Saturday, October 09, 2010

Pick Two

click to enlarge


  1. The credit card line is the howler. Dan's dollar amount is so low because he is lazy and doesn't want to take any board appointments which would involve traveling and hotel and meal expenses.

    I guarantee that Stocks, Bond, and Houlihan have the same or higher expenses as representatives of the city. This is part of city government, and Dalager doesn't participate in it. Taking the time to read material and prepare himself as a city representative is too difficult for him. In council meetings he is equally unprepared, but he takes his cues from Stocks.

  2. Teresa spending this amount is an insult to the citizens of Encinitas. I am saddened to see that Teresa is just like the rest of the politicians who ride the gravy train of our tax dollars. Vote out all the incumbents. Tony's our only hope. Vote only for Tony.

  3. This mailer is from "VOTER EDUCATION GROUP" whatever the hell that is.The listed address is actually Durkee and Associates, a legal group that specializes in things of this nature,guaranteeing that everything will be perfectly legal.Needless to say, there have been a plethera of complaints against this company filed with the FPPC.Good luck finding out who VOTER EDUCATION GROUP is.
    BTW vote yes on prop A if you think it's cool to use public money for large projects that will allow the contractor to use foriegn labor (not local) without health insurance.That way if they get injured we get to pay for it.
    As far as the anon who wants to get rid of the RINO'S, I hope you get your wish of having real republicans in office.That way ,when your 12 yr old daughter gets gang raped by illegal aliens she will be forced to bear the child because it's god's will.
    What we are really dealing with folks has nothing to do with party affiliation.It is about the mlti-national corp. takeover of our country (re-prop A).Why us?Because we have the most powerfull military in the world that can be used to force their will.Until every single e-voting machine is destroyed,our elections will continue to be a sham.
    Have a nice day! Paul Therrio
    P.S. I signed my real name.How about rino/pension guy doing the same.

  4. Are they joking? Dalager tried to give away over $200,000 of our taxpayers money to a developer.

  5. 2:36 clean your glasses...these are charges SINCE 2006...that's a whooping $2500.00 per year. The city has a budget for out of town travel, just like they can afford to send the director of DEMA to a weekend retreat. At least Teresa didn't get a $100,000.000 loan and fail to report it like SOME people we know.

    THERE IS NO SUCH PARK Called 'Encinitas Community Park'

  7. This does appear to be the work of Durkee -an accounting firm operating in a similar fashion to Scott&Cronin. I counted nine different organizations using this address. Durkee got in hot water over a brochure some time ago similar to the brochures seen last election [implying a parties support when it wasn't there]. If you research Gaspar's 460, many of the payments are to similar firms that provide political, mailing,speech writing and such. Usually they also have many different organizations using the same address. This is a near perfect way to hide who paid for what.
    The "what" paid for here is the single most despicable piece of political filth I have seen in twenty plus years of living in Leucadia. However you feel about Teresa Barth [and I am a supporter, as if you didn't know],this flier totally distorts the positions she has taken and why in all but one case. She did have the guts to suggest that the soccer leagues [and others] pay something for the use of the in the dim future Hall Park, much as we charge groups to use other facilities. I don't think that is so unreasonable.
    As for the other issues, these charges are simply not true in the way they are presented and at least Dalager is well aware of that. There is apparently nothing Dalager won't do to get elected including making up "facts, "mis-remembering history, and just plain lying. Dalager should resign and end his campaign for the good of the City.
    As for Gaspar, she apparently believes she can buy our votes with flashy brochures and count on our ignorance of the big money machine behind her. She appears nice and talks well, but has made a poor showing at the candidates forums because, like Dan, she only has a superficial understanding of the issues at best. Being trained to be a TV journalist gives her an advantage over Tony simply because he doesn't have the natural ease of someone trained to do so. But after this disgusting mailer is there anyone in Encinitas that can vote for Dalager and Gaspar ?
    Will anyone attempt to defend this unattributed filth on the blog?

  8. Dalager screwed EncinitasOctober 09, 2010 8:55 PM

    Owned by the unions and special interests.

    Dalager- True

    Gaspar- True from the funding she is receiving

    Barth- False.

    Vote for Barth and Kranz.

    I sure hope someone asks Dalager at the next forum, "Did he know the damage to the future finances of Encinitas his vote on the 2005 40% pensions and the 14% pay increases for all employees." All at a time when unemployment was spiking in So CA.

  9. Dalager screwed EncinitasOctober 09, 2010 8:58 PM

    Woops - incomplete sentence. I meant to type.

    "Did Dalager know the damage to the future finances of Encinitas would have from his vote on the 2005 40% pensions and the 14% pay increases for all employees."

  10. Dalager Screwed Encinitas,

    Indeed he did. But to be fair, unemployment was not spiking in 2005. We were living in a bubble, and many of the nation's top idiots, including Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke, thought everything would keep going up forever. So Dalager's optimism at the time can be at least partially forgiven.

    But now that reality has set in, there is no excuse for any of these politicians if they don't drastically reform pensions immediately.

  11. As far as I'm concern; Teresa is no better than Danny. Vote the bums out.

  12. I find the Coast News being used by Teresa's Daddy (and her supporters) against the other candidates is very troubling. I thought they were suppose to be independent.

    The city should cancel all advertisement with this paper.

  13. WC,
    Dalager was warned that the pension spike was unnecessary and that the economy was running on optimism that couldn't last forever.

  14. The final push begins for the sacandal ridden Dalager and the vacuuous bimbo - two peas in the pod. Their Masters, the developers and land grabbers don't want to lose Encinitas - they still have Pacific View School to hammer with high intensity development - handed to them by $tock$, Bond and ????

  15. The developer's want "Pacific Station" type development from SRF to La Costa Blvd, and they want height limits removed along El Camino Real.

    They are not done with us yet!

  16. Anyone can submit a community commentary, letter to the editor or place an ad in the Coast News.

    Have any of the supporters of Dalager and Gaspar done that?

    That would be good to know.

    Let's not forget that the UT's Don Sevrens writes hit piece editorials on Teresa & Maggie.

    And the NC Times runs commentaries by Andreen & Stocks.

    For awhile the city did "punish" the Coast News by not advertising public notices in the paper after the Coast took a stand against Prop A, the Ecke land swap that was DEFEATED by the voters 2-1.

    You can bet Dalager had some influence in directing the former city manager to do that.

  17. Pacific Station is what that abomination downtown is called? That eyesore is so incompatible with the historic atmospheric ambiance of old town Encinitas as to completely place the strip off- balance in an esthetic sense. It is comtempo-hideous and will become the traffic nightmare of all time. Its underground parking will undoubtedly be equivalent to Dante's inferno of confusion - body shop personnel can hand out cards as people leave with dented vehicles. Thanks Dalager ($tock$, Bond) - your legacies will live on in this visual blight.

  18. "The city should cancel all advertisement with this paper."

    Yeah, Why review city postings in Coast News for free when you can pay the non-biased North County Times lots of money? What an idiot.


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