Dear Leucadia Town Council Members:
I am writing this letter regarding our streetscape on Highway 101. The LTC Board has been involved in this process from the beginning and we met with Diane Langager to go over the plans before the 3rd workshop. Our concerns at that time were the speed with which a decision was made to proceed with Alternative 1, and the fact that alternative 1 would remove lots of trees.
Also, our Board encouraged Diane to make the plans known to more people. We suggested having the plans at the Leucadia Artwalk in August and L101 was gracious enough to keep their office open so it could happen. There were Board members from both LTC and L101 and City Staff there to answer questions about the Streetscape. Diane also suggested having an open house at the library so that the community could view the plans and have their questions answered, which they did.
This is a very important progression for Leucadia. We do not want to change the character of this community. I think that pretty much sums up how the Leucadia Town Council Board feels. However, we look forward to improvements to our 101 corridor. Please remember that the first phase will start at Encinitas Blvd. and go up to North Court. I think you will all agree that adding more trees and improvements to this area is greatly needed and will be welcomed.
My goal as President of LTC and as an activist in our community has always been to involve the community. I hope that all of you are behind the efforts of the City to improve our corridor so it is safe to walk, landscaped and designed to slow traffic down so people can enjoy our businesses and restaurants. That is what will make Leucadia vital. We are in the planning process now and all members of the community who have an interest should seek out information so that we have a good base of consensus once the plans are completed. You can contact Diane Langager at 760 633 2714. There is also information on the L101 website I have also attached a fact list that was composed by L101 to answer some questions, which have come up during the workshops.
The most important thing to know is that this is a planning process. The consultants and City have gone out of their way to hear the community and everything is subject to change and improvement. I hope anyone who has questions will contact Diane or do their research so that we can move forward as a community with everyone’s concerns addressed.
Thank you to all of you who love and treasure Leucadia as I do. I wish you a very Happy Holiday Season!