Saturday, December 06, 2008

ECC: Keep Leucadia Junky?

Coast News: Encinitas Chamber publishes 101 survey results by Mike Andreen

Excerpt, on Nov. 13, the chamber brought out more than 200 people, most new to the Streetscape process, to evaluate the new Plan 4.

The chamber petitioned the city of Encinitas for copies of the survey that was handed out, filled out and returned to the project team in City Hall at Workshop No. 3 on Nov. 13 by more than 180 people in attendance.

1. The survey results totaled up to an unambiguous vote against this project “moving ahead to the City Council”. The vote was nearly 2-1 against the “project” moving forward.

2. Additionally, this survey recorded far more “no” votes than “yes” votes when asked if attendees on Nov. 13 to City Hall, “support the new alternative presented tonight?” (Plan 4)

If you are following this blog on an RSS feed then you might have missed that I have several polls in the left column of your screen. Pop over to the home page to check them out,

My newest poll posted only a few days ask, Do you support a streetscape project for Leucadia? As of this writing 64 people have voted. 53 people have voted yes (82%), 4 people no (6%) and 7 not sure (10%).

I previously posted a poll asking about roundabouts (scroll way down the page). 607 people have voted on that one. 432 voted for "I LOVE THEM" (71%) and 175 votes for "HORRIBLE" (28%).

Mike Andreen and the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce seem determined to kill the streetscape project in it's entirety due to disagreements on roundabouts and lane configurations. Obviously these two elements are the most controversial, but to stop the streetscape project and NOT have an improved and safer roadway, NO tree planting, NO center median landscaping with native plants, NO sidewalks and NO streetlamps is not only reckless but selfish and shortsighted in my opinion.

Is the status quo of Leucadia's Hwy 101 acceptable?


  1. The ECC is bad for Encinitas. It’s time for the City to quit funding a organization that is against any positive change in Encinitas.

    Mike Andreen is the biggest Dickhead in Encinitas. It’s hard to believe such a dildo lives in Encinitas, does actually live in Encinitas and what does he do for a living other than make tird pies for some dumbass people to chew on?

  2. See comments on 'Agent Provocateurs'

  3. Mike was Encinitas volunteer of the year.

  4. The main purpose of the Highway 101 corridor is NOT to get people to Downtown Encinitas, as this article suggests.

    Why is this happening? The ECC is losing it's feeble grip on reality if they think they are helping anyone out here. We must not let them stop this fantastic project that will make our unique village more walkable and bike friendly which will increase business.

    Please write the City Council and let them know that we want to upgrade the Highway 101 corridor though Leucadia.

  5. wtf does "walkable" mean?

    Is downtown Encinitas walkable?

    Is Del Mar walkable?

    Is Carlsbad Village walkable?

    Is Solana Beach 101 walkable?

  6. Tird? Do you really mean turd?

  7. 6:23

    I think it means you don't have to go through mud or out into traffic to safely walk (bike or push a stroller) from the Batiquitos lagoon to Encinitas Blvd. through Leucadia.
    For (at least) those two reasons, 101 in Leucadia has always been less "walkable" than any of the four other towns you listed. And a business district without connective sidewalks is less viable as well.

  8. Whatever. Get porked.

  9. ... on his guest column in the coast...
    after self back patting, he offers real concerns of the Chamber of Commerce has about,
    ’… impeding through traffic to downtown Encinitas. So the Chamber is if favor of leaving everything the same? Fast and dangerous. No dillie-daddeling in Leucadia.
    That does not sound ‘chamberly’.

    He further refers to the petition that two Chamber members were” armed with" when they asked for the chambers help. It might have been good for the chamber to have read the petition on which they have taken such a hard stance. It claims such tidbits as: Leucadia Blvd. dead ending at the tracks, the majority of trees destroyed, eminent domain, loss of beach access, and more are in store with this crazy new plan. They have gone to businesses shared this info. And scared people.
    Later the columnist offers, " The Preferred Alternative included...cut down a significant amount of tree canopy entitling it "restoration" in the public workshops..." (The columnist was not seen at the workshops). Well gee, I heard that 92% of the trees are to be saved and hundreds more planted.
    ...on Nov.13 the chamber brought out more than 200 evaluate the plan.(if you count the entire library, less if you include chamber members and city staff ). No residents ,or businesses without a reservation received by a phone call you had to make to get your name on the list. Chamber members could not get in unless their dues were paid. The chamber made the agenda. It offered more opinions than any new information. The chamber declined a request to get involved with this process early on and have not been an entity at any L101 Streetscape meetings, until 'chamber members', (2) asked for their help.

    Does this represent the position of the Chamber of Commerce as the columnist states it does? It couldn’t be.

  10. It is appalling that the Chamber of Commerce wants to halt the long awaited Leucadia Streetscape project to create a safe, pleasant, and prosperous business environment because of, " ...the real potential for impeding through traffic to downtown inherent in the plan..." There is something terribly wrong with that.
    The Chamber of Commerce should be supportive to business, even if they are in Leucadia.
    How can the city support a Chamber, with our taxes, that takes the attitude that the Leucadia 101 strip does not deserve the improvements, so long promised, that the rest of the city has received.?

  11. Mike sent this out:
    Happy Holidays Everyone,
    > The Encinitas Chamber of Commerce have added up the results of the
    > Survey taken at the December 3rd Business-Owner's Information Meeting
    > about the Hwy 101 Streetscape and they are truly surprising.
    > The Chamber will share the results with the entire Chamber Board on
    > Tuesday, then meet with whomever is interested in seeing the results a
    > short time later, and finally deliver them to you and everyone else
    > that attended Workshop 3 and the Dec. 3rd Meeting.
    > We hope to see you all on Tuesday night, Dec. 9th at the 'Garden of
    > Lights' Sundowner at Quail Botanical Gardens.
    > Bring some marshmallows to roast!

  12. Thank you for sharing, or not now sharing this information. Considering the exclusive invitation terms and no residents allowed at your non-public meeting,
    and the opinionated agenda you offered and the stance that the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce is offering less than facts to the public and the Chambers great fear that long waited improvements to the North 101 Corridor will inhibit people to get to downtown, what value is this exclusive poll?
    Publicly, the Chamber is putting a lot of weight and doing some limb riding supporting petitions that are miss leading and contain blatant mis-truths.
    I had a client in my store today that was infuriated that she signed a petition against the Streetscape improvements when she found out the facts. She said she felt deceived and was insulted that she was told untruths to get her to sign it. She told me she would be writing a letter to the Chamber and newspapers and Council. Attached is information that I offered to her that clarified her reality of Streetscape.
    I know the chamber has chosen not to get involved in the Streetscape project, although invited, until recently.
    I feel, as others do, that the Chamber is backing questionable petitions, personal motives and scare tactics on businesses in Leucadia.
    I wish that the Chamber would be more supportive of businesses in Leucadia. The Leucadia Blog indicates, in an electronic fail safe vote, 83% of voters support the Streetscape.
    The issues that were identified fourteen years ago are the same issues that the public has identified now. The current plan answers most all of the needs identified. I am not sure the Chamber understands all the issues. Michael Peltz and the city have done an exceptional job.
    Please support Leucadia's efforts to improve the business environment and be safer and more attractive for residents.
    Is that not what a Chamber of Commerce should do?

  13. Write the City Council in support of the streetscape - that really helps.

  14. Earlier on, when a workshop majority poll HAD decided to remove 80% of our canopy trees (Plan #1) I was livid and would have signed almost anything to stop that, even with the caveot of all the other misinfomation that appeared in the Chamber's petition! But thankfully the real majority of people who want to preserve and enhance our tunnel of green spoke up, and the plans changed swifty. So swiftly it seems that the authors of the petition didn't get wind of it?

    It would seem the petition was deliberatley decieving, BUT there WAS talk of closing Leucadia Blvd too at the city, and fortunately that was quickly shut up. "A little bit of truth can be dangerous". But Peltz nor the Streetscape had anything to do with that brainstorm.

    As far as the Streetscape robbing biz from Downtown Encinitas I disagree, but rather believe the Streetscape will compliment Downtown ultimately making the entire corridor through Encinitas safer and healthier for all. Now, if we can all just survive this depression. I don't admire Obama's task. That's gonna take more than creative financing. But on the bright side, can you believe gas is only $1.81? Makes me think the drill rigs off of Moonlight Beach might have a reprieve.

  15. Is it possible to leave he Encinitas Chamber and form our own, like Cardiff has?

  16. I think the Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association provides more service locally than a Leucadia Chamber of Commerce could. What's in a name?

  17. Also write letters to the Editor. The Coast "News" has not had any positive articles or letters to the Editor about Streetscape. We need to change that - write a letter to the Editor please.

  18. I drove Rancho Santa Fe Road today and I did not like stopping at so many stop signs.

    I sure hope that we put roundabouts on 101 and not stop signs.

  19. Next time just don't stop. That will fix it.

  20. God forbid RSF encroaching on corners of someone's oleanders for a roundabout!
    BTW, how many on street parking spaces is Leucadia Glass going to lose to a roundabout, seeing that an NCTD Bus Stop and a fire hydrant already take up about four cars worth?

  21. If the question was "do you support THIS streetscape project" the result would of course be different than posed as "Do you support A streetscape project". There are many who of course support a streetscape project (as these results show), just not this one.

  22. I support this Streetscape, as many others do.
    The reason is that it would create a unique safe enviornment for businesses as well as residents.
    It appears to be a plan that we would be proud to hand down to our children.

  23. I agree. The existing conditions are unsafe and ugly.

    The streetscape plan will create a safe, beautiful, well balanced road.

    Good Job to all involved- Except the liar naysayers.

  24. In reality, those businesses that have the most to lose relative to the existing conditions, are those that currently have full width access to Highway 101, such as Bradley Auto, Captain Keeno's, the car sales lot(s) and others. Along with the future street improvements will come curbs and controlled access to each site. As far as the current businesses go this will be a huge change and I can see that they would fight it under the guise of the ECC.

  25. No STOP SIGNS on 101!
    Stoping and going is noisy and smelly.
    Look at the Juanita's taco shop intersection. That is a good spot for a round about. Round abouts are great in some spots. otherwise, they are a wast of money.
    Why are there 2 round abouts on leucadia Blvd at useless spots?
    Why didnt we just put a round about in where the stop sign is at Hygeia?
    If there is a stop sign, lets put it back at vulcan and Leucadia Blvd- I hate that light!

  26. I will write, again, Council and ask them to carefully consider the results of the survey taken at Encinitas City Hall at the last public workshop, which shows that the majority of those attending, well over 200, do NOT favor any of the current alternatives.

    Lay off Mike Andreen. He is merely representing the businesses who are part of the Chamber.

    There are over four hundred signatures gathered against narrowing North Hwy 101 to only one lane Northbound and five roundabouts in just over two miles.

    Those who attack Mike, and before, Rick and Kathy, just demonstrate the weakness of their positions.

    If business property owners gain a substantial amount of parking, then they should have to pay a special assessment on their property tax bills.

    There are a few long time business owners, who do Not pay high property taxes due to Prop. 13, the Jarvis Gann Tax Initiative from 1978, that would benefit handsomely from traffic being slowed so much by a multi million dollar benefit at ALL taxpayers' expense.

    The Highway 101 Corridor is a major through way. It is a major artery to downtown Encinitas, Cardiff, Solana Beach and Del Mar. The main purpose is not for the profit of a few business owners who favored blighting Leucadia because it was supposedly "junky," so that they could sit on the redevelopment board.

    That is not going to happen. Now a few individuals are trying to turn this into a redevelopment district without the funding that would have been gained if Leucadia had been blighted, by diverting money from County agencies.

    Many are no longer posting on this blog because of these few anonymous "flamers" and provocateurs, which JP has mentioned.

    If he did delete some posts, I am glad, because someone has clearly been out of control.

  27. The old grumpy locals have always hated Mike Andreen's guts so why are they flocking to his side now? How stupid are you? Andreen is the devil and always will be. WAKE UP.


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!