Friday, October 03, 2008

Cardiff called "seedy"; post office and zip code in doubt?


From Cardiff residents fear for post office's future

story by Tanya Mannes


The owner of Cardiff's beloved post office has put the land up for sale, raising fears among residents that it could close, even though the U.S. Postal Service just renewed its lease there.

Cardiff-by-the-Sea...known both for its low-key, beachy feel and for its feisty residents.

“The fear has always been that if we lose the post office, we lose our ZIP code, we lose our identity,” said Barbara Cobb, president of the Cardiff Town Council.

Charles Brockett, whose family has owned the post office property since it opened, said he's ready to sell if he gets his $3.7 million asking price.

Brockett said that whoever buys it would take over the lease contract, which was just renewed for five years.

The Postal Service says it has no plans to shut down its facility in Cardiff through October 2013.

Brockett is seeking a change in zoning that would provide more incentive for a new owner to close the postal facility, many fear.

In September, Brockett wrote a letter to the city in which he said he opposes the Cardiff Specific Plan's restrictions on the size of buildings he could construct on his site. He wants to have up to three stories, not two, and said he should be allowed to have a mixed project of commercial and residential uses, which would be allowed on certain other sites in Cardiff.

“I'm seeking relief from some of the restrictions,” Brockett said.

His ideas for developing the post office site include a drugstore such as a Walgreens or a small bank, possibly with homes on the second floor, which wouldn't be allowed under the zoning update.

Brockett doesn't believe the citizens advisory committee represented the community.

“They'd rather leave Cardiff just a little dusty, run-down, undeveloped, seedy little place,” he said. “It's totally against business. They went way overboard.”


Cardiff post office review on, clicky click.


  1. Cardiff isn't seedy, it's Funky. Oh wait, that one's taken.

  2. Here's the chance for all those Cardiffians to STEP UP and do the RIGHT THING and BUY the land under the post office to keep their identity... What say you Barbara Cobb???

  3. Cardiff is not seedy. It's on the down low.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My friend Kevin Farrell who's a world famous architect bought an old house in Cardiff that he remodeled back in the 1980's. I was helping him clean up the place and the old lady he got it from was had been a school teacher and had been in Cardiff for many decades. She was a pack rat and saved all her letters. To give you an idea of how long she lived in Cardiff, her post office box was 1. Really.

  6. I move to start the grass roots effort for Cardiff cityhood. They're so busy with roundabouts in Leucadia that they won't miss us for a couple years.

  7. As a proud Leucadian, I say let's dump Cardiff. They have their interest, and it doesn't match ours...

  8. I like Cardiff alot. I also like Ol Encintas. I think all coastal residents have similar issues and Cardiffians love roundabouts as much as Leucadians.

  9. Many Cardiffians would not mind merging with Solana Beach, so if do don't like us, perhaps we will make that move even stronger. Too bad w cannot stick together against the likes of Jerome and others. Divide and conquer has alwasy been his motto, and if the posts so far are any insight into his vision, it just might happen. How petty of some of you when many Cardiffians have gone out of their way for Leucadians. Perhaps it is time for us to fend for ourselves and keep our money and time in our own small and "pesky" community.

  10. Gee whiz. Brockett wants special treatment. The proposed Cardiff Specific Plan doesn't take a single thing away from him. It just doesn't give him the mixed use zoning and reduced setbacks that would make his property worth a heck of a lot more money. Talk about avarice.

  11. 3.7 million for the post office building is overpriced by 2.5 million.

  12. I say Leucadia and Cardiff seceed from Encinitas, unite and call it Merle-by-the-Sea. Then at both ends it would say "Welcome to Merle-by-the-Sea" and travelers would wonder what the hell the Encinitas sign meant when they got to the middle.

  13. aaaa Cardiffian...

    don't fall for the oldest trick in the books.

    Thats someone like David "the clown" Meyers trying to divide the communities so his castrated pussy called Jerome can do all his heavy lifting.

    Get some clarity... you should know by you gut check that Cardiff has more in common with Leucadia than Jerome Stocks.

    Step up and if you go to war with Jerome, Leucadia will be behind you.

  14. Cardiff sales tax couldn't maintain a alley street. Go to Solana Beach. Don't let the gay surf statue kick you in the ass on the way out!

  15. Encinitas revenues are 70% property tax.

    Cardiff properties are the second highest tax base second the the prime Leucadia Property, they don't need any sales tax, their property tax brings in more then all the other sales tax combine.

    Coastal Encinitas is what its all about.

  16. As hard as it is everyone, we HAVE to stick together on some core issues. It realy doesn't matter what Mongo, or the poster after him says. Neither Leucadia or Cardiff can go it alone. Cardiff cannot move to Solana Beach, as the City of Encinitas would not allow it, and Leucadia and Cardiff could not merge, for the same reason. We are "stuck" with each other, although I like to think we make pretty good teammates (forgive the athletic analogy). Let's keep on track and look to the future. Do we want Stocks and Bond, or do we want Rachelle, Bob and/or Maggie? Seems to me that now is not the time to squable or to call each other names, but to use this blog to educate the undecided votes and bring them on board. J.P. has provided us with a free, unrestricted blog to do this. Can we use it constructively? I sure hope so, or we are doomed to a repeat of the last 4 years. A lot is at stake so please help not, hinder, the efforts of a few but loud and correct voters, namely most of the bloggers on this blog.

  17. If it weren't for Saside Market I would NEVER go to Cardiff!! Nothing there, and it's ugly too.

  18. Voice of reason- You are an idiot!! If you think BOB is going to save you, you are nuttier than he is, he will be the laughing stock of North county politicians and Maggie is only in it for herself. She got her library and her name on the side of the building FOREVER, so don't hold your breath thinking she will help Cardiff, she won't. Just ask Leucadians what she has done for then lately....nothing

  19. Anonymous 1:05

    Does your definition of "nuttier" include writing a long running opinion editorial for the Coast News Group, opening and running a thriving Cafe in downtown Encinitas, teaching performing arts in the classroom, serving 6 years on the Encinitas Parks and Recreation Commission(2 as Chair) advocating for small business and eco tourism, and a commitment to ecological awareness and environmental stewardship?

    Assuming it does.....Thank you.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE; The sky is falling, Encinitas is about to be once again conquered by the 3 unwise men, and you are bickering about Cardiff and Leucadia. Good grief! You 2 are natural allies, and guess who is trying to destroy it? Figure it out and come to a consequwnces. Don't you think it a bit odd that 30 days before the election some posters are attempting to pitt Cardiff and Leucadia against each other. Guess who wins if that happens. I am truly amazed how such an easy ting to see is being missed by some of the most intelligent minds in Encinitas.

  22. I was in Cardiff today and I didn't think it was seedy. "Scuzzy" was the word that came to mind.

  23. Seedy...Scuzzy...Cardiff is not TJ, and it is not LJ. And that's why it is vibrant and charming. Anbyody who says different should move on.

  24. Nanniga sounds good, but he supports five multi use fields and lighting. Sorry Bobbi -- for all your rhetoric it appears you are courting the ESL vote.

  25. Is it Cardiff by the sewer or Cardiff by the slough?

  26. There is some serious trash talk going on with some of you all!!
    Why you gotta hate.
    Cardiff is cool and so is the rest of Encinitas!!
    Ok and for your information 95% of Enicinitas support buliding this park the way it is and as soon as possible!!
    And if anyone has shown to stand up for the needs of Encinitas residents as well as supporting open public forums is Bob Nanninga. I suggest speaking with Bob or showing up to some of the planning meetings for the park to get a better understanding.
    All I know is Bob answers all my questions and seems to really understand just about everything going on in Encintas. Brother Bob is all about preserving Encinitas while at the same time pushing us to be more green.

  27. I'm voting for Nanninga because he represents open and honest government.

  28. Bob-What did you delete, the voting public would like to know??

  29. 95% of Encinitas supports the park as is? Right.....just like 95% of America supports the McCain/Palin ticket. Just because you wish it to be so doesn't make it real.

  30. Everyone supports having a park on the former Hall property it's just the details that need to be hammered out.

  31. A cafe employee thought she would help by gushing about me on the blog. When I pointed out her failure to post under her own name, the post was deleted.

    I can assure you she spoke very highly of me.

    I'll ask her to repost tomorrow.


  32. I just wish someone with common sense could get elected to city council but it can't happen until the voting public gets some common sense. Until then we will have five different fifedoms, one each for the council members all fighting each other. Everybody mad about what they don't get and mad what the others get.

  33. That's OK, you do a good enough job boasting about your self, we don't need your paid employees doing it also. I hope that's not the way she keeps her job?????
    PS- if she can use your Google blogger acct, why can't we all?? Is this the type of security we can expect you to maintain with city secrets?? Might want to password that account of yours.

  34. Hey Bob, thank you for your commitment to open and honest government.

    Come by E Street cafe and introduce yourself. I'm sure we'll find common ground.

  35. Cardiff is cool, except for that statute. It's an embarrassment to anyone who surfs.

    A couple of years ago, I tucked $80 in a package, and mailed it overseas from the Cardiff post office. The cash didn't get there.
    Sure everyone says, 'don't mail cash', but I've done it lots of times from other post offices.

  36. walker 2 -- are you votin for Palin?

  37. 1:53

    Why would anyone overseas lie to you about recieving the $80?

  38. Cardiff-by-the-Sea...known both for its low-key, beachy feel and for its feisty residents.

    I wish you'd elaborate on the 'feisty' part. My family has been living in Cardiff since 1959, and was here when Cardiff was socially divided into South and North Cardiff based on the agricultural community. I've seen Cardiff go from the 1970's Hells Angel Biker Let Your Dogs Rome Wild in the Streets Vibe to the Outsider Wall Street Greed is Good Vibe.

    I'd be interested in how people perceive what is 'feisty' since most of the people here come from somewhere else.


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