Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mira Costa College: Meet the ENC Candidates

MiraCosta (San Elijo campus in Cardiff) is hosting a Meet the Candidates forum on Tuesday, 10/28 from 7pm-9pm. This is the last scheduled candidate forum so you should totally go.


  1. I met the candidates at the Leucadia Town Council forum, I was not impressed by any of them . Least of all Stocks, Bonds and Houlican!!

    I'll take my chances with Collier, Sheffo, and Seldin.

  2. I know the SD Union Tribune endorsed Rachelle Collier, Stocks and Seldin, but I'm sorry, I have never seen Ms. Seldin at any city council meetings, no streetscape meetings, no goal setting meetings nor any planning or park and rec meetings, and believe me, I've been to all of 'em. Maybe if Seldin reads this, she could offer a correction. I'd be happy to be wrong about this!

    However, when you consider that Collier has been logging in almost a meeting a week for over 10 years, (not to mention her involvement with the Leucadia Town CoUncil and Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association),I think the choice is clear, and obvious that Collier deserves a chance to be elected to the city council.

  3. Anon 3:02

    I couldn't agree more, it's time.

  4. Collier and Nanninga are the best bet for Leucadia.

  5. Earlier discussions mentioned Maureen "Mo" Muir for the school board. I can't find her on my sample ballot. Could there be different ballots for Encinitas and Cardiff?

  6. I agree with Jason. Nanninga and Collier are the best bet for Encinitas.

  7. For walker 2 - yes, there are three school districts in Encinitas. The Cardiff elementary one, the Encinitas Union one and the high school district, San Dieguito. Mo Muir is running for the Encinitas Union one that covers most of Encinitas and part of Carlsbad.

  8. The friends of Leucadia and a community park are:

    Maggie and Rachelle

  9. Where was Houlihan when Leucadians were fighting Greystone Homes? Where was Houlihan when Healthy trees were be cut in Leucadia Roadside Park? Where was Houlihan when Leucadia neighbors were asking for trails through our neighborhood?

    Collier and Nanninga for Leucadia.

  10. I am Harriet Seldin. Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself to you, fellow-anonymous. All the candidates have strengths and weaknesses. Over the years I have attended some Encinitas Commission and Council meetings--many more recently--but clearly not as many as the candidates who have served on City Commissions. As one of the founding Board of PADZ (People and Dogs Zones)I was active at the City level some years ago, but again, I acknowledge that participation in City meetings isn't my strongest credential to seek office.

    I bring other important strengths to the Council and the City. For details, please check out my website www.DrHarrietSeldin.com

    I've been a leader County-wide, having served as Chair of the County's Health Services Advisory Board. And State-wide, as a member of the Dental Board of California. As an advocate in healthcare, I have strong bi-partisan working relationships with our delegations to Sacramento and Washington DC. I could help us in the effort to improve transportation problems such as rail crossings or to get us more sand. I know how to participate in and run meetings, to work with community stakeholders with diverse points of view. I have a track record of getting things done. Within a year, with my initiating the process, a law was passed to prevent registered sex offenders from practicing dentistry.

    I'm a dentist, past-president of the San Diego County Dental Society, and I also have an MBA. I'm on Palomar College's Dental Assisting Program's Advisory Committee. I serve on the Board of the San Diego Dental Health Foundation. I have years of serving the people of all of San Diego County as a volunteer, trying to improve people's lives.

    Also, I am independent. I'm not bought and sold by special interests--unless you consider health professionals a special interest in Encinitas. The dentists and physicians who know me are supporting my campaign.

    If elected, I will reduce my volunteer community service so that I can devote the time to serve the people of Encinitas the best I can. I am accessible and thoughtful on issues. I will be at the City Council tonight if you want to talk to me.

  11. thank you for your thoughtful reply, Harriet.

    -anon 3:02

  12. I'm probably voting for Brandenburg and Nanniga. I know that Brandenburg will do what is best for ENCINITAS, and not what makes the special interests happy. Nanniga who despite coming off as a little kooky (Of course, I mean that in a good way), seems like a truly concerned local who will the right thing.

  13. A vote for Seldin is a vote for healthy teeth and gooms.
    Free floss for everyone!!

  14. I'll be sure to ask the next person who cleans my teeth whether or not they are a registered sex offender.

  15. To Anon 8:57pm,

    Thanks. Learn something every day, I guess.

  16. Dear Dr. Seldin: With all due respect, the City of Encinitas does not regulate public health matters or concerns. It is relagated to the County Health Department. So, you being knowledgelable about healthcare is not an asset to our City. If people want more sand, they can vote for the Sand Tax. So, exactly why do you think that you are qualified to be on our City Council? I am sure you are intelligent, as you are a dentist, but that is not the only qualification or a lot of us would be qualified. I have not seen you do much for our CIty in the 20 years I have lived here. No offense, but it does seem strange that you think that just becasue you will listen and know some people in high places, it makes you qualified. If that's the case, I think we should ask Dr. Lori to run. At least she has participated for a long time and we know where she stands.

  17. Now that you mention it Dr. Seldin, heathcare is a special interest in Encinitas. Scripps is planning a huge expansion, including a medical office building to house podiatrists and plastic surgeons, along with all the other necessary emergency type doctrines. Not to knock your vocation, as a good dentist in San Diego is about as far and apart as the proverbial apple and orange, why are you so interested now in the race, you did not attend some of the forums and you talk about your dental experience. What about your opinions on:
    1. Hall Park - Deal or No Deal
    2. 101 Streetscape - Deal or No Deal
    3. Preserve the existing trees on 101 - Deal or No Deal
    4. Limit every councilmember's time during discussion to two minutes only -- Deal or No Deal.
    If you want my vote, 1-4 are Deals. Winks and Nodds.
    God BLess America

  18. Thank you "Sarah" for your questions.

    I participated in ALL the Candidate Forums. And I will also participate in the Forum on October 28th. I wish there were a publicly available video of each Candidate Forum. You can't always go by what you read in the newspapers.

    I testified at the City Council's Hearing on Monday on the Hall Property plans. I was #18 to testify.

    I just received endorsements from State Senator Mark Wyland and from retired State Senator Dede Alpert. I am proud to have their support.

    I'll just address "Sarah's" question four. I've watched the Council operate. I am not impressed. I do not think councilmembers' comments should be limited to two minutes. However, Councilmembers should speak to the agenda item at hand, not deviating to all sorts of extraneous comments. There should be collegial discussion and deliberation, leading to decision-making. But I understand why someone might want councilmembers' comments restricted to two minutes, as meetings seem inefficient.

    "Sarah," if you feel that I am not qualified to serve as an Encinitas Councilmember, you have a choice of 8 other candidates that also care so much about our City that they are willing to put up with what it takes to run for office.

    Isn't democracy great!


  19. Check out Dr. Seldin's website. She says absoluely nothing that she will do for us. It is kind of embarassing. She IS supported by the San Diego Apartment Associaiton. Is that why she is running? Thanks for posting it J.P. I will definitely not vote for her, as it would be voting for a total unknown. I would rather vote for someone that I know what they stand for. For example, I know what Jerome stands for. So, he is not a candidate that will get my vote. However, Seldin is almost worse, as we don't even know what she believes in.

  20. Check out Dr Seldin's website. Watch the money, Mike Andreen is one of her endorsements. That in itself will make me NOT vote for her. Go Rachelle and Maggie

  21. My Granny used to have a saying:

    "Show me who your frinds are, and I'll show you who you are".

    Having Andreen as an endorsement is not good, dear Harriet. You must be new in this town or utterly ignorant.

  22. Harriet - why didn't you answer questions 1-3?

  23. Seldin seems like a real nice lady with good intentions (as do most of the candidates), but at the Leucadia Forum it was pretty obvious how out of touch she was with issues in Leucadia and greater Encinitas by the way her answers were "wingin it". But what can you expect from someone never involved at city hall meetings?

  24. To the comment on Mike Andreen endorsing me, I'd like to give bloggers some background. First, please acknowledge that I have Encinitas residents who endorse me that you bloggers know, people who are active in the local community.

    Back in about 2001, when I was active with PADZ (People and Dogs Zones), Mike Andreen was kind enough to publish an article I wrote promoting dog parks in Encinitas in his newsletter. I've known him for a number of years. When I considered running for office, I spoke to people in the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce. As a small business owner, it was a natural. I've been very active with the Regional San Diego Chamber of Commerce for over 20 years. Along with Mike's support (he does a lot of work with the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce), you might note that my endorsement list includes other Encinitas Chamber leaders. I value Mike's endorsement, as well as the support of other small business owners. And I understand that in the past Mike has supported candidates of varying political persuasions.

    I'm running for a City Council position. That is 1 position out of 5 seats. I am not running for king. I hope, if elected, that I can work with the other councilmembers to encourage more open governance, fiscal responsibility, but not over-regulate residents and small business.


  25. Sorry Mike A. sucks the big one. If you are freinds with the big dick whose always on the wrong side of an issue, then you don't get my vote. I agree with Granny's advice.

  26. What do we have to lose? Representation can't get any worse. I say start again, vote the incumbents out, Danny next time. Vote, "no incumbent left behind".

  27. Sorry Harriet, friends with Andreen is not good - very bad for Leucadia and anyone who loves this town. I can't vote for you.


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