Friday, January 04, 2008

Jeepers Carlsbad!

Comment by community observer Fred Caldwell on Carlsbad wanting Encinitas to pay the bulk of road improvements for the Ponto development land grab,

Jeepers. Just when you think people are finally getting it: that when you narrow roads less people can use them, Encinitas wants to widen La Costa avenue for Carlsbad commuters?

Let them widen Poinsettia Ave. Problem solved.

Roads are like pipes, and cars like water. Make a bigger pipe and more water fills it up.

There shouldn't be one dime spent by us aiming MORE Carlsbad commuters through our 101 corridor. Additionally, property owners on La Costa Ave between 101 and 5 shouldn't lose ANY of their land because of that process.
What we do need is to keep that stretch of La Costa Ave. ONE lane East and one lane West. We also need to narrow 101 to ONE lane South.

The La Costa /101 intersection has been a financial disaster since incorporation. We businesses do like business here on 101, but the intersection provides no U-Turn capability, and as a result ANYONE who would want to make a U-Turn to patronize a business here cannot. Carlsbad knows this so they made it so a traveler has to go 4 miles North before a U-turn is even possible - sending C’bad all the business. 8 mile U-turns are cruel and unusual treatment to the businesses of Encinitas by Carlsbad. The sad part is that the La Costa / 101 intersection is OURS and has not been modified to correct this error.

Another example is Palomar Airport Rd. In the old days it simply made a T shape to 101. A traveler could turn left to go to Leucadia or right for Carlsbad. But that wasn't good enough, so they built a huge loop. Now anyone driving West on Palomar Airport Rd has to make a 270 degree right turn to go anywhere South, (IF they’re quick enough to process the choice in time,) while their ingenious unaltered path aims all revenue to downtown Carlsbad.

And don't get me started on the time they unnecessarily shut our bridge down for 6 months in 1994 robbing us of 8,000 cars per day. Offering us $20,000 to mitigate with an “event”, then not giving us a dime.

Historically and currently, Carlsbad is not a friendly neighbor when it comes to traffic. But is concerns me that both Carlsbad and Encinitas “agree” that our La Costa Ave. needs to be widened. Sounds like the old “good cop bad cop” routine to achieve the same end.

And I have to laugh when the news reporter boldly claimed “Encinitas agrees that Encinitas residents will benefit from the Ponto development.”

Guess it boils down to two separate interpretations of what “road improvements” are. Theirs, and everyone elses.

I respectfully disagree with the "non-option" approach the news report presents to us.

Leucadia Blog: Encinitas vs Carlsbad!

City of Carlsbad Official Website

E-mail the Carlsbad city council and tell them what you think about their shady Ponto plans: Carlsbad city council contact page Encinitas suing Carlsbad over Ponto plan


  1. That's my man FRED!!! Attaboy Fred!!!

    U tell'm FRED!!!!

  2. Who exactly owns the Ponto land? Do they even want to sell? Is the land going to be stolen from them by the city of Carlsbad via eminent domain?

  3. Scene: Grimy cafe in Carlsbad.
    Stocked: Glennboy, you seen that there bloggy posted by Fred? How he figger out we in cahoots with C'Bad -- ain't been no leaking frum my office.
    Sabined: Dunno Jerryboy, can't be no leaking frum my office neither cause I done plugged up all them holes gud and proper.
    Stocked: Glennboy, I ain't talkin about no sewer pipes you fool. This heres got me worried. Them yokels start figurin out this stuff by themselves then we could be in a passle of putrid potholes!
    Sabined: Jerryboy you darn right, we gotta outsmart them yokels -- lets use the old lawsuit trick -- I done whipped up one jess in case.
    Stocked: Glennboy, I knew I kept you around for a reason. Now you run that there lawsuit down to court -- here's some taxpayer money -- and make sure you bring back the change so's I can git some tater tots. All this palaverin gots my appetite whetted.

  4. Glenn filed the suit but then turned it over to a firm in Costa Mesa. That doesn't seem right. We could have kept our taxpayer money right here and, if he couldn't handle it, then it seems to me the City should have brought in local attorneys. If an Encinitas attorney would have been a conflict of interest, at least use a Solana Beach or Del Mar attorney. But noooooo- he goes to the Orange Curtain.

  5. Fred my man-

    I think you meant- all Carlsbad needs to do is the widen the short remaining section Avenida Encina to 4 lanes to provide access to the new boxy Ponto area. Poinsettia Lane doesn't need to be widened.

    Encinitas should neck down the HW101 to one lane southbound at La Costa Avenue which would encourage the Newby Ponto residents to use Avenida Encina, not Encinitas roads. Check out the link below showing an aerial of the area.,-117.313943&spn=0.017365,0.039697&t=h&z=15&om=1

    Make Leucadia a Shelter Place once again.

  6. Heck yeah. Carlsbad could eminent domain a lot more property than on La Costa Ave by widening Avenida Encinas.

  7. Wow, conspiracies everywhere! Many times I failed to make the turn off Palomar and ended up shopping in Carlsbad's downtown when I was headed to Encinitas!

    A few points - first, the tater-tot comment got me hungry - good one. Second, it's not a land grab, most of it is already in private hands and they want to develop it. The sad part is that the parcel nearest the lagoon was in foreclosure and supposedly Carlsbad could have purchased it for $25MM, but it went to a Texas firm for $50mm (not that C-Bad would have made a nice park out of it - they probably would have built city office buildings!). Third, Carlsbad's cafes are not grimy! Fourth, there won't be any newbie residents, it's all going to be hotels, time shares, and retail. I think the coastal commission requires a portion be available for public sleepovers. But as usual, C-bad is in full compliance with developer's wishes to maximize profits so it will have as many rooms as they can cram in. Carlsbad already has way too many hotel rooms IMHO - it is a zoo in summer. Fifth, I mentioned narrowing 101 in Leucadia over a year ago, with some nice curves and bends thrown in for good measure. That is the only thing that will slow down speeders, unless of course you set up speed traps like Carlsbad does.

    The only way Leucadia will benefit from this, if you can look at it this way, is to continue to spruce up the 101 and attract retail dollars from the new Ponto Tourism District.

    A perfect world would have the State declare eminent recreational domain on Ponto, move the ugly campground west of the 101, and restore everything east of it to it's natural state (but keep the stairways and provide surfer parking). I'm still pissed they eliminated parking in front of the new houses west of the campground.

    PS - lots of those commuters are from Oceanside, they are the ones who get ticketed in front of the power plant!

  8. Sorry F Urban Planner. Check out the plan... there are zones for mega Condos on the sight. They are claiming live/work... but we all know that isn't what happens. more condos= more commutors cutting through all of Encinitas- Leucadia, Old Encinitas, and Cardiff.

  9. I like the new Stocked and Sabined Charactor. Pretty original!

  10. You bastards quite talking about reducing the width of HW101 to make room for sissy bike lanes and old lady sidewalks.

    Screw the businesses and the new condos along HW101 they don't need parking.

    I need my room to zoom! Plus the wider Roads make my straight pipe superbaster sound extra cool. At least that what my mom says.

    If you narrow the road, me and fat Lizzy will not buy our one gallon of gas and smokes from the new station in Qeuludia.

    Take that you fairies. Maybe we will start cruising San Marcos. Vista and Oceanside are too tough. those dudes will beat our fat asses for being wantabees.

  11. Interesting that the city farmed this lawsuit out to a firm in Orange County. I guess our dear city attorney Glenn Sabine wasn't up to snuff. Might be a good time to get rid of him and farm out the rest of the city legal business.

    But Jerome Stocks and his buddies will keep him on. Sabine has nicely done some special favors for them all that keep them in his thrall. Right after the city approves the raise for unionized city staff, Sabine will be first in line for a big raise.

  12. Thank god this ass clown is a former urban planner because he wants to move what little state beach camping there is left in southern California. F you kook.

  13. off topic but important

  14. They better not approve a raise. Most businesses and agencies need to trim staff. That includes Encinitas! CUT THE FAT. CUT THE DEADWOOD. WE WANT TO SEE A CUT IN STAFF. Use the money to fix the flooding and plant trees!

    Who negotiates with the Union. The same dude that does cost estimates for the City. If so, boy are we in trouble.

  15. Question to anyone: Who exactly does own Hwy 101. Is it the State, or does each individual city own the piece of 101 that is their community? I really would love an answer, as I don't know. Thanks.

  16. The City owns HW101 and its now a local road ever since I5 was built in the 1960s. Thats why PCH is named different things throughout San Diego.

    San Diego- La Jolla Boulevard
    Del Mar- Camino Del Mar
    Solana Beach- HW101
    Encinitas- S and N. Coast HW101
    Carlsbad- Carlsbad Blvd.

    In hind sight I think we should change the name to reflect the local ownership like other City's have done. Lets Change it to Encinitas Mainstreet 101 and Leucadia Mainstreet 101.

    Its purpose is for local traffic not Interstate traffic. Including parking, pedestrian improvements, bike lanes, and landscaping (trees).

  17. If the city owns 101 then can they "sell" 101 to someone that will improve the drainage, landscaping, road surface, etc, in return for a small toll to use the 101??

    I for one am willing to join a consortium to purchase 101 from the city to improve the 101 area of influence and control what happens on 101!!

  18. City hired Rutan & Tucker, an Orange County lawfirm, because Stocks wants to turn us into an Orange County style city, which favors development, at ALL costs. Orange County Attorneys are NOT in touch with what the public wants, here. They get paid, HUGE BUCKS, to do exactly what the Mayor and our city attorney tell them to do.

    Stocks wants to widen the roads. And on this coming Wednesday's agenda for the Council Meeting is the raise for staff, both those in the union and "unrepresented" employees, like the guy who negotiates the staff raises.

    Bogus. Stocks is a developer schill. And he is a big spending republican with Randy Duke Cunningham on top of his endorsement list. Never saw a govt. union pay and benefit raise he wouldn't endorse. Including the fire dept., of course. Shoot for the sky, is his motto, living large off of the backs of the "little guy."

    I like the screenplay, "Stocked and Sabined," too. Keep up the good work! I guess our only hope is a big change on Council.

  19. All we need is for some Developer to buy Stocks a nice big box house in Carlsbad and are problems are solved. Common Developer do something good for yourselves and us.....

    As you'd say its a win-win for everyone.

  20. I think the city hires other attorneys because Sabine does not have the expertise to deal with alot of issue. The city hired an outside attorney for the mobile homes park issue, another attorney for the Hall Property EIR and on and on. How much is the city really paying for legal service?

  21. Is Sabine getting a referral fee?

  22. Hopefully not from Carlsbad

  23. Sabine's own law firm has been hired for City business -- seems like a conflict of interest as that would give him a financial incentive in any litigation. How could his opinion be in the best interests of the City when he is making money from it. Smelly.

  24. Tom Beckord negotiated the new contract with city employees. His nickname at city hall is "The Undertaker" because of his dour demeanor and black dress.

    Watch what happens on Wednesday night. After the employee get their raise, Beckord will be next in line right after Sabine. This is all fine and dandy with Jerome Stocks et al.

  25. Any settlement in the lawsuit against Carlsbad shouldn't be decided by the City Council. That decision should be the residents. Has anyone read the filed lawsuit?

  26. Of course Sabine gets a referal fee. He's a lawyer, they all get them.

  27. The courts will settle the lawsuit. Citizens don't get a chance to do anything once the suit has been filed. The question Council could have asked us is if we wanted to sue. It is too late for us to complain now. I think that the decision to sue was made in a closed session so I am not sure we could have even known that we were going to sue until it was too late to do anything. But I am not sure about that part.

  28. It's ingenious. Either way the lawsuit goes, La Costa Ave gets widened, and that's how you shut the public up.

  29. It's not too late to complain on that lawsuit. The courts receive the civil law. It is up to the parties to decide whether to continue the suit, settle, or let the court decide. Remember, this is a civil suit, not a criminal case.
    Complain, complain, complain. Don't let the council take away your rights to say no to widening La Costa and 101.

  30. La Costa Avenue has always has zoned a four lane roadway in our General Plan. It has a grade seperated RR crossing. It serves more properties in Carlsbad than Encinitas.

    Its very simple. If Carlsbad wants access for its residents, let them pay the entire $30,000,000cost for widening.

    If they don't pay, Encinitas shouldn't widen it and put up all way stops at every intersection including HW101.

    Either way, we need to neck down HW101 to one lane in the south bound direction at La Costa.

    Its so simple, Council and staff should be able make it happen.

  31. I think La Costa Ave is not zoned for four lanes from the fwy to the hwy but two. It would take eminent domain to make that area 4 lanes wide - taking private property in the process.
    The recent widening of La Costa Ave East of the fwy does in fact serve more Carlsbad property than Leucadia. But West of the fwy La Costa Ave is entirely in Leucadia.


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