Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Former Encinitas Councilman John Davis dies at 83

Former Encinitas Councilman John Davis dies at 83


  1. John's vote helped to restore the classic Hwy 101 sheild to our corridor. Thank you. RIP John.

  2. John was one of the children of the great depression. He was an orphan and a veteran and was rather tight-fisted with his money and would never have gone along with buying the Hall Property or the Mossy Chevrolet Building. He held court daily at VG Donut every morning at 9 am with Dr, Bob who was on the Planning Commission and many a problem was solved by he, Dr. Bob and Jack Orr before their associate, Bob Bonde went off-the-reservation in 1994 after the Fire Department union decided to endorse someone other than Davis. John was a gentleman who was repeatedly and publicly mistreated by Lou Aspell and Gail Hano and was run out of office in 1998 by Sheila Cameron, Christy Guerin and Dennis Holz. This was when Christy Guerin claimed to be a liberal under the thrall of Holz's Community Character Plan that would have turned Encinitas into a giant Homeowner's Association that would have quite possibly destroyed local property rights.

    Much of what happened between the Ecke Ranch incorporating their property into the city in 1994, Home Depot, the golf course, Leucadia Boulevard, the creation of Encinitas Ranch Town Center was done under his watch and yes, he was a devout Padre's fan, known to pretend to be adjusting his hearing aid on the dais during a Council Meeting when in reality he was listening to a playoff game against the hated Dodgers on his transistor radio. He also claimed to have experienced a contact high on marijuana at an Elvis Presley concert at the Sports Arena in 1968.

    You might not like the answers he would give you, but like Jim Bond, at least he was consitant.

    He had his detractors like many people in public life, but he was benign, avuncular, thoughtful and a gentleman and the way he was often treated by Hano and Aspell was shameful.

  3. nice anon eulogy.

  4. What Hano, Aspell, Guerin And Hotz did for Leucadia was/is shameful also.

  5. I wish the Holz community charactor plan was adopted and christy didn't turn into a fire department and Jerome stock lap dog. Developers and the fire department union can give a shit about Encinitas, both of their sole focuses is on how much money they bring home at the end of the day. Bar no expense at getting the maximum money. Clowns, lies and illegal actions. Nothing is off the table. Was it John actions that jacked up Leucadia's traffic problem at the railroad by opening Leucadia Boulevard up to El Camino Real and Olivenhain road without planning for the impacts west of I5? If so, was that a mistake or what?

  6. I am sure he had his good points. But from Anon 7:30 description it sounds to me like he was part of the Jerome clan trying their best to make Encinitas, Orange County. Yuk.... I am glad he got beat in the elections. Now its time for Jerome to go.

    Say NO to OC

    Say yes to QUALITY OF LIFE

  7. A big thank you to John Davis. Although I might not have agreed with him 100% of the time, he was always 100% just himself. I never thought he was a mouth piece for personal gain. I hope the City Council recognizes his passing in some way. He was a great asset to this community and his legacy will continue to inspire us all. March on John.

  8. Well, RIP. I liked the anon eulogy, too.

    One thing, though, I don't think James Bond has been consistent. He used to vote against pay raises for the staff, and Dalager went along with him. They were overruled by Guerin, Stocks and Houlihan.

    Now he, and the real lap dog, Dalager, are voting for the pay raises. Seems like Bond is just "going along" with the program of ever increasing operating expenses, and raising money for capital improvements through improper lease revenue bonds that should have been general obligation bonds. Council has not wanted to allow public votes on too many issues.

    As for Guerin being Stocks lap-dog, no. I don't think so. She is an alpha dog. Jerome seems more like a weasel.


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