Thursday, June 11, 2009

Renegade tree growing out of Leucadia sidewalk

In front of the Leucadia post office on Phoebe St.


  1. Why would you want to point that out.

    Now you know the City will go out and cut it down.

    Dam Sam

  2. Are you sure it isn't a rogue tree. That's what Chris Hazeltine called the mulch on Vulcan.

  3. That isn't a tree, it's a weed. Typical of what the city permits and endorses for Leucadia.
    Support the streetscape.

  4. They're called "Volunteers" not renegades.

    Never cut down a volunteer.

  5. unless they volunteer for the chamber of commerce.

  6. That is a full on tree. I was gonna nab it but I waited too long and it's over 6' tall now. Sure wants to live! I think it's of the acacia variety that blooms yellow.

  7. I suggest the City start a youth brigade of lil' Paul Bunyons. They could spend Saturday's mowing down little trees before the could become pesky tall green things that drop leaves and limbs. It seems like a natural for Danny to lead. They would make him so proud.

  8. Whaaat? Sidewalks in Leucadia...isn't this a redevelopment area cause of the dirt and dust? Can life spring from the primordial mix without a blessing from Pope Jerry? Surely tis a miracle my wee one, the NCTD gods have pissed on our drought. Praise Be To Jerabomb.

  9. That's all the streetscape Leucadia gets.
    David Letterman is a pervert.

  10. It's an Albizia tree. I have a couple of them in my yard - they're great shade/canopy trees and have cool looking flowers that the bees and humming birds are crazy about. Here's a link to the Wikipedia entry: Albizia tree

  11. More detail - It's a Persian Silk Tree, Albizia julibrissin. Link: Albizia julibrissin

  12. Letterman a pervert? Do you think making a woman have a baby who has been raped isn't perveted, like Sarah Palin suggested? Or how about showing off a deformed infant to attract voters isn't fundamentally sick, something Palin did all during the campaign.

  13. I was at the post office today and noticed, sadly, the tree has been cut down. Bummer. I had feeling that the city wouldn't let it stay.


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