Sunday, October 03, 2010

Tony Responds to Harry Eiler

Mr. Eiler has filed two complaints against me:

1. That on the FPPC form 460 filed for my campaign activity in August, I reported a $300 in-kind contribution from my son James for the programming he did for my website.

2. That I don't have a permit for a home-based business.

Here is the truth:

I made a reporting error by listing my son's programming as a contribution. Per FPPC rules, the work he did for my campaign is classified as Volunteer Personal Services and there is no limit to how much he can help. I will file an amended Form 460 on Monday morning.

My City of Encinitas Business Registration Number is 24317. My California State Board of Equalization Seller's Permit number is FHB 101-582708.

Perhaps, at the very least, Mr. Eiler has filed a false report. His wording on his meet and greet may also have some ramifications.

The LB has emailed Harry Eiler and asked him to comment.

Harry's response:
Sorry LB ...   after reading the cpmments and name-calling in them, I think it not appropriate to sink to that level and pursue this matter further.

I believe the complaint and supporting documentation is available at City Hall.    I have never received nor solicited funds nor have I exceeded any expenditures that require further disclosures.    That you reprinted a personal invitation sent out to friends and neighbors is unpardonable but such lack of ethics and of good taste seems commonplace in the LB and among its several readers.  My analysis of the Encinitas Council elections is supported by the U-T who only endorsed Gaspar ! 

Note: Harry's solicitation was sent out much more widely than to "friends and neighbors". The content was political in nature and not a matter of a private correspondence. 


  1. And so the political stupidity it begins. Wasn't Eilers the one who called Maggie such awful names? Who is this guy anyway? Is he rich or what? Thanks for clarifying this Tony. Also, thanks LB for realizing that it was probably not the greatest idea to post Eilers mailer at all. However, it is good to know he is back n town so we can all be on the watch for his next antic.

  2. Wow.

    Those are some heinous offenses. Shame.

    You done probably broke some child labor laws, too.


    Hang him!

  3. This is the same Harry Eiler who acted as a shill for Jerome Stocks in the 2008 campaign. He taught a class in opera appreciation at the Senior Center and made some inappropriate comments about Maggie Houlihan in his class.

    He started an ugly email campaign against her, aided and abetted by Jerome and his cronies, and subsequently was forced to move his class to Carlsbad. He is a retired professor, but not in music. He's a dilettante, arrogant and condescending in his classes. One session was too much for me.

    He filed complaints against Maggie with the FPPC, something like 76 or 96 charges. I don't remember exactly how many. All were determined to be minor clerical errors.

    All of his posturing is an attempt to divert attention from Dalager, who has very serious charges against him.

    Eiler is the lowest of the low and the scum of earth. He makes a perfect pairing with Jerome Stocks.

  4. anon 357,

    On the other hand, Eiler's email WAS circulating. Harry had sent it out on his large email list. Looks like posting it helped clear things up, but we will see if Harry agrees.

  5. Just to be sure folks read this under any blog news:
    Mo Muir (EUSD Board Member) can have her opinion about Prop P. But, "Educator of the Year"? She's a Board Member with no teaching experience. Do members of museum boards become Artist of the Year? Do Board members of the SD Symphony become Musician of the Year?
    Perhaps Board Member of the Year would be more appropriate.
    But, not in her case.

  6. So this Eiler character has filed "criminal" complaints over Tony's son doing some website programming for him? Is this a joke? If Eiler has actually emailed more than three people that "criminal" complaints have been filed against a political candidate he can and should be sued for slander. What a creep.

    This association makes Kristin Gasper look even more like a stooge.

  7. Hey LB. You got nothing to hide. Post it all man. It's what free speech is all about. And Tony, great comments / comebacks. Except for how young people can run circles around us with computers.
    And to Harry Eiler: Boris Badenoff just called. He wants his evil ways back.

  8. I got the email from Eiler. He has a large email list collected from anyone who attended one of his classes and signed in. I didn't ask to be removed because I want to see what nastiness and nonsense he is writing.

    I think LB was correct to publish the email. We all need to know what Eiler is up to. Criminal complaints filed at City Hall? That's a serious charge and a little bizarre in the way he did it. I want an explanation from Eiler. So far no email has come to me.

  9. What a diabolical man.

  10. Someone should ask Gaspar at this weeks forums what she thinks of one of her key supporters making such crazy allegations. My guess: She will refuse to answer the questions, as she did in Cardiff. She is a Communications major (not uncommon for trophy wives) and says things like, "I'm sorry if you did not like my answer, but I did answer the question." - when she clearly is deflecting.

  11. Eiler, Stocks, Dalager, and Gaspar are panty weights

  12. Thx WC
    Henry Failure
    pimping for
    Kristin SubPar

  13. 10:10
    A communications major? You mean a Talking head??

    Harry Eiler...a bush-league Karl Rove.

  14. This Harry Eiler guy is a real kook. Check out the monument he built to himself, his web site. What a pompous ass.

  15. To Anonymous 10/03 @ 5:55 PM (re:educator of the year award):
    When you comment about something that has no bearing on the original post, you look desperate and petty. It's poor blog etiquette. Guessing as an outsider, I think you're either Carol Skiljan, Bill "Weed" Parker, or Marla "Desperate" Strich. I don't know much about Mo Muir's background, but you guys are losers. Grow up.

  16. Less than 30 days left to slander your political opponent. Who else is going to crawl out from the darkness to make outrageous claims of dubious behavior from the four horsemen or women of the apocalypse that will be elected in November. Say what you want about Dirty Harry but at least he has the balls to make his claims in broad daylight and not as an bitter anon goon who hides behind the curtain.

  17. Wait a minute here. Someone who made baseless accusations of criminal wrongdoing is now complaining about "name-calling?"

  18. LOL, poor harry is not coming across good.

  19. Harry, I wouldn't base my analysis of support for a political candidate based on the U-T. Did anyone read their commentary on Barth and Dalager this weekend? What great insight on our local candidates. I learn more from this blog than I do from that crappy newspaper. LL

  20. My bad. It was the NCT not the U-T that covered Barth and Dalager. The NCT is crap too. I would not boast about the U-T support for Gaspar. LL

  21. I agree W.C. - I will no longer shop at Hansons. what a sell out. First the kook and now supporting the kook crook.

  22. Duke Dalager is illegal again.October 04, 2010 9:16 PM

    Someone should call code enforcement. All of the signs I saw that Dalager and Gaspar are placed within the City Right-of-way.

    Clearly a code violation. Dalager is illegal again. I don't think Dalager knows how to do anything legally or in accordance with ethical standards.

    To be Fair the City should gather all of them and throw them away and charge Dalager and Gaspar for the costs of our City's time for code enforcement, public works and the DA costs to prosecute.

  23. Let me get this straight, Mr. Kranz is going to put the ring back in the bell on exceeding the campaign limit on his report by filing an amendment so as to erase the reported item. Isn't he being a hypocrite since he and his supporters are attacking the Mayor for ammending one of his reports because of a problem?

  24. This is wholly different. Mr. Krantz over reported, which is actually being extra open/careful.

    The Mayor hushed up a clear conflict of interest.

  25. Where is Dalager's expense shown for his letter stating my criminal actions were not that big of a deal. Screw the tax payer. Lets give huge pensions and build a regional sports complex all on Encinitas tax payers.

  26. Let's see, Tony Basloney says: "vote for me 'cause I'm problem free" but then Tony Baloney seems to have problems of his own causing him to file "amended reports" just like the Devil Dalager" and Maggie Houligan!!!!
    Sorry dude, you're living in a glass house. You should not throw stones!!!

  27. 8:56- Tony is being ultra transparent. the opposite of Duke Dalager or Houligan. Please ---- your clueless.

  28. Tony appears to be makinng a lot of rookie mistakes. The City web site shows that he has filed all kinds of amendments. Two alone on the 4th just for his first 460 form with the time stamp being four hours apart. He also dumped his treasurer (or she him) and is now doing the reports himself. I don't know if that is very wise and it sure doesn't look good when he is slamming the Mayor for his amendments.

  29. It looks fine.

    Duke Dalager is corrupt.

    Tony Kranz is a fine upstanding citizen.

    There is a big difference.

  30. Mike, seriously: revisit 4/12.
    Don't make me spell it out Brutha

  31. Kranz needs to promote himself - I don't see any posters and have not received any mailers. Menawhile the dynamic duo of clones, Gaspar and Dullager, have posters plastered everywhere. It seems improbable the crook Dalager stands a chance, but never undersetimate the lack of political awareness of the electorate. Dalager has obviously been ripping the system off for years; he got lax and shot his mouth off - what additional scandals lie undiscovered? You can imagine what secrets lay hidden in $tock$' closet - probably makes Dullager look like an amateur.


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