Monday, December 22, 2008

Dark Winter Nights

This is NOT the coast highway in Leucadia.

With the exception of Auggie's House of Crab and the tiki place, north Leucadia 101 is a dark and bleak place on these long winter nights. Every year I dream of a cheerier Leucadia with more ambiance and lighting on the coastal corridor.

Leucadia 101 Main Street is sponsoring the fourth annual Light up Leucadia Holiday Lighting Contest

Any business located on Hwy 101 between La Costa and Encinitas Blvd is eligible to participate

Judging will be done by community members during the month of December

Cash prizes awarded to the top three winners based on the most creative outdoor lighting displays

First Place $150
Second Place $125
Third Place $100
And a Special People’s Choice Award
Ballot boxes located at: Embellishments (in the Gold Coast Plaza); Leucadia Donuts; and the Leucadia 101 Main Street office

Photos from last year:

photos sent in by Morgan Mallory.


  1. Those lights suck....

    We never did that in the past. Why don't you just leave things be.

    Don't you get it, christmas lights sucks, Mom shouldn't have left, and those fuckin roundabouts.Can't we all go back to the old days when I was happy? Why all this change?

  2. Was that sarcasm or should we put you on suicide watch?

  3. How about that 'Get Divorced..' billboard? That's cheerier.

    Pardon me while I vomit.

  4. Yeah, that "Get Divorced" billboard is so ugly taggers veer from it.

  5. How sick would it be if we lit up all the tall trees along 101 with lights.

  6. Leucadia is the most closed minded community in California.

  7. Merry Christmas

  8. 7:16

    Like we'd want someone like you living here.


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!