Friday, October 01, 2010

Gaspar Gets Christy Guerin Union Endorsement

In addition to the fantastic endorsement she received from the Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Kristin Gaspar now has the UT, along with a lot of other support.

Read about it on Council Member Jerome Stocks' blog.


  1. Guerin is an ex-Sheriff's employee with a disability income for life, as I recall. The Sheriif's Department is famous for their disability enhancement retirements. Then off to Brian Bilbray's employ - pretty well sums her up. Stocks has found his next council stooge in Gaspar - if Dalager gets the deserved boot, then he counts on the Bimbo to rubber stamp his decisions, given that she gets into office. She is a talking head that says nothing - just what the power brokers tell her. There is nothing but vacuous air there - Gaspar awaits to be the next puppet.

  2. She also has Jerome and Christy's recommendations on her website.

  3. Stocks has no shame. Most republicans hate that RINO. Stock is the type of Republican that sold out to the unions and thinks a bureaucrat is a compliment. That Man is Pathetic. That such losers exist in America. No wonder Andreen and Stocks are But-ties. Birds of a feather flock together.

    The only thing more pathetic is a trophy wife who is convinced to run for council just to be another Stocks lap dog like Dalager. Stocks better hope Bond doesn't kick the bucket within the next few years.

    A great day in Encinitas will be when Stocks is voted out of council. I see it going more like Solana Beach and Stock will be the last holdout of the problem politicians. Pathetic.

  4. Dalager out in 2010. Stock out in 2012 along with Houlihan. Both are union owned along with Dalager.

  5. Guerin worked for Bilbray?

    Shame on Bilbray!

  6. Stocks is in it for himself. He has nothing to fall back on. Think he would sell any insurance once he is out of office? He'll be working at Target stocking shelves .

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  8. To W.C. Varones - Yes, Christy Guerin is currently Bilbray's local office chief-of-staff (Solana Beach ofc.).


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