Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Encinitas Dream Team

Dalager, a lady, Chris Calkins (Ecke Development Co. Director), and Gaspar. 

From the NCTimes.


  1. Pretty much tells it all, eh? Ecke has his 2 stooges, ready to assist him in overcoming his solemn pledge not to develop the land around Quail Gardens. If you don't succeed at first, buy the stooges that will do what they are told. Plus Dalager gets to lick the excess caviar off the silver plates when the developers are done with them at Ecke's Christmas party.

  2. Yes, the Eckes have used their money to corrupt our polical process for years. They are a blight on Encinitas. As if they did not make enough money off of Encinitas Ranch, they want to come back for more. Does greed have no bounds? Their greed leads to many other side effects for our city (such as the cosy relationship between the unions and their candidates, like Dalager and Gaspar).

  3. Greed has no bounds greedy people want their way ill regardless of what happens to their neighbors or the rest of us. That's why the photo is so scary you can't hear there mumbling to hell with you under their breaths

  4. I just received another slate mailer with Gaspar and Stocks on it. They are marked as paying for their participation. The mailer has a disclaimer basically saying the other candidates and issues don't necessarily support the other candidates on the mailer as well as another disclaimer [in bold]- "not an official party or organization". The mailer is from "The Coalition for Senior Citizen Security". The address can be Googled and shows this "organization" is headquartered in the offices of David Gould -accountants, attorneys and political consultants. At least three tax free organizations run out of this address which also serves as a treasurer for a political campaign and the mailing address for another.
    The Contra Costa Times ran an article about a deceptive mailer also with the Gould address [http://www.ibabuzz.com/politics/2010/06/03/beware-of-paid-slate-mailers-part-2/] which concluded the actual mailer was produced by Rick Taylor Communications. It also referenced a Mr. Levine who may also be involved in another Dalager mailer.
    When you get these fliers in the mail, Google the address of the organization sending it. If you find multiple political groups, an executive suite,or a post office box these are indications of probable attempts to mislead you. If you want to take the word of paid political consultants that have set up a tangled maze of groups to hide who paid for what and mislead you, I can't help you. I choose not to vote for candidates that stoop to this kind of behavior. A special call out to Dan Dalager on this - last election he used the services of a similar service. That service got in hot water for using Dianne Feinstein's picture without permission. Dan was so pleased he used them again this year !

  5. You sell incompetent candidates like any merchandise - use puffery and vague qualities that are generic and non-specific. If the voters fall for this ruse and deception, they deserve what is in store for them - the loss of their say in their community and dominance by special interests.

  6. Maybe I should join the Encinitas Rotary. I wonder who would give me a reference to join? Sure looks like lot of fun:)

  7. As long as landowners are able to make big bucks from re-zoning, money will corrupt our process. This makes the case for very strong campaign finance reforms.

  8. Since all of these mailers cost big bucks and most of Gaspar's money is from outside of Encinitas; makes me wonder why all of thses outsiders are so hot to get her elected.
    Thanks, Herb for the background info.

  9. remember,

    The hospital is a huge sun and many planets are going to orbiting that sun.

    Gaspar may fight to rezone much of ncinitas to serve the hospital.

    there in lies the future of encinitas.

  10. Some of Ms. Gaspar's donations are made by out of town physical therapists. Mr. Gaspar is president of the physical therapists. One wonders about their motivations.

  11. I went to a candidates'forum, never having heard Dalager speak; but having heard of his notorious reputation for being rather dull. I was shocked when he got up to speak - he rambled on with no central theme and obviously was shell-shocked coming off the revelations of his misdeeds in office. He made no comprehensive sense on any level and resorted to homilies about the good old days and praise the Lord. AND THIS GUY IS MAYOR???
    He should never have been elected for one term, let alone the appalling thought that he thinks he is qualified for a third; especially after having been caught in selling out his office. No amount of PR or political signage will make this pig a silk purse.

  12. I still am of the belief that Kristin has higher goals than Encinitas City Council. As mentioned, her husband, Paul Gaspar, is well known in these parts. Many physicians at Scripps, both La Jolla and Encinitas, refer to him. I know this to be fact because I have had him referred to me by both M.D.'s at Scripps Encinitas, and Scripps La Jolla. Don't know if there will be more business for Paul Gaspar because of this expansion, but it sure looks like a bit of a conflict of interest to me. Although probably everything is a conflict of some interest to all Council members. When I spoke to Paul Gaspar yesterday, he did say there will be one more mailing. I don't know if this is what Herb is referring to, or if there is one after that. No matter what happens in this election, we can still have open government in Encinitas and other such things. There are other ways than being a Council member, although it is certainly easier for them, I think. Having not served the City as a councilperson I really don't know. All I know is I like Tony and Teresa and will be voting for them.

  13. Ummm...I imagine that you flipped through all the pictures in the NC Times, but here is another picture (and name) of your candidate forum Goon

    If you do a zabasearch on his name, you will also find an address on Quail Gardens Ct...

  14. sorry, direct link is

  15. Ecke, Rotary, Unions, Doctors, Physical Therapist and Hospital.

    Now we have confirmed where the $$$ is coming from.

  16. Nightmare on Orpheus Street.


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