Saturday, October 02, 2010

Harry Eiler Returns to Encinitas

After moving from Encinitas because of being so disgusted with Encinitas City Hall and running a media campaign in the last election, Henry Eiler is back.

Harry gets credit for helping get campaign disclosures on the city website (yes, the city recently was not putting that on the web). Harry also gets raised eyebrows because in the last election he spent a lot of money to promote Stocks, Bond, and Long and DID NOT file campaign statements so the public was not able to see who was paying for all the Stocks & Bonds advertisements.

Here's an invite the LB'er just got from Harry:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Because the coming elections are important on so many levels ... we
often overlook how important are the decisions at our local City
Hall. This year there are two incumbents and two newcomers
campaigning for the two available seats on the Encinitas City Coundil.

Incumbent Dalager seems to have 'shot himself in his foot' and
incumbent Barth has her own unique inabilities to 'play nice' with
others - at the City's expense. There is a Criminal Complaint
lodged at City Hall against newcomer Kranz for violations of City
Codes that may impugn his own ethics
in campaigning and business while
he sets himself up on an 'ethics' platform. So the desirable
selections available seem rather limited.

However, Kristin Gaspar is a fresh, new, intelligent, independent
voice who will work hard to bring a new era in our City's Government -
a voice that both the Union Tribune and Deputy Sheriff's Association
endorse as their ONLY candidate for the Council. I am fortunate to know and
recommend Kristin and, to support her efforts, we cordially invite you
to a "Meet and Greet" next Friday...

We hope you can avail yourself of this opportunity to speak to Kristin
on a 'one-on-one basis' and find out for yourself what an EXCEPTIONAL
candidate she is and what a GREAT Council member she will be for our

Suitable refreshments will be served and your RSVP by Wednesday
would be greatly appreciated!!!


Harry and Alice Eiler


  1. tony is a gangsta. Tony can share a cell with Danny!

  2. Harry Eiler; Don't go away mad, just go away.

  3. What did Tony do?

  4. I think he got caught staring at Kristens legs. It's a crime I've comitted a few times myself.

    No ideas... great legs.

  5. Stocks is a bully and Dalager is a cheat.

    Eiler supports these guys.

  6. Stocks is a crook. Stealing our future kids opportunities by implementing huge pension for government employees that our kids will need to pay for their whole life. Put Stocks in prison.

    Our Children and grandchildren have no voting power and he exploits them.

    Big pensions now on their dime. Pathetic.

  7. The only thing you can say about gaspar is she is buddies with stocks, bonds, galager, Guerin. She is one of the boys. So if you want more of the same vote for her.

  8. I agree Gaspar supports Stocks, Dalager, and Guerrin. Add Houlihan to the group and you have the worse Council members this City has had in History. These are the ones who voted for their own 40% increase in Pensions for every councilmember and City Employee and a 14% raise for all City Staff and their own raise in 2005.

    Increasing their own profits at the public expense. I hope some future DA goes after all these criminal Elected Officials. Encinitas sure has its lot.

    If you vote for Dalager or Gaspar, you are voting to continue the problem.

    Vote for a Better Encinitas, Vote for Barth and Krantz

  9. The Stocks, Bond and Dalager combination are responsible for destroying the historic character of Encinitas. First the Artists Colony became the Lofts, an abomination that has struggled to fully occupy itself. Then the atrocious downtown development that looks like a Hollywood stage prop from Westworld - besides the visual blight, the traffic issues are going to be absurd. The next to go is the Pacific View School parcel - high density housing and commercial development over a city seaside park or community center. This is what happens when the 3 stooges are left to reign for years on end - corruption and special interest accomodation. It is essential that Dalager goes for his egregious ethical indiscretions; then Stocks for his outright allegiance and funded obedience to the developers. Hopefully Bond just goes away. The damage already done to Encinitas by this consortium will persist, but at least getting rid of these guys will hopefully return city government back to the citizens' interests.

  10. Seriously, what did Tony do that was criminal, or otherwise?

  11. What did Tony do?

    Have some balls and ask Harry directly:

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Just got today's NCT, with Gaspar's "sticker" on it. With all the developer money, I'm really afraid that we're going to be stuck with Dan and Gaspar. Please please please, give money to Barth and Krantz, tell your friends, do whatever you can. With a 4-1 developer and 5-0 union council we have a lot to lose.

  14. Gaspar is a hotter dumber version of Christy Guerin.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Blogger Leucadia Blog said...

    To deleted over the top anon,

    Let's see. Was the Leucadia blog the first media to publish the accusation of Tony's violations?


    Is there anymore to the story to publish? Send it to us.

    As for all the posts on Danny, could it be that there happens to be more stuff to post on him?

    Let's also recognize that there is a lot and way uglier stuff that we hear about Danny than has not been published here. We knew about the kitchen-gate long before it hit the UT. The UT was able to put the story together. We have jobs and families.

    Come to think about it. It was terribly unbalanced to Tony to publish Harry's email. Sorry Tony and thanks for addressing the issue here.

    (Please, anon troll, repost your comment below)

  19. hello!This was a really excellent topic!
    I come from itlay, I was fortunate to search your Topics in google
    Also I get a lot in your theme really thank your very much i will come again

  20. Eiler is profiting off his endorsements somehow. This clown is slimey!

  21. Sorry Harry, I don't swing that way, Jack.

  22. I'm curious - who is supporting Dalager's reelection campaign? The official disclosure papers listed online are blank. Someone thought Dalager spent $40,000 on his political mailer, where he blames his problems on "political detractors". It is hard to believe Dalager would waste $40K of his own dough, as he is a horse with a broken leg. What is his city pension should he get the boot? Valley Girl Gaspar is being groomed as the new 'Dalager' - "Yes, Jerome - tell me how to vote!"

  23. Harry Eiler is the new David Meyer, here come the clowns!

  24. Dalager and Gaspar campaign posters showing up in tandem - did Stocks secure the money for his 2 cronies?
    Dalager campaign posters are apparently the kiss of death - Hansen's wanted them off their property - bad for business. The Ford dealership should be next.


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There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!