Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sand lobbyist awards his own project

It's really fascinating watching people's propaganda machines at work.

Local sand lobbyist Steve Aceti as he appeared in the LA Times.

*LOL is an internet abbreviation for "laugh out loud".

Note who is on the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association Board of Directors

From the San Diego Union Tribune,

Group praises Encinitas for using reclaimed sand

ENCINITAS: A national advocacy group has honored the city of Encinitas for using reclaimed sand from a construction project to replenish an eroded beach.

The American Shore and Beach Preservation Association announced Monday that Encinitas is the recipient of its 2009 Best Restored Beach Award.

The sand was reclaimed from the construction site of Pacific Station, a $40 million residential and commercial project being built in downtown Encinitas by John Dewald & Associates.

In January, 37,000 cubic yards of high-quality sand were taken from the site and trucked to the northernmost beach of Encinitas, sometimes referred to as South Ponto. The loads of sand were dumped in the tide to help offset erosion.

Because of the southerly coastal flow, the sand will migrate to other Encinitas beaches over time, officials said.

Harry Simmons, president of the preservation association, said it created the award in 2001 to recognize such restoration efforts. The group's mission is to foster “sound, farsighted and economical development and preservation of our beaches.” –T.M.

See also, Leucadia Blog: Steve Aceti: Double Agent
See also, Leucadia Blog: Sandy Beach "Replenished" with Developer's Construction Dirt

This sandy beach needed "replenishment".


  1. The dying local newspapers are incapable of connecting this?

  2. J.P

    This expose deserves a Pulitzer! Do they do that for blogs?

    The fact that Aceti is on the board that gave the award tarnishes the award as an inside job, a self pat on the back.

    Con man!

  3. Another ommission, Russ Boudreau, VP of ASBPA, works at Moffatt & Nichol Engineers who helped design the SNADAG opportunstic sand project.

  4. I sent you this story the day it came out and your just now getting to it? The sand was put to good use. Encinitas makes a lot of money because it's a beach community. Taking care of it's most prized areas is a must.

  5. I wish they wouldn't mess with Mother Nature. If She wants erosion, let her have it. Now it seems they're messing with Her for their own profit.

  6. I've got tons of local dirt, can I drive to Moonlight and dump it?

  7. what a crock. also, the award went to about five other "restoration" projects, not just Moonlight.

  8. anonymously yoursJune 08, 2009 10:23 PM

    Everybody dump your construction dirt at Moonlight beach. It's totally ok!

  9. I can hardly believe that the NCT, SDUT and The Coast News all went with this bogus award, press release, puff piece.

    Dirt does not equal sand.

    The City Council Meeting last night was another farce, imo. (in my opinion)


  10. Go down there, where's the sand?

  11. I am hearing your conversation about this award. It is important to know that Steve was not on the committee that made that decision. He did not give himself an award. Also, it is important to know that many ASBPA members enter their projects in the competition. There is no reason to exclude members. However, people who enter projects obviously don't serve on the committee. Also, we do recognize several projects each year.


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