Thursday, June 11, 2009

Encinitas Ranked Third Best Surf Town in USA

The new issue of Surfer magazine has a feature listing the Top 10 America Surf Towns (magazines love to make list),

An uncrowded winter day at Swami's in Encinitas, CA. Come join the fun! Photo by kbaird.

After Steve Aceti ruins all our surf spots in 2012 with his giant sand dump, Encinitas will probably drop off the list. TEN BEST SURF TOWNS IN AMERICA


  1. Culture?? Surfing is not a culture, it is an activity. Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. you obviously don't surf

  3. The all wise and all knowing Anonymous has spoken again.

  4. Don't be hard on Anon, in fact, I feel sorry for him/her, and all him/her is missing. We have a surf culture that is unlike any other. It is NOT a sub culture. It's a friggin way of life, and I for one, am proud to be a part of it and am so happy to have a "surf family" like I have at Avo Street.

  5. Watch it Mary. We, the City, are watching Avo's every move. We can shut you down whenever we like. We are the Government. You are the peon. Remember that woman!

  6. Now everyones going to move here.

  7. Mary said hard on.

  8. Duke KahanamokuJune 12, 2009 10:35 AM

    Anonymous no longer---
    If you knew anything about the history of surfing, you would know that it was a way for Hawaiian men to get from one island to another. There were no large boats nor planes, so they fashioned outrigger canoes or what you know today as paddle boards. They "surfed" the waves through the breakers to arrive at the shore line. Large paddle boards evolved into what you know as a surf board.

    Moving from island to island via paddle boards for trade or work has become the modern form of surfing. But no one surfs today as a means of trade nor work, it is an activity, recreation. Nothing more, nothing less. And before you tell me I don't know shit about surfing, I am the father of modern surfing, I am THE DUKE!!

  9. Time to bring back the original Stone Steps Surfing Contest when we all drank a resin cup (about a quart) of beer each heat.

    Leaucadia Native

  10. Surfer Magazine jumped the shark many years ago. Tiger Beat for the wet set.

  11. Surfing is a state of mind.


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!