Friday, October 22, 2010

Mighty Max Benefit Happening NOW!

Max is local kid fighting an extremely rare and aggressive cancer known as stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma. His insurance is quickly approaching the lifetime cap of $2M. You may have seen the banners around town for the Mighty Max Event this Friday, October 22nd from 5 to 10 PM (see attached flyer) at the Cardiff Town Center.
I am inviting all of you to please attend and would take your support as a personal favor. 100% of the revenue from the donated proceeds of this event will be used to cover the ongoing monthly medical cost that is not covered by his insurance. This is really hard, watching this little guy go through chemo and he is fighting soooo hard! We don't realize how fortunate we are to have healthy kids until something like this hits close to home. So please come out and have dinner, a drink, or just buy something. It all helps. Hope to see you there.


  1. can't make it but is there a place to mail donations? what a cute guy!

  2. Thanks for posting this J.P. It is so sad to watch anyone go thru something like this, but with a kid it seems even harder. I, for one, will be contributing. Just think if all of us contributed the cost of one cup of coffee at Starbucks, a lot of money could be raised. O


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Have at it!!!