Thursday, October 14, 2010

Do you spend money without knowing what you're buying?


  1. Another Dalager. She sees the world just like stocks,Bonds and Gagaher. what's in for me. Why does her financial support come from outside the cut?

  2. Gaspar is a shill, supported by the Stocks consortium power brokers. Watch her body language - her uneasiness denotes that she is uninformed and incapable of talking outside her script. She is Dalager's replacement. Her high priced campaign is the Trojan Horse, wheeled into Encinitas to continue its occupation by special interests.

  3. My guess is that Gaspar may be using Encinitas for a stepping stone to higher office in the State. Her husband, Paul Gaspar, is a physical therapist and is on the State's Board of Physical Therapy. That may be the reason that so much of her campaign money comes from outside the City, including from physical therapists outside the City. Just a guess.

  4. Good for Tony for exposing this ridiculous response. Tony Kranz has been doing the yeoman's work of continually challenging Dan, Kristin, the city council, the city manager and the city staff. He is living his belief system by speaking truth to power every single week, every single event and no doubt in his personal life. I've seen him on his bike - changing patterns one thing at a time.

    This man belongs on the dais speaking up for us in this community.

    Oh, and like Teresa Barth he does this with civility, heart and mind.

  5. Gaspar often mentions her Rotary experience.

    I would ask her.... do your actions pass the Rotary "Four-Way test of the things we think, say or do?"

    Is it the TRUTH?

    Is it FAIR to all concerned?


    Will it be BENEFICAL to all concerned?

  6. The rotary standards are baloney. The proof is Jerome Stocks wasn't kicked out. He has blatantly violated those standard on a monthly basis. Shame on the rotary for not keeping their ranks in order.

  7. How about that sleazy, dishonest mailer that Gaspar and Dalager paid for?

    Is it the TRUTH?

    Is it FAIR to all concerned?


    Will it be BENEFICAL to all concerned?

    Too bad Rotary doesn't expel people for violating it so blatantly.

  8. she's like a north county coulter.
    right wingers get a half chub over her but in the end she's just another not so hot harpy.

  9. I bet she wins just because she smiles while she spins.

    That being said, why any taxpayer would vote for a union supporter, who actually boasts of union support, is beyond me.

  10. The other comment that Gaspar made that I found very amusing was when the subject of the Streetscape workshops were addressed, she had to admit she hadn't attended any of them. Her excuse? "I was having a baby".

    I've never had a kid, but doesn't it take less than two months to pop one out?

    I hope whomever reads these posts realizes most of us are not picking on Gaspar with malicious intent. Hell, I don't know WHO she is, but actions speak louder than words, and her stage act is transparent,(if you'll pardon the expression). She just doesn't have the "delivery" to convince me she has what it takes to be an effective leader who cares about our community, and by that I mean she doesn't come across as SINCERE.

    She comes across as a CAREERIST.

    Now I realize that some people find theise traits admirable and even a little sexy, and as the late Jack Orr said, "Elections are war". He's right, unfortunately, and many people who get elected are well versed in The Art of Winning at Any Co$t.

    You remember these kind of people in high school, don't you? You didn't like them very much. You should like them even less now that you are grown up. But like the Student Body Elections, they didn't interest because they didn't mean anything to you.

    Well, these elections mean a great deal, and there's still gold in them thar Encinitas hills, and there are those who want to make maximum dollar on it, and the rest of us be dammned. Look at the Nantucket blight on Andrew Street, if you don't believe me.

  11. She doesn't look that hot to me. Now Karine at Chief's burgers, that chick is hot.

  12. I doubt Gaspar even knew what was on the notorious "comparison" flyer prior to it being sent out. She is being handled by the pros - in this case it appears to be Scott&Curnin along with a host of attorneys, accountants and political consultants. Google the address of the folks she has paid on her form 460. It would be hard to find a more motley crew - almost all of the "consultant" types have multiple organizations running out of a single address. How in control of her campaign is Gaspar when the campaign is ordering supplies from out of state ? Was that her idea? Did she find all these "consultants? I don't think so. I would like to vote for a local candidate in a local election, not someone with 50% or contributions from outside the City. The rest of the candidates have overwhelming local support.
    If Gaspar ditches her Republican machine backing, runs her campaign locally, and actually learns rather than reciting the issues, she may be a viable candidate sometime in the future. I don't believe she or Dan are candidates Encinitas can believe in currently. There doesn't seem to even be the the slightest hope of Dan improving his behavior - he lives in denial of the truth. Gaspar could have a shot. Will she take it or is her career in politics just the current illusion backed by lots of dollars ?

  13. How can anyone support Dalager?? This guy is so incompetent and corrupt, it relects badly on the supporters' rationality.


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