Friday, October 08, 2010

Barth, Penny Saver

[click to enlarge]


  1. I didn't think anyone advertised with the pennysaver anymore. Very creative or very desperate... I don't know which. I hope she has the money to keep pace with the signage and mailers around the City. It is very lopsided with the other two and is a blight on our streets and mailboxes. Totally out of control already. LL

  2. Is it to late to jump on Danny's side? He's not such a bad guy after all!

    I'm recommending a writ-in ballot with Rachel...


  4. What is the point with a sign and your name on it? Are we supposed to count how many "tony no baloney" signs we see and then vote? Are we supposed to be impressed if we see a Dalager sign in front of an expensive house? I mean, really? What's the point?

  5. I heard from a reliable source that someone from the dark side is willing to counter each negative piece by sending out 3 of their own.

    I say bring it on; were way ahead of them on the negative campaign anyway.

  6. Barth Good for Encinitas.

    Kranz good for Encintas.

    Dalager proven bad for Encinitas.

    Kristen- talk into runnning this race and has no idea whats she's in for.

  7. While talking with Teresa (in a group setting) she talked only about herself, didn't mention Tony once.

    Seems like she's already dropped Tony.

    We need to bullet vote for Tony.

  8. Be patient, we have two great pieces coming out on Dalager and the Blond! It will make the UT appliance piece on Dalager look like an endorsement.

    Coming to your mailbox soon!

  9. Barth is a fiscal conservative. I bet the Penny Saver cover was a lot cheaper than a slick mailer.

    Don't be fooled again.

    Danny...liar liar pants on fire. Kristin is his friend.

  10. Dalagar apparently has quite a sorrid history around town that isn't broadcast. Maybe it's time for those that know to reveal these stories, as the good old boy theory still seems to sway some people. Dalagar and Gaspar are a disaster - if elected, it'll be business as usual for the developers and the special interests. Time for Encinitas to purge the crook and airhead.

  11. Can't wait for the supposed "expose" on the dullard twins - if indeed true.

  12. I have been thinking about the relationship of Gaspar Physical Therapy with sports medicine, which is one of the main reasons people go to physical therapy. Would Kristin have to recuse herself on anything dealing with the Sports Park part of the Hall property, as she and her husband would have a lot to gain financially if there were five lighted fields with loss of people playing, especially adults who would probably be the ones using the night lit fields? Just wondering.

  13. Last message should have said "lots of people" not "loss of people".

  14. This is very smart. It's in everyone's mailbox, and yet costs much less than a slick mailer, like the one from Danny and Jerome's MILF yesterday.

  15. The physical therapy- Hall Sports Park thing is a non-starter. You could make a stronger argument that shoe stores or sporting goods stores have a financial interest. The number of kids who will get physical therapy for Hall Park injuries and end up at Gaspar's is trivial.

    The real story is that Paul Gaspar is on the board of directors of the California Physical Therapy Association, and he's using that influence to shake down physical therapists from all over the state for $250 contributions to an Encinitas city council race.

  16. From an environmental point of view, it is very smart. The pennysaver is printed on recycled paper and I believe they use a soy based ink. If she is true to her platform, it makes perfect sense. LL

  17. If you love Encinitas, ACT NOWOctober 09, 2010 8:52 AM

    Danny Dalager gets me sick.

    He makes me embraced to live in Encinitas.

    We sure look like Bell trash electing a Stupid Rambling Crook.

    Mexico officials have more integrity and transparency that Dalager.

    Airhead is so far out of her league, the Cardiff Kook is more qualified to run for council.

    At least the Kook would have time to read the council reports and be somewhat informed. You know an airhead fake blond with 3 babies isn't going to read anything except when the next "Real Housewives of OC" is on.

    If you love Encinitas, spread the word to 5 people close to you that you know aren't very informed on our backwards City Hall. Get them to vote Barth and Kranz.

    More importantly go to Barth and Kranz's website and donate money. If the donation is under $100 you will not show up on any list. I have donated $95, my wife has donated $95 and our 18 year old daughter donated $95 to each Barth and Kranz campaigns.

    Money talks, BS walks....if you want change you have to fund it.

    That goes for you Cardiffian. The special interest have thrown down big behind their puppets. We need your support to return our town to the Citizen's best interest.

  18. W.C.-I wasn't so much thinking of kids but adults that get sports related injuries. If you think about it, how many kids are going to play at night. The lights are for the adults who do get a lot of injuries. 2 years ago I had to go to an orthopedic surgeon who ended up recommending P.T. He gave me one referral-Gaspar. The doctor was at Scripps La Jolla. There are other physical therapists in Encintias, but Gaspar was the one, and only one, he gave me. 2 days ago I received an e-mail from Gaspar Physical Therapy sharing useful healing tips. Kirsten's name was not mentioned, however, I have never received anything from them before. The next day I received a robot call telling me why Kirstin is the best candidate. I called Paul Gaspar and directly asked him if he was perhaps violating HIPPA laws by using my personal information for political uses. He said "No" so I cannot prove that there is any correlation. However, Kirstin said the population of kids that would use the sports fields was 33% in Encinitas. SANDAG says there is about 12% of citizens living in Encinitas under the age of 20. Therefore, could the 33% be the number of kids and adults that would use the fields? Perhaps you are right and I am way off. However, there is no question about it-Gaspar stands to make a great deal of money if there are lit fields in that park. Adults are more likely to play at night and probably have more sports related injuries. If Scripps doctors are referring to him-what a nice extra piece of change. Just a thought.

  19. Those on this blog that attack the professions of those that disagree with them politically shouldn't be surprised or pissed when others attack their (or family members) business or profession. After all, they have family's too.

    What goes around, comes around!

  20. I don't believe I was attacking Mr. Gaspar's profession of physical therapy. I was simply stating that he may have a lot to gain from his wife being on the Council. Since she has really only spoken about the ark, at least from what I have heard, and does not seem to know anything else about Encinitas, I think it is a fair comment. If I ever run for CIty Council, if someone could link how I would benefit personally from my profession, then I think that would be fair game. Jerome possibly profits from his affiliation with being on the Council but I have no problem with him being an insurance salesperson. All employed councilpeople possibly benefit, but Kaspar seems to be running on one platform-the Hall property sports park. Therefore, I think it is fair game to be curious why she seems to know nothing much else about the workings of this City and is declining to answer certain questions when asked. Perhaps I am wrong. If so, then I apologize to Mr and Ms. Gaspar for my speculation.

  21. Has anyone ever noticed that when someone talks about karma, they post as anonymous? At least put your name to it if you are addressing one person , in this case Dr. Lori? At least she has the courage to post her own name, unlike me or most posters. And maybe there is something to Dr. Lori's idea. What has Kristin really said about Encinitas that got the UT to suport her as well as the North Ct. Times/ I have been to all the meetings and I cannot tell you one thing she really will comment much on except the Sports Park. She declined to state anything about Prop.P. It does seem odd.

  22. My vote will be for Theresa, why because she is all about openness. Disclosure is like your on the front row center.If you feel stonewalled, take a hard look and vote accordingl

  23. I think the big issue with Kristin Gaspar's candidacy is Kristin herself. What skills and qualities has she personally demonstrated so far? Her refusal to answer any policy questions with anything more than a platitude is a red flag. The one fact she touts as the compelling reason to get the Hall Park built as a priority (that 33% of the population of Encinitas is made up of children) she got wrong. This shows her research skills are subpar. If she were in school, she would receive an "F." Yet, here she is running for public office.

    It's not hard to come to the conclusion that she has people behind her directing her and financing her. She is unable to answer policy questions directly. Her candidacy is pure marketing. It reminds me of the 1979 movie "Being There" with Peter Sellers as Chauncy Gardener, a simple gardener who would issue banal statements such as "It's best to plant in the spring," and was interpreted by the media as a philosophical genius. By the end of the movie he ended up in the White House.

    Marketing is a powerful tool and the best way to combat it is to ask for specific solutions from the candidates and to point out their lack of qualifications and skills for the job. For example, Kristin's lack of research ability in getting one simple statistic right, especially one that was supposed to support her pet project. That's appalling. She's simply unqualified.

  24. Dr.Lorri conspiracy theorist?? You are off your meds and really reaching on this one. Now stop it. Go back to being the logical thinker that we all know and love.

  25. Be sure to attend the next candidate forum Oct 12 at the Encinitas Library. You can rwrite down direct questions -- it is very informative. You can also see the body language of the candidates. Teresa is by far the most informed and professional. Danny looks like a scared duck. Kristin just sits there and smiles and Tony he is all for open government and truly cares.

  26. Oh and the Penny Saver very creative in my opinion. Show she is using her money wisely.

  27. A review of the latest 460 forms is very instructive. So far, Gaspar leads in donations over the rest of the field by far - and she has spent more than that. Her spending so far is more than any other candidate by a factor of 2+.All of the other candidates have overwhelmingly local support from Encinitas - Gaspar has roughly a 2 to 1 ratio in favor of OUTSIDE Encinitas. All the other candidates have sourced their campaign materials locally - the ONLY local payments made by Gaspar were for the City filing fee and to Scott&Curnin. A number of campaign materials were sourced out of State.[To be fair, she also paid the Encinitas Ranch Golf Course and the Encinitas chamber of Commerce for a fundraiser and a booth]. Her form was co-signed by Beth Reno, an employee of Scott&Curnin.
    Oh, you may have been wondering why it was so easy for Gaspar to get the County Sheriff endorsement. The Scott&Curnin web site lists the Sheriff as either a past or present client ["clients have included...]. You figure it out.

  28. Here's hoping thousands of hands handle the Penny Savor this weekend and that thousands of pairs of eyes look carefully at Teresa's ad. And that these same thousands get to the polls and vote. We are at a possible crossroads with city government becoming once again a citizen body of informed public servants.

  29. Penny Saver - maybe I was thinking savior. LOL

  30. The Pennysaver is alive and well, and a very smart place to reserve for a campaign. The ad looks great too. Hardly "desperate". But there is the threat of signage because the "bigger is better" mentality sits well with most voters in Encinitas. The good news is that Gaspar is not the name of a secret agent hero. Or is it heroin?

  31. If Gaspars name was Paris Hilton we'd be screwed.

    I love the negative comment about anonymous and karma coming from an anonymous poster. Ever think actions speak louder than words?

  32. After reading about all the candidates, it is clear to me

    Barth and Krantz are the best candidates for Council.

  33. Good people don't run for office anymore. Those who are in the hunt are egoists or elitists who think they know whats best for the rest of us. Voting is just picking the least despicable low life's of the ballot. Barth included.

  34. Dr Lori is quick to attack others. What does her past reveal? What does her husband's (works at a college)past reveal?

    Stay tuned!


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