Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Who will your ballot machine vote for?

Now that electronic voting is taking over there are deep concerns about security and corruption.

Here is an interesting website dedicated to voting machine security:

The Tangible Ballot Initiative

The Problem

The danger of the “digital gap,” in voting is that, when you touch the screen on a DRE (direct recording electronic) machine, your vote is registered in a digital pattern, which is then transmitted as your vote, at best, to a chip. The information on that chip is then transmitted into a central processing unit for tabulation. Like every other computer process, that tabulation can be hacked, most easily by those in power. Just as “one bad apple can spoil a barrel,” one chip containing malicious code can spoil an election.

The Solution

The tangible ballot initiative strives to make the voting process simple, accessible, and traceable, by requiring that a paper, or otherwise tangible ballot, serve as the basis for all vote counting.

Princeton University Exposes Diebold Flaws


  1. Computer voting should go. Now, voting is privatized, how secure can that be? I remember when I first voted in the City of Encinitas after it instituted computer voting, at the now razed Luthern Church on Santa Fe, our ballots contained an item for voting for the Mayor of the City of San Diego! Well, I voted for one of the canidates, can't remember who at this point, but the point being -- how can we make sure that the appropriate ballots are being voted on by the appropriate populace if its all on a computer? And, I bet every election, the computer company will come out with new and improved fail safe voting machines that counties will be forced to pay for or risk the dreaded hacker attack. Give me back paper voting.

  2. This is to guarantee the next president will be a rich white guy.

  3. Nothing wrong with electronic voting! We should us JP's web polling technology for presidential elections.


    Download the petition and circulate one! Just one.

    Email your friends and ask that they do the same.

    If this is all you do for democracy this year, it is a little that means a lot. Nothing else matters not even the Federal Reserve bull.

  5. I vote for JP's voting process on the web.
    What could go wrong with that?

  6. I vote for JP's voting process on the web.
    What could go wrong with that?

  7. I vote for JP's voting process on the web.
    What could go wrong with that?

  8. I vote for JP's voting process on the web.
    What could go wrong with that?

  9. Tonight @ 9pm on PBS: Encinitas


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