    But after the news conference, she said she reviewed a Democratic Party questionnaire that had asked about her position on lifting a federal ban on needle exchanges.

    She had checked the box saying she supports lifting the ban.

    Collier said she had forgotten about the questionnaire and didn't remember taking a public position on the issue. “I don't think it has anything to do with Encinitas,” she said.

    Residents who received the automated calls said they claimed to be conducting a poll, but the only question was about Collier. The message did not disclose who paid for the call.

    –Tanya Mannes

  11. Brandenberg is playing both sides.
    He has teamed with Stocks and Bond too.

  12. anybody teaming with Stock and bond does will not get my vote.

  13. Why not Bob?

    He is a man of "Vision" I know this because I saw it on his posters with his green head.

    No other candidate claimed to have vision, so Bob must is the only one with Vision. That's good right?

    To verify Bob's self describing himself as a man of Vison, with that profound slightly uptilted green head....

    I proclaim Bob as a Visionary! There now one other person has said it so it is true.

    Vision most often refers to visual perception, but may refer to vision (spirituality) (i.e., inspirational experiences or perceptions believed to come from a deity or other supernatural source) or hallucinations.

    Well the last word explains it all!

    I like humble people who promise to serve the public and listen to what they have to say, I hope this vision does not get in the way.

    What an ego.


    and thats it.

  14. Jerome should wear an eye patch. It looks good on him.

  15. Houlihan

    and thats it,too.

  16. I'm voting for the ONLY true environmentalist - BOB NANNIGA


  17. Nanniga

  18. Go BOB! You have our vote...

    Leucadia LOVE Nanniga!

  19. The last four pro Bob post all within 4 minuts of each other.

    the Bob machine hard at work!

  20. Houlihan

  21. ...ay, matey, 'tis been a dismal 'lection year. All these political signages look a wee bit like a school of smelt strugglin' in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
    Then there's them the curse of Blackbeard they are, anna a royal pain in th' arse! I canna even do me private-like-dainty "business" without the ringin' inneruptin' me! I tell ya mate, all we really need is food, water, a warm cabin, and nip now and then, and we'll be all right. Ah, but there's th' rub...always some other guys who gotta make a bag o' gold, and they get it from you, matey, oh yes they do. Then them others, they get people fightin' 'mongst themselevs, that's what they want, don't ye know, and behind closed doors they hatch a plan to make even more money offa ye backs. Those are politicians, me good friend. So we gotta ask thee Imperial question, eh? Do we want the same ol' bilgewater, or do we want a new off shore wind with some new faces? Some o' those citizens we call leaders!

    I think maybe 'tis a long walk on a short plank for them two gentlemen incumbents, and if I were in spittin' distance of that Old Man Eiler, (and his associates), he'd be tastin' th' tip of me loverly lash, I kin tell ye that!


  22. OK, so Collier got her facts mixed up. Have any of you ever run a campaign? There's a million things to do-EVERYday. At least she double checked and was honest enough to inform the reporter of her mistake. At least she didn't break the law, Federal law, I might add, unlike Harry Eiler whose message didn't disclose who'd paid for the robocall.

  23. Actually Team Nanninga was at the Coaster Station this morning when those posts were contributed to the blog.

  24. Flip/Flopping Rachelle - does she or doesn't she? She doesn't know.

    What would she do if she were to win a seat on the council; carry her own version of Cliff notes? Would that be available BEFORE the election so we can figure out what the lies are and what the truth is?

    She has demonstrated TWICE that she can't tell the truth. She "can't remember" how she feels about plastic bags or that she supports a needle exchange program. How much time would she have to "refresh" her memory before she votes on critical issues?

    We need clarity and honesty in a council member. We do not need someone who can't remember what she says or, perhaps, more accurately, what she's been told to say by an incumbent candidate whom she mirrors on every issue.

    We need people who think for themselves and aren't afraid to tell the truth.

  25. Pffff - those that meet Rachelle, know that she is honest and has integrity.

    Those that meet Jerome know to hold on to their wallets because its like talking to a Tijuana used car salesman or a insurance salesmen. Pure BS and no integrity.

    James Bond is a proven liar…..”I am not running next election”

    Boy I am glad I don’t depend on him for anything.

  26. that I already voted


    And "NO" on Prop K too.
    The Sand Tax was shot down in June.
    Vote for democracy.
    Lets respect the will of the people.

  27. . . . even if Jerome and Aceti don't.

  28. To, "Have any of you ever run a campaign?"

    If you can't run a campaign should you be running the city?


    It is disconcerting when a public official resorts to ad hominem attacks denigrating any citizen's right to question their honesty and integrity for cause. It is worse when such maligning is open to misinterpretation.
    A quick read of a recent news article might lead one to believe that I was somehow involved with phone calls targeting Rachelle Collier on her position regarding 'needle exchange' - a
    stance which she at first said, "It's a lie!", then later admitted is "true". Succinctly, I had nothing to do with this call ... but such a straight forward denial will not content those who do not want to
    believe and prefer to shout nasty names without cause.
    As for Houlihan's problems, it seems pretty suspicious that with the missing records, someone was trying to sweep something under the rug about the $1000 payment she orchestrated for her husband .... and hopefully FPPC will find it despite City Hall's attempt not to leave a paper trail.
    I wager that Maggie will be found criminally guilty by FPPC on a number of the obvious and more serious of 99 alleged violations and assessed considerable fines.
    For copies of the two complaints, please refer to

    and thanks for all your friendly comments ..
    Harry Eiler

  30. I'm really optimistic for some reason. Let get away from the old Stocks and Bonds. I'm for term limits anyway. Let's vote for some change this year. I've listened pretty hard to the forums, read everything I could, listened to opinions and commentary.
    I'm voting for Leucadia; marking my ballot for Collier, Nanniga, and Houlihan.
    Please encourage your neighbors to get out and vote!

  31. I am just amazed that you are all willing to make a position on the environment more important to a local voter than honesty and integrity.

    In the Hondo stroy of the bicycle trip to save the starving cat, is anyone claiming that it was Ian on the bike in the triathlon?

    Mrs. Hoilihan went missing as one of the three athletes and destroyrd the event, NOT Ian.

    And this news just in; as nice a man as Ian is, he is NOT an athlete and the Japanese did not give hima $1000 to pay his expenses as an athlete. He was given the money after Houlian cried to the hosts.

    But, of course, this will all come out AFTER the election.

  32. Harry,
    You make a good point about Rachelle being full of shit. She does not have her act together.

    You suck and you blame Maggie for shutting down your lectures. You were dumped because Jerome knew he would be able to manipulate you and use you. You have been used.

    You throw around your evidence for Maggie's campaign disclosure problems but you have ZERO evidence that Maggie cut off your lectures. You are a dick.

  33. Bob is just a little too weird to be work for us at the city. As I read somewhere in this blog a while back we need the smartest and shrewdest to watch our tax dollars. With what we have to choose from we definetly need term limits, like maybe one month.

    With 260 million people in the US its sad that these jerks are our only choice for president. Maybe Ron Paul with a third party.

  34. There are too many running for seats this election which favors the those already in. They could win with just 30% of the vote. You should not be able to hold office without 50% plus one vote.


  35. The negative posts sound like Jerome and a friend. The mailers in todays mail are more from Jerome. On the Republican made up one he is listed as the republican choice( asterick by his name because he helped pay for the deceptive brochure). Then on the Independent Voters Guide he is again listed and of course his name is on the Democratic voters guide put out by himself, Long and Bond and I think yes on 8 helped pay for the phony Republican one . Say no to Stocks and Bond and don't go Long.

  36. Two questions for Mr. Harry Eiler (aka Henry Eiler)

    #1. You said: "I wager that Maggie will be found criminally guilty by FPPC on a number of the obvious and more serious of 99 alleged violations and assessed considerable fines."

    How much or little would you like to wager? I and others might want some of that action.

    #2. Is your real name "Harry" (as you sign here for us on this blog) or is it "Henry" as you sign your complaints to the District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis?

  37. wtf is Dan Kealoha?
    Dane's cousin?

    p.s. incumbents will win, too many challengers

  38. Some challengers are on the ballot to split votes off of the serious challengers.

    There are other voting systems that reduce the benefit of having plants placed on the ballot.

    Here is an example of one alternative system

  39. VOTING RECOMMENDATIONS for voters who live east of Quail Gardens Drive.


    Tough town to lead in. Beirut by the Beach.

    So clean, so beautiful. So strong in its convictions.

    Who to vote for City Council?

    Three seats?

    Currently Encinitas has the 5th best credit rating in the State, a new panoramic library second to none, a thriving downtown; a modern Sheriff's substation; Moonlight Beach...a 20% cash reserve savings-account AND has not taken a hit in the City investments; (Thanks, Lembeck) their opponents may fume, but James Bond and Jerome Stocks have shaped a 21rst century City that outshines any other beach city this side of Santa Cruz, hands-down; without argument. The reason the City is in such good shape is because of Bond and Stocks banking every possible penny when possible, and stringently following an infrastructure repair plan. The streets are clean, the ocean clean from our pollution and downtown and el camino real retailers continue chiming in sales-tax growth that funds our revitalizing campaign for infrastructure and keeps our taxes low.

    Maggie Houlihan has had 96 violations with the State of California Fair Political Practices Committee that have gone unanswered for nearly three years. Recently it became 97 counts with the open-secret revelation about an envelope of unreported cash money secreted from Hondo, Japan our Sister City, a faraway place where Houlihan is already responsible for having created several legendary personal social gaffes.

    Taking money/meals and gifts without legally recording it; anybody see a pattern develop? It is eight years long.

    And let us face it; the embarrassing truth is that she is embarrassing. Decidedly so. It is impolite to say so, we know.

    As Logan Jenkins said, ”What is it she does to these poor men that sets them emotionally on fire?

    The answer is simple; Houlihan flagrantly flouts the laws and regulations and social mores then she gets away with it. She gets away with it; over and over and over and over.
    And she does it because she apparently doesn’t recognize the laws, regulations and social customs of the people she represents. And when someone attempts to make her take responsibility for her actions.

    They fail.

    She gets away with it.

    Every time.

    No matter what charges are brought to light about her gauche behavior, Houlihan’s perennial victim-hood defense is the same. Successful. So, you law-abiding citizens out there, might as well stop trying.


    Now, onto recommending whom we believe should get your third vote for Encinitas City Council after Bond and Stocks.

    Bob Nanninga has proven himself to be the true Environmentalist, a relentless advocate, a creative thinker who would most likely bring much-needed humor and spice to replace the stridency currently up on the council Wednesday after Wednesday.

    Bond and Stocks deserve re-election and Nanninga election. Unlike Houlihan, Nanninga has proven he can work with all of the incumbents and perhaps be a bridge to Councilwoman Barth; but let’s not hope for too much! Barth repeatedly tried to force Bob out of the race this summer so her hand-picked candidate, Collier, would have an easier path to reelection. Guess the transparency rubbed off. Hence, the confession.

    Of the other possible third votes for City Council; Harriet Seldin showed smarts and has State and County connections for fundraising for the City; if you must vote by gender, Harriet's skill-set and humor deems her up to it and more!

    Anthony Brandenburg never took the time to learn or speak to the current issues, as garrulous and learned and accomplished as he is, maybe next election cycle when he gets his bearings.

    Joe Sheffo’s admirable skills in the public venue are only outweighed by a near complete lack of experience. If you need Batman, do you settle for Robin? No. Next.

    Rachelle Collier's press-misleading meltdown in the past few days, knowingly misleading smart reporters in the dailies about the needle exchange phone calls that rang throughout the City last weekend, to give Houlihan an excuse for a public-forum to place improper blame for calls against political opponents that were finally and regretfully admitted to be accurate by Collier. Lying essentially pulls the plug on Rachelle, who is not as brash as Houlihan and admirably admitted her missteps. But, actions have consequences

    P.S. to New Encinitas:
    Look for a flyer tomorrow morning to be under your Sunday newspaper, left there by the candidate’s that would be very real threats to private-property rights.

  40. VOTING RECOMMENDATIONS for residents who live east of Quail Drive:

    As to the financial state of the city, us residents and voters are knee deep in debt and sinking rapidly. The so-called great library is a poorly designed building with the view of the ocean, which is the same view that was there before the 20+ million dollars was spent in construction.

    It is the same 20+ million dollars that was sold as bonds and debt for the taxpayers and property owners to build the poorly designed library. More debt from Jerome Stocks and James Bond.

    The debt on the city hall, 9 million dollars or more, is still being paid by residents and property owners.

    The Hall property was financed with more, more debt and bonds of 23 million dollars. The taxpayers and property owners will be paying another 30 years on that bill.

    And how did Bond and Stocks "balance" the budget? After the defeat of the shady, illegal water tax, the council put a "use charge" on every fund in city government. That "use charge" called the internal cost allocation generates almost 2 million dollars of "income" that is put into the general fund.

    Equate the internal cost allocation to a family that has a budget for food, clothing, gas, housing, etc., with a checking account that is always overdrawn. The check writer of the family decides to put an "internal cost allocation" on each fund, food, clothing, etc. in the form of 1% of the total amount for each fund. That 1% tax charge will go back into the checking account and won't be used for the necessities. However, the checking account will look a lot fatter with more money in it and the cash flow will look better.

    In the city's case, all the city accounts are charged the internal cost allocation. For those accounts that receive revenue, money, from other sources, such as the fee on lighting and landscape, the water district and the sewer districts, this additional charge is new money in the general fund coffers. Stocks and Bond didn't let you the taxpayers and property owners to vote on the new charges.

    Shame on James Bond, Jerome Stocks.

  41. anon 11:23

    Hi Mike Andreen

    Like your piks but poor Bob will be an also ran mid to lower in the pack.

  42. Not in the financial sense.

    But like the rv in the post after this one, or the Logan Jenkins piece today, or most of the dialog about who to elect, Bob is not part of it.

    That's too bad. but I agree, it puts him as an also ran....again....for the third time.

    He is a tool of the chamber, of his friends David Meyers and the like, to do what Bob does best.

    Siphon just enough votes off of other candidates to keep the boys on council.

    it's a pattern and Bob buys into it to feed his need for the spotlight.

  43. I'm voting ONLY for Nanniga!

    A vote for Bob is a vote for our community and environment.

    Let's send a message on Nov 4th!

  44. Tell me Bob has no affiliation with David Meyer, please!

  45. Bob has no affilation with David Meyer.

    Do I know him? Yes. Did he work on my campaign? No. Do I consider him a friend? Yes. I also consider Maggie Houlihan a friend. Their fight does not involve me.

    I learned years ago villifying folks you disagree with is not condusive to achieving common ground and the common good.

    As an environmentalist I advocate for wise growth and ecological restraint to all who will listen, including developers.

  46. I think friend and fellow clown conspiritor (Bob reccomended to David Meyer an employee of his to play the role of the clown stalking Maggie) qualifies as an affiliation.

    Thats Bob, friend to all in print, but wanting to take everyone down anytime he talks.

    I am sure he and David never talk politics.

  47. Nanninga for Encinitas has run a clean and green, issue oriented campaign.

    My affiliatians include DEMA, Encinitas Chamber of Commerce, the Screen Actors Guild, Fullmoon Poets, Class Act, the Green Party , the Sierra Club, League of Conservation voters, The Iris Forum and San Diego Earthworks.

    I talk politics with everyone, as an opinion editorialist it's part of my job description. As a cafe owner I talk to anyone who comes in for coffee because it is good for business. As a City Council Candidate, a gregarious nature is an asset. So too is an ability work with others that you might not agree with.

    Being friendly with others regardless of their political orientation is called civility.


  48. The boys are doing the sand dance in public again.

  49. Bob, why would you still count Meyers as a friend after he used your connections to make an ass of himself and you? What is he bringing to the great round table of friendship at this point? Certainly not his impecable judgment.

  50. Nanninga for Encinitas has run a lean, clean, and green race. Sticking to the high road we avoided the mud slinging of those lacking vision and a clear message.

    As to the Meyers question?

    Notice how no negative hit pieces, mailers, or robo calls were directed at me or my campaign.

    Being friendly keeps me out of the line of fire. Running an independent campaign shielded me from the us against them gothca games.

    How is that for impeccable judgement? Besides, Meyers isn't running for one of three seats on the City Council, I am.

    Thank you for voting, and please know as a seasoned environmental activist I will always put ecological sustainability and Encinitas quality of life issues first.

  51. Nanninga is open honest and totally cool.

    Vote Bob!

  52. Brandenburg and Nanniga got my vote. Nanniga earned my vote simply by being a kooky Leucadian. I always have enjoyed the company of interesting people, most of them I've known since I was young, many from both Cardiff and Leucadia. It seems like some people fault Brandenburg for being widely supported. Yes, he is supported by the sherrif's union, and yes they put him on their signs along with Slick J and the Puff Dogg, but he ran alone. He was also endorsed (along with others) by the wandering R.V. people, who are concerned citizens just like the rest of us, right? "It is still we the people, right?"

  53. Is Mike Andreen in here? I thought that smell was something I might have stepped in out in the yard.

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