Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Signs of the Times

If you are pretext, skip this and DRIB:

wtf b layaway




If you understand this text speak, you're probably too young to know what layaway is.

Here is a story about it.


  1. Sorry to be off topic but:

    Did Cabo Grill close?


  2. Here is a sign of the times, the apparent contempt our Sheriff's Deputies have for one of our communities. This story appeared in their union magazine. If they know this is a problem why aren't they doing something about it?

    The community of Cardiff-by-the-Sea is home to numerous transients. It has affectionately been named Hobo Junction. In the spirit of Christmas, we cannot leave out these unfortunate members of society. After all, if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t have that much to do! Hobos from around the county gathered for this year’s Ho-Ho Hobo Christmas spectacular. They crawled from under the bushes, cast aside their favorite rocks and staggered around as merrily as they could. They bobbed for apples, floating in vodka of course; pan handled to see who could get the most change in an hour and played their own version of last man standing, which has nothing to do with fighting, simply drinking. That game took quite some time! There was even a parade, if you can call it that. A freight train lumbered by with several hobos on board, waving to the crowd. Eventually the festivities came to a close with the annual crowning of Hobo Claus. The picture of the 2008 Hobo Claus is included as usual, but with a word of advice: if you see this guy in a red suit at the mall, don’t let your kids go near him!"

  3. I forget if the owner said it was at the last of last month or this month but that Cabo Grill was closing. The 5 star hotel bought their property and the big lot behind Robertos.

  4. Thank you. I never really cared for Cabo Grill's food but the view was awesome!

  5. RE: HOBO junction

    Do you have a link to this newsletter?


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