Thursday, December 04, 2008

Anonymous Comments and Agent Provocateurs

Just a friendly reminder to everyone who visits this blog and actively reads and post comments, some of the anonymous comments are obviously the work of at least one agent provocateur. These negative comments and personal attacks are designed to get the blood boiling of certain individuals involved in the Leucadia Streetscape process. Remember to read all comments with a grain of salt and keep a cool head on your shoulders. The internet is a strange place.


  1. Wow. that’s cool the way you made the rest of the posts go away.

    Plus your point is point on.

    Keep up the good posts and great entertainment.

  2. How very apropos.

    Thank you JP

  3. Thanks. It's interesting that the vast majority in your poll do support the Streetscape plans. Keep up the good work!

  4. Why do you hate Mike Andreen so much?

  5. Whats to like about him?

  6. It's one or more of the usual suspects. It's sad that they don't have something constructive to contribute.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry I have nothing positive to say about Mike A... so I'll leave it at that.

  9. Dear mr toots
    that is baiting.
    Are you an agent provocateur?
    Well, if you think I am going to fall for that and start commenting on his guest column in the coast...
    after self back patting, he offers real concerns of the Chamber of Commerce has about,
    ’… impeding through traffic to downtown Encinitas. So the Chamber is if favor of leaving everything the same? Fast and dangerous. No dillie-daddeling in Leucadia.
    That does not sound ‘chamberly’.

    He further refers to the petition that two Chamber members were” armed with" when they asked for the chambers help. It might have been good for the chamber to have read the petition on which they have taken such a hard stance. It claims such tidbits as: Leucadia Blvd. dead ending at the tracks, the majority of trees destroyed, eminent domain, loss of beach access, and more are in store with this crazy new plan. They have gone to businesses shared this info. And scared people.
    Later the columnist offers, " The Preferred Alternative included...cut down a significant amount of tree canopy entitling it "restoration" in the public workshops..." (The columnist was not seen at the workshops). Well gee, I heard that 92% of the trees are to be saved and hundreds more planted.
    ...on Nov.13 the chamber brought out more than 200 evaluate the plan.(if you count the entire library, less if you include chamber members and city staff ). No residents ,or businesses without a reservation received by a phone call you had to make to get your name on the list. Chamber members could not get in unless their dues were paid. The chamber made the agenda. It offered more opinions than any new information. The chamber declined a request to get involved with this process early on and have not been an entity at any L101 Streetscape meetings, until 'chamber members', (2) asked for their help.

    Does this represent the position of the Chamber of Commerce as the columnist states it does? It couldn’t be.

    But any way, mr toots, you got me you agent provocateur, you.

  10. All I can say is Fred knows his neighborhood.

    Thanks Fred for being such a good passionate lover of Leucadia.

    You don't see Fred selling out his bit of land for a maximum density development with no parking- like he could at any given moment.

    You’re the man Fred. Actions speak louder than words. You and the others like the Gold Coast Plaza, Encinitas surf Boards, Lou’s recorders, Tikki too, the Pannikan, the Leucadian Inn, Calipsos, La Especial, Kotia, and the many other character focused property owners have all the appreciation of the rest of us Leucadians for keeping it real.

    Thanks for keeping Leucadia so awesome.

  11. It is appalling that the Chamber of Commerce wants to halt the long awaited Leucadia Streetscape project to create a safe, pleasant, and prosperous business environment because of, " ...the real potential for impeding through traffic to downtown inherent in the plan..." There is something terribly wrong with that.
    The Chamber of Commerce should be supportive to business, even if they are in Leucadia.
    How can the city support a Chamber, with our taxes, that takes the attitude that the Leucadia 101 strip does not deserve the improvements, so long promised, that the rest of the city has received.?

  12. I want to offer this apology to Mr.Rick Smith and his wife.

    It was wrong of me to single them out on this blog after the Wednesday CoC streetscape meeting.
    They are entitled to their opinions concerning the streetscape and their concerns are valid.

    I'm sure they are honest hard working people doing what they feel is best for themselves, their business and the community of Leucadia.

    I was angry at what I felt was misinformation being presented by many members of the audience. Mr Smith and his wife became the focal point of my anger.

    Again I offer my apology to Mr. Smith and his wife.

    I will not longer post on this or any other blog concerning Leucadia.

    I believe in the streetscape and feel it is the best/last hope for Leucadia.

    If the streetscape is postponed as some desire or watered down as to be insignificant, Leucadia will become the blighted black hole of north county coastal. Highway 101 will become a treeless, weed choked extension of I-5.

    It disturbs and angers me when I hear people that want to maintain the status quo or keep Leucadia from being the best community of Encinitas. Yet I have to remember that other ideas or opinions are as equally valid as mine.

    I believe that Leucadia should be the Crown Jewel of Encinitas.

    You may post as you see fit, I will not respond to your comments. I am embarrassed that I allowed my anger to get the best of me.

    I offer the Smiths best withes and good luck in all their endeavors.

    I wish good luck to Leucadia also.

    I now leave this blog, forever.

    I am,
    A concerned citizen for a better Leucadia.

  13. Here is my take, if you are going to be the spearhead of an anti-streetscape movement and write letters to the editor and start a city wide petition (that includes misinformation) and get your name in the paper and stand up in front of groups of people with a microphone then you need to be ready to take a little heat. How can you not except backlash on something this big? I get slandered all the time but I take it on the chin. It's just the way it is.

    I do request to all blog visitors that if you disagree with the Smiths on the streetscape that you counter their points with reason and logic and not character assassination.

    That works both ways too.

  14. That was very gratious.
    I, for one, believe that you should feel free to contribute your opinions. You obviously care about the future of leucadia and your input is as valuable as any.
    There are many others confussed and frustrated about some people and the chamber spreading erroneous information concerning our future. Your anger is understandable.
    We need to stand together.
    Support our Streetscape

  15. Whaaattt...did I miss. Is this a self-flagellation party? Okay, I confess, I posted really rotten mean spirited comments about L. Braun...I am sorry...I confess. Forgive me in this season of love and joy.

  16. 12:03

    Thanks, Mom.

  17. I'm glad I missed the hateful comments before.

    I agree with the Smiths and Mike Andreen.

    Many or most residents feel that narrowing Hwy 101 to only one lane northbound would be a big mistake and would divert more traffic to Neptune (one way, northbound) and Vulcan. So would putting in five roundabouts in just over two miles. That is overkill.

    Also, we have more walkability now with the sidewalks, although that could be improved further.

    The traffic could be slowed with some stop signs and u-turn lanes.

    If there is more parking than the business property owners should have to pay a special tax assessment just as business owners do for lighting and landscaping improvements.

    Someone, such as Leucadia Glass and Sub Palace owners can be in favor of improving and restoring, protecting the tree canopy, and in favor of more walkability, without being in favor of the current plans being promoted by Pelz and Associates, the out of area consultants, and by Charles Marvin of the North 101 business association.

    We can love Leucadia, want to keep it funky, not junky, and still not be in favor of the current plans.

    The majority of those surveyed at City Hall at the last workshop were not in favor of any of the currently proposed plans for narrowing Hwy 101, or for diagonal parking, or for five roundabouts. Also, over 300 signatures have been collected where people have asserted that they do not favor the current plans.

    Spin this however you want, the majority do not favor the current plans, although they MAY be in favor of a "streetscape," which is all JP's poll demonstrates.


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!