Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Wall Street Love Theme


  1. and take Mike A with you on the way down.

  2. Why should they jump. We bailed out all those f'ckers that took on all the risk. We are the suckers and we ruined this country.

  3. thats right... the public suck and keep electing the same type of loser to all the offices.

    We are the suckers, the dumb public is killing this country.

  4. support the federal reserve transparency act.

  5. all politicians, union leaders, and dumb ass voters who vote for losers like Dan Dalager should jump as well. Jump Fuck(*s!

  6. I loved it. Wonder what that says about me?

  7. if you voted for Dalager, it says a great deal.

  8. What does it say if I didn't vote for Danny?

  9. Dr. Lorri-
    It says, Please dont jump!

    Leave the Jumping for the losers with no integrity.

  10. One of the memories that will never leave my pea brain is that of people jumping from the Twin Towers when the jets hit those two buildings on the edge of Wall Street. So I find this song distasteful. I also don't wish that anyone, regardless of their greediness, should commit suicide.

    And Dan Dalager doesn't deserve the vitriol he's getting here. He got off his ass and got elected, largely on the good will he has engendered over the many years he has lived in Encinitas. I think he has been on the wrong side of several issues lately, but he may still have enough of a constituency to be reelected. Let's quit hating and start advocating.

  11. AJ for Council!!!

  12. AJ-

    I don't agree. Suicide is a viable option when you've jacked up your life so bad with no integrity and there is no hope for you.

    If your a scum, do the rest of us a favor and off yourself.

  13. Sounds like AJ may be Dalgher is disguise. Everyone has the right to take their own life IMHO. And if you screwed over as many people as these fu--ers did, perhaps you might want to jump. A little different than 9-11.

  14. Dan Dalager is voted in favor of:

    14% pay raises for all city employees, and for the City paying for a 50% increase in pension benefits last year which he will benefit. Ask yourself, how does this impact the financial health of the City? The answer- It costs us dearly and drains the general fund money which could have gone towards bettering our communities. Now you hear the politicians say.... we are in tough financial times we need to cut back our budgets..... Lets see what impact reversing those ridiculous increases in compensation would have on our financial health!

    three Fire McMansions which will total more than $15,000,000 all so our fire fighters can have nicer surroundings while at the station, but this does nothing to improve the residents quality of life. My home is not be half as nice as these new fire stations. What gives?

    The whopper is the $100,000,000 regional sports park to be enjoyed by all of North County but paid for by only a few tax payers in Encinitas.

    He deserves vitriol he's getting here.

    He's a clueless politician.

  15. Speaking of suicide- was that what happened last night on the tracks near Hillcrest Dr. about 9pm??

  16. Dan Dalager does deserve all the vitriol he gets here. Those of us who have known him a long know how phony, mendacious, and vindictive he is.

  17. I support AJ's position.
    I like Dan.He has done a lot of good things for our community.
    I do not agree with his position on certain issues, but I know him to be a good and caring man who has offered his energies to help his community.
    He is not evil.

  18. I don't know about nice or evil but the fact is he doesn't know enough about how a City operates or City finances.

    He should not be a council member. He is draining our City's finances.

  19. A.J. is right about the counterproductive Dan bashing, however AJ is dead wrong about Dan "getting off his ass" and getting elected. Dan's lack of personal effort is legendary. Dan was robustly supported by Flower Pac (aka Developer Pac) in his first election. That was coordinated with Bob N who split the vote. Bob was also supported by the developers and Bob later apologized for aligning with them, although he never admitted to being used.

    In Dan's reelection he lied to the voters in his campaign materials, although it it is tough to say he lied because it was evident that Dan's materials where not crafted by Dan. Dan was given a campaign team to produce all his winning materials.

    What good things has Dan done for the community that he couldn't have done without being on the council? Do the bad things greatly outweigh those?

    For those of you who bash Dan, let it be instructive to you that you have not made your case understandable to others.

  20. I support AJ's position.
    I like Dan.He has done a lot of good things for our community.
    I do not agree with his position on certain issues, but I know him to be a good and caring man who has offered his energies to help his community.
    He is not evil.

  21. How's this for simplicity-

    Dan's willingness to throw away our tax dollars is pathetic. He should not be a councilmember for our City

    If you don't understand this, you are not capable of understanding anything of relevance so there is no sense in trying. IF you don't understand this, you are one of the many dumb public that have ruined and will bankrupt this once great nation and our City.

    Sad but true.

  22. Dan may not be evil, but does he have the intellectual horsepower to be councilmember?

    From his votes, he seems to be stooge for the developers.

    Frome his statements on the dias, he seems fairly uninformed and simplistic.

  23. Good point. From his votes and comments, I would say Union Bosses, Jerome and developers own him like a little biatch.

    Dan preparation for a council meeting... "So what did the developers and union bosses tell you about tonight's meeting. How are we voting tonight Jerry?"

  24. Dan voted every single time to support David Meyer and Barratt American on the Nantucket projects. Now we are left with 2 low income housing units that may never be built. Dan allowed Meyer to wiggle out of his responsibility to the city.

    Dan voted to support David Meyer on his appeal from the Planning Commission on the Bahlmann property.

    Dan will vote to support Meyer when the city sells the Quail Gardens Drive property. Has Dan ever met a developer he wouldn't support?

    Dan pushed hard for the quick buy of the Mossy property for the public works yard. Remember it was supposed to be turnkey. That mistake cost the city $3.5 million.

    Dan takes credit for brokering the Hall property deal and making it a sports complex. It will sit empty until 2015, but still has cost the city $1.5 million a year since it was bought in 2001.

    And remember he said the new library was on schedule and on budget. That little mistake cost about $6 million.

    Is all of this clear enough? Here's one more. He led the debacle at Orpheus Park, which turned into a public scandal with him the chief spokesman for the city's stupidity.

  25. Is that enough facts.

    Dont forget about the big one.

    14% raise for every City employee plus 50% increase in pensions forever pickup by the City last year. this one help Dan out personally.

    Sell Out. Nice guy fakey, but a pure sell out to Encinitas.

    I am sure glad I am not related to the sell out of Encinitas.

  26. I'm just a simple country boy, but I know how to stick it to the taxpayers of Encinitas. Will that be Dan's next aw shucks comment.

  27. With Dalger at the helm, the city will go the way of his lawnmower business, BROKE. Why would anyone vote for this man? He can't run a business how can he run a city?

  28. Sorry for being so stupid as to think any of the comments about Dan would be less vitriolic. That tone has become the norm here on the Leucadia blog. Since most come from "Anonymous", I suppose the actual number of mean people might be smaller than it seems, but whatever.

    Dan has said and done some stupid things and may pay the price if he decides to run again. The credit I gave him for "getting off his ass" wasn't meant to speak to the "how" he got elected but the "why": he filled out the form to put his name on the ballot. From there he used his ties to the community to win, which is what most people want to do when they run for office.

    Now the Super Conservative Anon person that turns every post into an opportunity to rant about the City employee raises and pensions will probably tell us about that again. You may be right but it sure gets old.

  29. Somebody needs to start a blog about ENC pensions. I'd hit that.

  30. I'm pretty liberal but have been scratching my head a bit about the City employee pay and pension stuff, what with the serious buzz haircut I've been given recently. I'm suprised the ETA hasn't got a little Pension & Payroll for Dummies link on their site.

  31. AJ-

    Sometimes the most boring items turn out to be the most important. Take credit default swaps responsible for the forth coming depression

    The employee pensions are the biggest liability to the City future financial health. I don't find the City's financial health boring. If you do, you must not care much about Encinitas or you just dont understand it and you are lucky that you can float through life without worring about finances and still be successful enough to live in encinitas.

    If you want to educate yourself, hears a link

    Either way, I like you way more than Dan and would vote for you in a heart beat if you ran for council.

  32. AJ

    There is a city employee who is retiring this year who will be paid $105,000 a year. This person is only 55 years old, and if lives another 30 years, will be paid over $3 million. That's a lot of money for doing nothing in the succeeding 30 years.

    This pension problem will only get much worse for the city. Both Phil Cotton and Patrick Murphy will soon be retiring, and both are high salaried. Replacements will have to be hired. That essentially doubles the cost of their successors.

    When the city was required last year to put the unfunded pension obligations on the budget, it borrowed money from itself. This was to preserve its AA+ rating. But this was at the cost of not moving forward on fire stations, Hall property park, and other projects. This is robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    These project funds were raided. At some point the money has to be replaced, but not easy to do under the city's reduced revenue stream. The city can shuffle money around internally and not report it to the public. If it plans to move forward on the projects, it will have to fess up on the money issue, unless income to the city improves dramatically.

    AJ, you are either a real dummy or you are pretending to be. This is not rocket science. Lots of people warned about the coming financial mess on Wall Street. Lots are warning you now about the coming pension mess.

    Educate yourself. I'm not the one or ones always posting on the pension problem. I can assure it is real.

  33. Sometimes I'm a dummy and a bit lazy too. But you've provided examples that illustrate the matter quite well. Plus the earlier links were useful.

    I believe Mr. Cotton has a pretty hefty military retirement package going as well--the ol' double dip.

    The City Attorney in San Diego is trying to "undo" the retirement system that is dragging them down. I wonder what it would take to switch the Encinitas system to something like a 401k? I know I could google it or whatever, but maybe someone here has done all that.

  34. Unions will never allow "the boys" to change the system to a 401k type system.

    What it will take: People of the city to form a PAC to elect candidates who care about our needs/future.

  35. I agree.

    Where do I send my check?

  36. The boys have put away there vagaygays and remember they were born with balls. They need to stand up to the unions and reverse the mistakes made. Its simple they just need to do it. the unions need to be crushed and eliminated. If the employees protest, fire them all. They can easily be replaced.


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