Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Encinitas First

Mike Andreen is out at the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce and he has started a new chamber of commerce. This one will not be funded by the city (click to enlarge image).


  1. Like an evil sith lord trying to build up his following again.

  2. Are they going to let him steal the mailing list that is the property of the chamber of anti commerce?
    The guy is a toxic asset.

  3. certified wacko

  4. Andreen no longer has paid dirty work now that Jack Orr, Barratt American, and the Chamber are gone. Andreen is trying to keep his hit man infrastructure in place by trying to keep the email and newsletter going. If he does keep it going expect him to sell it out. He always does.

  5. Oh, man, can it be so obvious. The El Camino Real chamber will be a front for the redevelopment of the commercial area. The bozo boys on the council are already salivating on getting the mixed use high density buildings. Got news for them. Mixed use and high density ain't gonna happen.

  6. I see 5 story mixed use buildings along El Camino Real. SANDAG is going to make sure this happens. The economy will improve and the developers will always make sure they have 3 votes on council. That's all it takes.

  7. The newspaper should be "Screw Encinitas First"

  8. LOL @ U Dums Dums. Andreen you are a fat bitch with no real life skills. Have another greasy chicken wing fartty. LOL

  9. Well either there is one really pissed of repeat poster or this man is really, really not liked.

    So far it's name calling and animus.

    How about some examples. The one I hear about but have never seen was a newsletter that he went after folks on called wirefire?

    That's all I know of him.

    I would be neutral to slightly on gaurd with this guy onless I hear more facts and less name calling.

  10. 5 story buildings would work on El Camino Real. They just wouldn't sell.

  11. With 8:44,

    Less name calling and more history please.

  12. back in Dec of 08

    Anonymous said...

    ... on his guest column in the coast...
    after self back patting, he offers real concerns of the Chamber of Commerce has about,
    ’… impeding through traffic to downtown Encinitas. So the Chamber is if favor of leaving everything the same? Fast and dangerous. No dillie-daddeling in Leucadia.
    That does not sound ‘chamberly’.

    He further refers to the petition that two Chamber members were” armed with" when they asked for the chambers help. It might have been good for the chamber to have read the petition on which they have taken such a hard stance. It claims such tidbits as: Leucadia Blvd. dead ending at the tracks, the majority of trees destroyed, eminent domain, loss of beach access, and more are in store with this crazy new plan. They have gone to businesses shared this info. And scared people.
    Later the columnist offers, " The Preferred Alternative included...cut down a significant amount of tree canopy entitling it "restoration" in the public workshops..." (The columnist was not seen at the workshops). Well gee, I heard that 92% of the trees are to be saved and hundreds more planted.
    ...on Nov.13 the chamber brought out more than 200 people...to evaluate the plan.(if you count the entire library, less if you include chamber members and city staff ). No residents ,or businesses without a reservation received by a phone call you had to make to get your name on the list. Chamber members could not get in unless their dues were paid. The chamber made the agenda. It offered more opinions than any new information. The chamber declined a request to get involved with this process early on and have not been an entity at any L101 Streetscape meetings, until 'chamber members', (2) asked for their help.

    Does this represent the position of the Chamber of Commerce as the columnist states it does? It couldn’t be.

    December 07, 2008 6:05 AM

  13. Haaaa-

    Mike Ahole tied to anything is a sure failure. Just as the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce. How did they do with Mike A calling the moves?

    Passive aggressive Ahole twerp. Those are his good qualities.

    His bad points are he wants Encinitas to look like Carlsbad south. He supports Barratt and all developers like David Myers who builds those soulless homeless building pads with those ugly cheap retaining walls.

    He was behind the prop A to give agg property to build home with the title "save the flowers"

    He was behind the BS no faced attacks against Maggie Houlihan with the ugly clown. What a wimpy pussy!

    That dude is pure BS and gets everything that Karma has coming to him.

    Anyone that touches Mike Ahole is doomed for failer.

    I hope all of Encinitas recognizes that and let him move to Vista or Riverside where his lack of style may be more welcome.

    See ya Mikey A. Don’t let the BK door hit you in the ass on your way out of town. Loser!

  14. Lets see 5 stories proposed along El Camino Real. I bet that will wake up the soccer moms in Village park and finally make them a part of City happenings. Come on Mikey try. Come on Mikey you cant do it the BIA says you can..... 5 stories all along El Camino Real.

    Ya baby go. Thats what you get for being a panzy suckass....See ya in Moreno Valley!

  15. This city should not be approving any more water hook-ups until their bullshit stage two water alert is lifted. Of course that water alert is judst half the city and not the half that has the golf course.

    5 story buildings. Where is the water coming from?

  16. You people should be more critical and wary of who we have on our city council. It was Dan Dalager who wanted a Redevelopment Agency in Leucadia, not Andreen. It is Stocks, Bond and Dalager who want a huge regional sports park in Cardiff, not Andreen. Those three and Houlihan voted for a Walgreens, not Andreen and further, it was the last council who voted to place Phil Cotton as city manager without the usual due process, and it is the council who has voted time and time again for raises and has an overpaid staff that makes bone headed decisions like cutting down the wrong tree at Roadside Park and cutting down trees in parks to please condo owners. A guy like Andreen has a bad reputation but does he have the power to make significant changes in our community. No, he does not, only the city council does, and from where I stand, they are far, far more dangerous than Mike Andreen. Speaking of Barrett, was it not our city who granted that company variance after variance? Wake up!

  17. It's true that it is the council that has made all the critical decisions. But Mike Andreen has almost always allied himself with the majority on the council.

    It's simple. He sells himself to the highest bidder. Stocks, Bond, and Dalager have the backing of developers and other big money interests. It's easy for them to buy him, as they did in the smear campaign against Maggie Houlihan.

    He will be pushing upzoning in the El Camino Real corridor. Why? Because there is big money to be made there. He wants some of that. Encinitas be damned is his motto.

  18. The City's golf course is irrigated with recycled water, so it is not affected by the Stage II drought alert. I used to feel I was becoming more informed by reading this blog, but it has mostly deteriorated into name calling. I think I'll just stick to the posts and skip the comments. Too much disinformation and hatred.

  19. I wish the best for Mike. Sure, it's a "King of the hill" thing - I mean the same spirit that made the Chamber above the other business groups on the coast most of the time, but now it'll be east above west under the curious auspice of "partners". But there's nothing wrong with being ambitious, and with the potential for support of E1p out there, Mike will do very well. Good for him.
    Of all the business areas in Encinitas, it's probably El Camino Real that needs the least help. But if anyone can sell an Eskimo a refrigerator.... And you're right, it will usher in Redevelopement for ECR. Weigand hell could use some. I'll join E1p if they promise to not change Trader Joe's. No one in Leucadia cares about anything else out there. Except, roundabouts might make things more circulatory on ECR. Can I call the future or what?
    It's Mike's neck of the woods and seems like a natural. Worst case scenario, their redevelopment district fails (like most do) and brings more revenue to the coast. Bummer?
    Do what you like to ECR, but please, under no circumstances write a song about it.

  20. Meathead has a point There does seem to be a lot more anger and attacking others than there used to be on the blog. I wonder if it is because of all of the stress out there? Are people venting because they feel powerless, or has it always been on the blog and I have just been in a trace? There is a comment you all can run with. I don't know Mike, so I have no opinion one way or the other. I know I am beginning to sound like the old hippie I am (peace and love and all of the s--t), however, how about we use this blog to both vent and to inform each other? We are all we have. Most of the Council members do not appear to care about the citizens, and it would appear that many people working for the City don't have much respect for us either. So, for better or worse, we are al in this together. Let's don't screw it up. Thanks for letting me vent.

  21. Irony alert! Andreen has been the#1 anonymous name caller on this blog for years.

  22. The last chamber newsletter had a "we're downsizing our house and moving out of village park" article by Andreen. Didn't mention whether he was staying in Encinitas.

  23. Hooray.... a happy day for Encinitas!

  24. His house was foreclosed on. He was also the one on this blog who posted all the lies about Maggie and her unpaid bill at Pino's. He privately admitted this.

  25. 10:24 Said: "Lets see 5 stories proposed along El Camino Real. I bet that will wake up the soccer moms in Village park and finally make them a part of City happenings."

    These are the same soccer moms who are impressed by the Dalager, Stocks, and Bond glossy mailers. I'm sure the the developers can make some nice glossy mailers showing how big buildings along El Camino Real will result in better soccer fields, etc. The soccer moms will still vote for the the developer's candidates.

  26. during the campaign, myself and several others begged Bruce (her campaign manager), and Maggie to have a press conference and clear up this Pino's accusation because it will not go away.

  27. Take it from me, Pino laughed when he heard that ridiculous rumor. Don't know who blogged it, but it surely was a political smear attempt.

  28. Geeeee, did it have anything with Pino's going out of business. All politicians should pay their bills and not take any gratuities. Free stuff just leads to favoritism in decision making.

  29. Talk about the free stuff to politicians ask Dan Dalager about the free loans from developers.

  30. 5:43
    Nope. Maggie brought Pino's lots of business. Coincidently, I was with her at (a fully paid for) dinner there to watch the local campaign results 5 years ago. Oddly enough, three men who worked hard against her campaign were at the far side of the same room. But when the men mozied out of the room (during the cheering for Maggie's first landslide victory) Maggie couldn't contain herself anymore and told them: "Awwwww, you spent 100 thousand dollars on a smear campaign that didn't work...awwwww!"
    It's the least she should have done with the crap she endured.

  31. and the three wise men that spent the 100K?

    Not to offer themselves in public service but to oppose a person who did?

    Two money men, David Meyers and Doug Harwood, and their paid political tool/stooge and hitman, Mike the "maggie basher" Andreen.

    Coming soon to a chamber near you!

    Fred is too decent of a gentelman to tell you who the three fools were.

  32. I think you are all fools to be commenting and talking about people who are active in the community like this. What are YOU doing to be involved in Encinitas? Sitting on your asses at the computer? Bravo.


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