Monday, October 25, 2010

OK Bloggers, T-Off


  1. don't mind if i do:

    check out this video of tony kranz.

    hilarious. a new one that makes him look like charlie manson.

  2. p.s. on you tube, the tony kranz video is called Tony Kranz, Ts.

    which of course stands for transexual

  3. Hmmn. So now Tony Kranz is a transsexual and a serial murderer. Careful, your IQ is showing.

  4. Nice to see clearly what Tony stands for. Very specific thank you. Clever use of low tech equipment.

  5. Well, the attack dogs are at it again. It is really scary to think that these weirdos are supporters of Dan Dalager and Kristin Gaspar. It is really scary to think that they think this kind of behavior is acceptable. Why is it when these people have something to say it is in the form of degrading and sexist name calling. It says a lot about the character of Dan Dalager and Kristin Gaspar that they are unwilling or unable to put a muzzle on these guys.

  6. The sad thing is, that rather than actually discuss the substance of his ideas, it immediately gets turned into a mud-slinging contest that serves no one. I for one really like the idea of at-grade train crossings. The alternative seems like it would invite vandalism and worse. I also like the emphasis on public transportation as an alternative to the I-5 expansion. Has anyone actually analyzed what the cost benefit would be if they took the money they are planning to spend on the I-5 expansion and used it to improve the coaster and related bus transfer service? One of the big reasons I don't use the Coaster is it's just not flexible enough. If there were trains every 15 minutes from early morning to late night and reliable transfer service, I would be much more inclined to consider it

  7. Thank you, Tony. I know that you would be a breath of welcome fresh air. I know Tony and trust him. I have watched his caring for his city and effectively argue for fairness and openness in our local government. He knows the issues and he would serve the majority with fairness and honesty.
    I am apalled at the dispicable slime that is being blasted out of the dalager/gaspar machine. Some of their supporters have shown little grace any bile, publicly.

    Alas, I can not use my name, as The Boys Club could still win, and it could affect my business with the city in the future.

    Do all you can to elect Barth and Krantz.
    Thank You

  8. Thank you Tony for giving us specifics, as well as not going for the nastiness of Gaspar and Dalger. You definitely have my vote.

  9. Anon 4:45-How sad that so many cannot use their names in fear of retaliation. I am one of those people as well. Hopefully we will toss out Dalager and put him in the same place as Duke Cunningham. As far as Gaspar, no words I use can describe how despicable I think she and her husband, Paul, are in this campaign. I hope both of them get the hell out of Encinitas as they are not welcome here, except of course, to some Scripps doctors and developers.

  10. Scripps, Gaspar Physical Therapy, and e-mails. Any connection? Nawwwww!

  11. Well, it seems our good friend David Meyer (Maggie's clown) is behind the latest slate mailers for Gaspar and Dalager. Jon Horn has just done a UT piece stating that DCM properties just gave another $6000.00 to the Gaspar/Dalager campaign. David Meyer is President of that Association. This is all starting to make sense now.

  12. Can someone like the FPPC subpoena employees of Gaspar to get them to testify under oath as to the disposition of their patient records? Oddly enough, I never received any of these e-mails and never was a patient of Gaspar's. My wife on the other hand was a patient and did receive an e-mail. There are too many coincidences here.

  13. Tony, the truth

  14. Check out Robert Snow. He is one of the partners of Gaspar Physical Therapy and is also a developer. You can google him. There are 5 partners at gaspar. If you check them out this is all starting to make sense.

  15. i think you are on to something .... they cannot prove they did not do it!

    it worked for obama. no reason why it won;t work here.

  16. Robert Snow
    Director of Orthopedic Residency Program at Gaspar Doctors of Physical Therapy
    Greater San Diego Area Medical Practice
    Chief Operations Officer at Doctors of Physical Therapy
    Director of Orthopedic Residency Program at Gaspar Doctors of Physical Therapy
    Clinic Director at Gaspar Doctors of Physical Therapy
    Physical Therapist at Gaspar Physical Therapy
    CIS Manager at Kennington Group Real Estate
    University of Southern California
    Palomar College
    San Diego State University-California State University
    1 person has recommended Robert
    92 connections
    Company Website
    Public Profile

  17. DR. Lorri you are freaking out.


    (this proves nothing but no one here is smart enough to notice.)



    (but i do appreciate the logic: if someone is smart and accomplished and hard working, there is no chance they would support TB or TK.)

  19. Former Gaspar employeeOctober 25, 2010 6:43 PM

    Dr. Lorri must be hitting on something or the next 2 posters would not be so freaked out. BTW, Paul Gaspar has given over $6000.00 in one year to the Physical Therapy PAC.

  20. Anon 6:37x2-If Dr. Lori is freaking out then why are you so nervous. All she did was check up on Robert Snow. Can't see any harm in that. He is on the Net you know. And he was a developer. I did a little more research that I think I will send to that guy at the U.T. He might appreciate it more than you.

  21. absolutely:

    mocking you for lack of evidence is in itself evidence!


    and as to the harm of printing a hard working, accomplished and smart person's name in a public place filled with rumor and innuendo, what could be the harm in that?

    course, i heard your two candidates are also guilty of major felonies. let them prove they are not!

    see: i'm just as smart as you.

  22. Let me be the first to apologize if anyone thought I was mocking Robert Snow or Paul Gaspar. I have never met either man. I just Googled Robert, as someone had said something about him on the blog. I will take this time to apologize to anyone I have offended, mocked, or made some kind of remark that was taken offensively. Any person that knows me knows that is not who I am. However,I am deeply troubled by this election campaign. I will admit to that. I have lived and worked here for 25 years, and I have never seen a campaign quite like this. I have received e-mails, from people don't know, "trashing" Teresa and Tony. I have received no less than 5 slate mailers from the Dalager and Gaspar team. Does that mean that they are in any way bad people, or dishonest etc. Absolutely not. It just means that they have a lot of money to spend on this campaign for City Council, and that is all it means. So again, please accept my most humble apology if I have offended anyone.

  23. surely you can do better than 'someone said something' about him on the blog.

    someone accused him of a felony and medical malpractie without a shred or hint of evidence.

    and the reaction of most people on this board was to pile on.

    'let's make the charges first, we'll get the evidence later."

    and these are the same people who whine abot a lack of civility.

    you are a joke.

    and that is a plural you.

  24. WOW! Who said anything about felony malpractice? Where did that come from?

  25. i counted seven posts with innuendo and allegations against gaspar and this practice. allegations that amount to medical malpractice.

    not counting yours, lorri.

  26. I also received the nasty e-mails. They were sent to my e-mail address however, they were addressed to my 99 years old mother who, as it turn out, was a patient at Gaspar. They only way they could have attached her name to my e-mail address was if I gave it to them as a contact. To use this information in this manner seems to be to be a breach of patient/doctor confidence. Apparently that does not mean anything anymore.

  27. there you go again.

    anonymous charges. criminal conduct. not one atom of proof.

    you are a joke.

    let me guess, you are one of the ones whining about a lack of civility.

  28. by the way, dr. lorri, does this answer your question?

  29. No, Paul it does not. I have called you twice in an attempt to get to the bottom of this. You have not been disclosing. I have not accused you, or your firm, of anything at this time. What you perceive is up to you. I sign my name to all of my posts, so if you have a beef with me, please phone me, or e-mail me. You know both my e-mail and number. Over and out on this subject, at least for me. it has become tedious.

  30. I have also recieved many e-mails from Dan the solar guy and Glen what's his name. I have never been a patient of Gaspar though. There are many ways to end up on a e-mail list so I wouldn't bet the house on a direct connection to the Gaspars. I am sure they have help in high places. This smells like Bilbray and his PAC. LL

  31. ok, dr. lorri:

    you claim , you tbink, you speculate you are talking directly to the person named paul gaspar.

    are you willing to wage your house or your car or your correspondence course DR. title that you are wrong?

    because you are abigger fool than i even thought.

  32. and now we have some other clown saying bilbray is behind it.

    again: no proof. no evidence. no nothing except allegations and innuendo from people who spend all their time whining about lack of civility and bad behavior.

    you realize you are a joke, right?

  33. Kristin Gaspar's bagwoman, Jane Blair, gets cease and desist notice.

    Who is Jane Blair and why is she trying to buy the city council?

  34. I haven't accused anyone of anything. The slate mailers can be traced back to the set up group that has ties to Bilbray. So it wouldn't be a reach to wonder if the e-mail campain could have ties to them as well. Follow the money. LL

  35. Anon:7:54- Let's get serious. Who started this attack on Teresa and Tony. The Gaspar/Dalager Camp. Video's showing only part of Tony's behavior with the man who went before the Council to complain about a private citizen, with no proof; hit pieces on Tony and Teresa; lots of money for slate pieces and e-mails from some jokers who won't even answer as to who they are; Jon Horns UT pieces about where the money is coming from. Why would Kristin Gaspar, who has never had any real business with the City, want the job. She wouldn't even answer the Encinitas Taxpayers Assoc. questions after she said she would. What are her motives for wanting to be a City Councilperson? A lot of us don't get it. No one is saying Gaspar is a bad guy. It just does not set right in a small town that has never seen this kind of politics. Is it so wrong to ask who, what, why, when and how? Hard to believe that you don't get that. As for Dr. Lorri, it is also hard to believe that the State of Calif. would give her a license to practice psychology if she went to a correspondence school. So now who is attacking? Since I am a former client of Dr. Lorri, I have actually seen her license and her graduate school. It is a reputable school and she has a thriving practice. She must be doing something right. So why are you attacking her in particular. Is it just because he puts her name on her posts. I call that courage. Maybe you aren't Paul that wrote the posts. Maybe she was wrong on that. But your vitriolic attacks on her don't set well with me and I think you should think of the consequences of attacking her. She is not running for anything. Kristin is. Different standard.

  36. S.CA is so full of jerks. Thats why I don't even try to be nice to you fricken losers. Dalager is the chief loser.

    Vote out the crook!

  37. Disgusted with their DeceitOctober 25, 2010 8:23 PM

    It is Tony's commitment to transparency and fairness that has the no holes barred machine of Dalager and Gaspar so willing to sling this despicable slime, like the revolting crapola in the first and second entries. We want people with deep core convictions that can't be purchased by shadowy special interests whose deceit is boundless. To preserve the unique Encinitas that so many of us cherish, vote for integrity, Vote Barth and Kranz.

  38. here is the standard: you either have facts, or you make stuff up.

    you can make anonymous attacks on people whose sidewalks you would not be good enough to sweep.

    go ahead.

    just don't sit here smugly congratulating your self for your moral superiority for not calling people name or for acting with good manners.

    because you do not

  39. You mean David Meyer brother in law to Paul Ecke.

    I guess the 3rd Generation Eckes could give a shit about Encinitas other then to milk it like any other developer. Sad they don't consider this their home town and take pride in trying to make it a better community.

    Just more sell out developers doing what developers do best-Make money on the tax payers dime and their existing quality of life.

  40. you keep proving my point. am i being punked?

    its like you are saying: 'hey, you assholes better stop calling people names.'

  41. integrity is a "Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.'

    so that's what you call anonymous attacks, innuendo, libel.

    you 're not too bright, are you?

  42. DCM Properties also contributed $6,000 to Voter Education Group during the 2008 election.

    Voter Education Group has also received Encinitas-related contributions from the City Council campaigns of Jerome Stocks, James Bond and Doug Long in 2008. ACP Olivenhain, a development firm, contributed $3,000 in 2008. Poway-based Associated Builders and Contractors PAC made two $2,500 contributions in 2009 toward Stocks’ and Long’s campaigns.

    David Meyers and Paul Ecke the men behind the puppet strings for Jerome Stocks, Jim Bond and Dan Dalager.

    Wow- Total sell outs. 3rd Generation Eckes are tools!!!!

    They might as well move to Rancho Santa Fe with Doug Harwood. They are all bad for Encinitas.

  43. Jonathon Horn at the U-T is doing a heckuva job exposing Bell South.

  44. If we're going to allow developers to buy the city council for a few thousand dollars and get permits and contracts worth millions, maybe we should just de-incorporate, abolish the city, and go back to county administration.

  45. Integrity is core principles in action when no one is looking. Special thanks to Maggie, Teresa and Tony for not aligning themselves with slate mailers that aim to achieve victory by shrouding the election process with down and dirty deceit and calling them election guides. Salute people with the rare courage of their convictions by casting your ballot for Tony and Teresa and expressing your appreciation to Maggie for resisting the bullying that befalls anyone who dares to dissent with these "good old boys".

  46. Maybe we should give up and give the Ecke's rights to build hotels or whatever they want, so that we can get our city back. Sure, they cost us some "quality of life", but their candidates (intentionaly without character or decency) hurt us in so many ways beyond giving the Ecke's what they want. Just let them have their way with us so we can have a decent city. Maybe I'm giving up too early, but their filthy money is just all over the place.

  47. Magdalena Ecke is spinning in her grave.

  48. Dr. Lori,

    Have you done anything illegal or do you not want to answer this question?

    Let's be transparent here!

    Concerned Cardiffian

  49. I agree with Varones. Not one of the four candidates are worthy of our vote. We should just de-incorporate and go back to the county with lower tax rates. No more worries about tree cutting or parks or corrupt unions. The only benefit of being incorporated is for those on the take.

  50. I do not agree with either of you.
    Barth and Krantz are the best of the crop now and would be also at any other time.
    Save our city.
    Barth and Krantz

  51. Let this be a lesson for all parents. No Rotton kidsOctober 26, 2010 6:37 AM

    Parents take note, that’s what happens with most Trust fund babies. They lose sight of what’s important in life and have no appreciation for the great simple things life has to offer.

    It seems nice to be an ecke until you realize that even with their money trust fund paychecks, they are still not happy.

    I have known many trust fund babies and the syndrome runs deep.

    Money can pay the bills, but it can't change the way your mind perceives life and one's own happiness. Ask Dr. Lorri.

    The 3rd Gen Eckes could pave all of Encinitas and make it look like Waikiki, but deep down they know they are doing bad action and their conscious pays the price.

    I would hate to be living that life. Maybe someday they will wake up, but I doubt it?

  52. Paul Ecke III supports Duke Dalager and Corrupt City Government for Encinitas.

    Paul Ecke III and hired guns David Meyers and Chris Calkins are the enemy of a positive future for Encinitas.

    To bad he sold out his soul only to try and develop a few acres of land. Sad.

  53. It has been said that frustration leads to aggression. People are angry about a lot of things these days, and rightly so. Jobs lost, houses foreclosed upon, the rich getting richer and the rest of us just making it. I guess it really should not be a surprise that this election, in some ways, mimics what we are seeing in a broader sense in the world. So far, no one has taken it to the level of physical violence. I, for one, would very much like to see this toned down a bit so it does not come to that. I realize I am also a part of the problem. In an attempt to understand this election, I have looked for a boogeyman or two. I am no longer going to do this. What will be will be. Whoever ends up on our City Council will be elected from the citizens of Encinitas. That is democracy and it is still the best form of government that I see out there in the world. If we can work together to be the best we can be, then we can work with any Council, even if we don't agree. Cardiffian asked me if I had done anything illegal. No, not by legal standards, but I have contributed to this fearmongering, so I am not feeling particularly proud right now. Many of you will say this is another of Dr. Lorri's diatribes. But, please consider it as an alternative way of looking at things. As I spent the evening pondering it, this is what I came up with. Hopefully, people will at least respect the thought that went into it, even if you do not agree.

  54. Dr. Lorri, I do respect your sentiments, however, an effective democracy requires an informed electorate. When we are being bombarded with deceptive slate mailers and people such as Jane Blair and David Meyers are contributing thousands of dollars to further their interests, it distorts the process badly. It's important, therefore, to not let this blog become simply another vehicle of distortion. When people pop off with obscenities, or arrogance, on either side, it cheapens the discussion, and ends up distracting from the substance of the issues. However, you can't always turn the other cheek either. Sometimes, you have to hold a mirror up for these people.

  55. Tony forgot his most important "T".


  56. I wondered who was paying the posters to derail the threads and be nasty to whomever expresses their opinion...I think I know who it is now!

  57. Dr. Lorri, I think you're being too hard on yourself. You're not responsible for people who like to rant. While I agree it's pointless to indulge in wild conspiracy theories or "boogeymen," it is important to look at the facts and discuss them with a clear eye.

    The fact that Dan Dalager, our mayor is currently being investigated by the District Attorney's office should be a red flag to anyone thinking of voting for him.

    The fact that Kristin Gasper has refused to answer any policy questions and also has received thousands of dollars in contributions through an an organization out of Burbank called "The Voter Education Group," which has been fined in the past by the FPPC should be a red flag to anyone thinking of voting for her.

    This group in the past has received thousands of dollars from developers in Encinitas endorsing Jerome Stocks, James Bond and Doug Long. Developers donate thousands of dollars towards council campaigns for a reason.

    The latest $5,000 donation for Kristin Gaspar through "The Voter Education Group" was came from an Encinitas woman, Jane Blair. She has since received a cease and desist letter for exceeding the maximum contribution of $250 from an individual. This begs the question why would an individual donate $5,000 to a city council campaign?

    It's not hard to deduce that the "light on substance" candidate Kristin Gaspar is most likely a figurehead for people who wish to buy an election. It's hard to think of another explanation frankly. Both Dan Dalager and Kristin Gaspar should present bright red flags to the voters. This election all depends on who is paying attention. For those of us paying attention all we can do is spread these facts to others.

  58. Political e-mailsOctober 26, 2010 9:30 AM

    To all those receiving junk political e-mails. Turn on your spam filter and NEVER give out your e-mail to anyone other than close friends and family. It works for me, try it. Your lives will be much simpler

  59. Dr. Lorri tones it down and asks the people to stick their heads back in the sand....

    Baaaaa Baaaaa - we are sheep that will walk off the cliff because the sheep dogs want us to.

  60. Tony lied to the UT. Just another dishonest politician. See the video.

    Abandon ship! Let's get Teresa to the life boat and get away from this guy. Who picked this guy anyway?

  61. Dr. Lorri-

    Your comments scream complacency.

    I believe complancency is the cause of America to become a fat complacent country that we are today.

    I believe people need to wake up, get out and exercise to clear their mind and engage in your life and your government’s actions.

    Without doing so, you will become WALL-E

  62. Those goofbuster videos are worse than Tony's T video. Why does everyone around here suck at youtube?

  63. Having been to three of the four candidate forums I found it easy to choose whom to vote for. Teresa and Tony where the only ones to give well informed answers. They also didn't partake in third party BS mailers paid for by developers. Easy choice vote TnT for real representation.

  64. Anon 9:48. An interesting comment. Save Teresa and abandon Tony? This sounds like a ruse to sneak either Dan or Kristen in and thus preserve the current dismal status quo. Perhaps the realists have determined that Barth is a shoe-in and they are just trying to preserve their current majority? Anyone who's attended the candidate forums should be struck by the gaping difference in substance between Tony and Teresa and the other two. If everyone actually knew what was going on, the choice would be simple.

  65. I would say judging from the actions and comments of the goof buster guy and coastal watchdog in the paper and the actions of David Meyer and the Ecke family (loved the picture of chris calkins dan dalager and kristin gaspar)

    I would say Tony must be polling about 5% and 10% higher than Dan or Teresa.

    That would explain the desperation and the deciet. If you can't win on the facts just lie and change the "facts." It would also explaing why the Ecke/David Meyer machine contributed another 6k for slate mailers.

    Keep running hard Teresa nd Tony. You have forced them into some pretty serious mistakes, some of which may get them in hot water.

    you are in the lead Tony and Teresa.

    the choice is clear and becoming clearer as to who will represent the citizens.

  66. I would say Tony must be polling about 5% and 10% higher than Dan or Kristin.


  67. Paul Ecke III wants his loyal minyons, $tock$/Bond/Dumbager, to polish his crown - as he is coronated King of Encinitas. He needs his court jesters to continue to allow him to pave over what's left of the family ag land. He has out sourced his operation to Guatemala - cheap labor and lower operating costs. Ecke had the gall to tell the public a few years back that he needed to sell the Quail Gardens stretch in order to make ends meet - as he supped from his golden chalice. You can imagine the bribes that $tock$ has accumulated during his run on the council. He just hides it better than Dumbager.. Now they want the vacous gopher faced bimbo in to do the bidding of the developers - Encinitas is doomed if the jesters prevail!

  68. Dr. Lorri,

    you figured it out. congratulations.

    as for the other folks on this board, i believe that most of you were involved in the robbery that took place last nite with the people who used halloween masks.

    i do not have proof, but i know you did it.

    so this is what it feels like to say something stupid.

    not sure why that is so popular here.

  69. It looks like we had a similar lie 2 years ago with another Encinitas candidate (see below link). Interestingly, both times the candidate was actively endorsed by councilmember Maggie Houlihan.

  70. I must have not made myself clear if posters think I want them to walk off a cliff and not fight. I marched with Martin Luther King in Atlanta and learned a few things from him. Civil disobedience is GOOD; attacking people personally does not work. So, let me rephrase my sentiments. I will personally fight with whatever non-violent tools that I, and others have, to keep our community from becoming another Newport Beach, where I used to live. I am not afraid of the people at City Hall, as I have nothing to hide. If they choose not to reappointment me to Parks and Rec. Commission that is the worst they can do to me. And that I can easily live with. I will find another way to volunteer my time to the City. What I was attempting to say is this is not one person, but many that want to buy our community. Therefore, attacking one or two does no good and takes the conversation away from the real problem-lack of integrity by 2 of the 4 candidates. In my opinion these are Gaspar and Dalager. However, if they do somehow get on the Council we will have to work with them as best we can. We need to stick together to make that happen and not attack one another. The other side is doing a nice job of that already. Any questions on my position. I will not answer ridiculous attacks, however.

  71. R-O-T-A-R-Y That spells .... Bullcrap and bullying in Encinitas.

    Anyone going to the Rotary Meeting on Wednesday to tell those knuckle dragging leaders of the Encinitas Rotary club to knock it off?

  72. Found this on laugh I've had all day!! Sure doesn't sound like the one in our town, now, does it?

    "Rotary International is an organization of service clubs known as Rotary Clubs located all over the world. The stated purpose of the organization is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

    Rotary's best-known motto is "Service above Self", and its secondary motto is "They profit most who serve best".

  73. I used to live in Encinitas and will do anything to keep Newport beach from becoming another Encinitas.

  74. Dr. Lorri in a very bad moodOctober 26, 2010 2:59 PM

    If i am not mistaken there are 2 Rotaries in town. One is the Encinitas Rotary and the other is the Encinitas Coastal Rotary. The Coastal Rotary just helped the Make a Wish organization. I logged onto the Coastal Rotary and didn't see any names that I knew. It meets on Tuesday eves. at the Chart House. I don't know if this information is worth anything to this discussion, but in case anyone is going to stand in front of the Rotary with signs, please make sure it is the right Rotary. I didn't know Encinitas had 2.

  75. Sorry for my last post about Dr. Lorri being in a bad mood. I am actually in a great mood, so forget it. That was from another day, and had nothing to do directly with this blog which I think is great.

  76. I guess the guys who flamed the candidate forum "goofed".

  77. Dr.Lorri we forgive you, you are the best!!

  78. How does one vote for candidates on a Slate mailer full of lies and distortions? If said candidates don't rebuke the mailer they to become liars. Honest is what I want in government not deceit. Vote Kranz and Barth

  79. Dalager will cook a celebratory dinner with his new kitchen gadgets if he wins! Then pick up the bar tab with a new loan from the Saloon!

  80. dr. lorri,

    you sound a bit surprised to discover what kind of people you have been partying with.

    notice the lack of ideas?

    the lack of information?

    the attacks?

    the baseless charges?

    doctor, you had a Eureka moment. a breakthrough.

    now what are you doing to do about it?

  81. Tony may be new, but he has the ability to learn quick and he can make the tough decisions - openly and transparently. If he makes a mistake, he is mature enough to apologize. He is politically independent and beholden to no developer or business owner. Sorry Dan, 8 years is enough time. Kristin - come back when you have your own opinions that you are willing to discuss. Give Tony a chance and re-elect Teresa! One vote can make the difference, get out and exercise that political muscle.

  82. 5:36
    Isn't that Kristin's campaign platform? I think you a bit mixed up.

  83. Anybody do an informal sign count in New Encinitas ( Village Park, etc.)? Signs on businesses or public right of ways are irrelevent. It's signs on homes that count. In Encinitas highlands I'd say it's running nearly 10-1 in favor of Barth Kranz.

  84. there they go again.

    this timeL Cops say Tony Kranz is lying. on video. youtube.

  85. Tony - thanks for reminding me about those trees that Dan Dalanger had cut down to protect the ocean view of his condo owner pals. I had pushed all of that far back in my mind. Good presentation. NB

  86. That latest GoofBuster video is hilarious.

    Roger Ogden thinks Obama is Hitler; EncinitasGoofBuster thinks Tony Kranz is Hitler.

  87. My son asked me about Dalager tonight.

    He is 16 and is a student at San Dieguito Academy, he has heard that Dan is in some sort of trouble and he asked me what it was all about.

    So we role played.

    I said to him Seth, you’re a land owner and you have a hotel and restaurant project proposed for your land that is coming before the city council in two weeks.

    You need to get three of their five votes in order for the project to go through. Remember, you and your team have worked on this project for over a year and you have 5 partners with families of their own in this project.

    The Mayor comes up to you on a Tuesday afternoon while you are having coffee with a coworker and says “Seth, I work for a bank in downtown Encinitas and I sure would appreciate it greatly if you would consider opening an account there.

    What do you do Seth?

    His answer was that you open a bank account, because that is not illegal and it will help you get a crucial vote that you need to get the project that you and your partners worked hard for approved.

    I told him that when he opened a bank account, Dan got a commission, did that change his mind?

    He said no, what he is doing is legal and will help his project. He added that what Dan was doing was lower than dog shit and he should be arrested and sent to jail.
    I said, Seth do you understand the issue now.
    “Totally” was his answer.

    I did not feel the need to go into the other issues.

    Dan, this is a San Dieguito Academy kid that understands it wrong to do what you are doing. You’re an alumni for Christ sakes, this is the lesson you want our kids to learn?

    Step down.

  88. san dieguito is for slackers.

  89. Dalager is a slacker and the original "Failure to Launch!"

    Everything he has he received from his parents. He has done nothing himself. He bankrupt the business. He purposely does the wrong things and he will bankrupt our City.

    Dalager is bad for Encinitas and your kids future.

  90. for dr. lorri:

    so here is a challenge:

    dr. lorri, how would you react if someone came into your office and said they were not feeling good, and then started reeliing off a list of complaints about their employers, their spouses, their lives, their jobs, and they used the same language many people use here: the suspicion. the attacks. the paranoia. the blaming, the anger, the refusal to take responsibility for their own actions.

    what would you tell them?

  91. Get out of Rotary.

  92. great one- "Get out the rotary" will be doing your integrity much good!

  93. Anon 3:34-If you want or need psychological assistance please feel free to call me and set up an appointment. I would very much like to help you in feeling a bit better. People are dealing with a lot of scary things these days. Losing homes; putting food on the table; dealing with work issues unemployment, etc. I have a lot of empathy for all. And I don't DX on the blog. However, when someone uses their position, power or money, in an attempt to take advantage of the current economic situation, I find it offensive. A good example of this is the current City Council race. The money that is being used for slate mailers, buying lists of e-mails, grossly exaggerating good peoples intentions in a negative way, robo calls, etc. leads me to wonder what world they are living in? Is it the world of luxury, trust funds, unlimited freedoms of action because they are rich or have power, or is it a world of just plain greed? Think of it. If all of the money the Gaspar/Dalger campaign has used, in an attempt to buy our vote, had been used to give low cost or free physical therapy, wouldn't it have been better? I would be more inclined to vote for that kind of person. Buying power is one way to get elected, and we have seen it time after time in our country. One only has to look at the current race for governor to figure that out. What a wonderful world it would be if people used what extra money they had to help one another. I do it by offering low cost therapy right now. I feel blessed to have purchased my home in Cardiff in 1983. It cost $115,000 back then. I could not afford to buy it now. Since I have a lower mortgage than a lot of people living here, I offer low cost therapy to people who need it, perhaps now more than ever. That is my contribution. What is yours?

  94. Right On Dr. Lorri!!!!

  95. Cities of Oceanside, Carlsbad, Solana Beach, Del Mar have all oppossed the dirty oil proposition 23.

    Q. What's missing in the middle here?

    A. City of Encinitas.

    The oil "slick wall of sausage" AKA dan/jerome/jim will not agendize this issue.

    Soccer moms and little league moms all support clean energy and should know that he the three guys don't.

    It's a shame that he three guys want to keep us dependent on oil and pollute our future.

  96. has the blog hit 100 comments before?

  97. Not sure, let's see if we can get there just for the fun of it.

  98. Does the 100th person that posts get a special on physical therapy. I could use some right now. Already took Dr. Lori up on her offer. Come on Gaspar, cough it up. SHow you are a true member of the Encinitas team.

  99. Thank you, Dr. just encapsulated everything that is crummy about this election.

  100. If it's Brown ...flush it.

  101. Another shining example of deep analysis and thought

  102. The majority of anonymous comments are from Mike Andreen. He has nothing else to do.

  103. 10:51-Thank You.

  104. Right ON Dr. Lorri-

    I am a fan and agree with you fully.

  105. Okay, I clicked on the link and was transported to the Land of Nonsense, a frightening place in the universe where sound bytes are pieced together with script and set to bad bad Star Wars muzik. Apparently, the Dalablabber and Gasping team is feeling some heat!

  106. J.P. or K.C. you need to run your meathead filter on a couple of previous posts. I feel like I'm in grade school again.

  107. Haven't been on the blog in awhile and I must say I am amazed at the amount of power you give to the Ecke family. Seriously do any of you actually know any Ecke's that gives you personal knowledge to make such strong acusations. I certainly haven't agreed with everything they have wanted to do but it seems to me they have done and continue to do and support some nice things for this City. I am guessing a lot of you fought the Target shopping center but most of you probably shop there now and that tax revenue has done a lot to keep this City solvent instead of giving all of our tax dollars to Solana Beach and Carlsbad. Maybe we do need a change at City Council but we don't need more hate mongering.

  108. I too have been reading these posts and I am surprised that the Blog would allow posts like those supposed to be from Tony Kranz. These guys must be feeling the heat or they are just your average idiots. It is telling that the supporters of Dan Dalager can only speak in derogatory terms and personal attacks. While Tony Kranz and Teresa Barth have run a clean and articulate campaign speaking to the issues. Every time one of these meatheads makes a smearing comment or sneakly tries to get us to watch those slimey videos just goes to the character or the candidate the support. I think it is very telling that Dan Dalager an Kristin Gaspar are unwilling or unable to rein in their attack dogs.

  109. I just came back from the last city council meeting before the election. It surprised me to see that Kristin Gaspar was not there. Maybe she forgot that she is running for election to this council. If I were running for election, I would attend the council meeting to at least give the appearance that I was interested. She was not informed at the candidate debates and now I know why.
    Uninterested, uninformed and unqualified.

    By the way, Tony Kranz was there as he often is.

  110. Have you seen the idiots that attend those council meetings. They certainly don't represent me or most of Encinitians that love our community.

  111. Anon 11:51 You got it baby, Starting with the council majority. Those idiots don't represent me or the Encinitas I love. Thanks for pointing that out!

  112. Well, perhaps we are idiots for actually attending a City Council meeting to see just exactly what is going on at City Hall. I guess it does seem pretty stupid to people who would rather let others do their thinking for them. I suppose only idiots would try to exact change or to have their concerns heard by the people who affect their lives. For the most part, the people I have seen at the City Council meeting were concerned citizens that care about Encinitas. I would suggest that before you start calling people idiots, you look in the mirror.

  113. Terrible and tacky

  114. If the "idiots" that attend City Council meetings do not represent you or the Encinitas you love..where are the people to do? Sitting on bar stools munching on peanuts? Why don't you or the people who represent you attend City Council meetings? It is really easy to take pot shots at people from the comfort of your sofa.
    If you don't get up off your fat...sofa and wake up... the guys in City Hall will pave you over.

  115. I base my opinion or vote on 3 word "Ouality of Life".

    The current city has:
    Balanced Budget
    No New Taxes
    Beautiful Assets
    Great Services

    I'm not hung up on a tree that was cut down, a piece of crap that wasn't picked up or that fact that the name of the parade was changed.

    I have a real life with realistic concerns.

    I plan to vote for both Teresa and Dan.

    Sincerely Sofa Sitter

  116. Good for you sofa. I mean that sincerely. I would like to point out to you though that the Quality of Life you enjoy did not just happen all by itself. It is the result of citizens, organizations, groups working with city hall to improve Encinitas. Unless you were the one that said that only idiots go to city council meetings, I was not referring to you.


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