Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shameless Fearmongering Nonsense

Give me a F-ing break you two.

EDIT-Open question for Dalager and Gaspar: How much will the Hall Park cost AND HOW WILL WE PAY FOR IT?

Until you and your supporters answer these simple questions you seriously need to STFU.


  1. More reasons to vote for Kranz and Barth...

  2. More reasons to vote for Kranz and Barth...

  3. "A loss of one vote on the City Council can cost us full use of our new park."

    Give me a break, Danny boy. First of all there is no new park yet. Your stubbornness and obstinacy has delayed it for 9 years. We will have full use of any park design that is built. Do you mean full use of lighted field reserved for the exclusivity of organized sports leagues?

    "Join us in this fight for our community's future!

    Are you serious Danny boy? Your future is to sink tens of millions of dollars on top of $48 million already spent on the black hole that is the Hall property. You don't seem to care about reforming pensions, maintaining our streets, and carefully controlling costs on projects such as the Mossy public works yard.

    And do you plan to sell the Quail Gardens Drive park property to your developer friend David Meyer so you personally can benefit from his largesse?

    Our future with you is a morass of corruption and ethical violations. We don't want that.

  4. I think you're both right. One less vote would mean no 90 ft lights in Cardiff. Hmmmm, lemme think...

  5. okay, okay, enough photos of these two who were separated at birth but only one could afford botox.

  6. Sheffo and I spoke to Gaspar in May. She didn't have very many positions, or so she said and gave us fairly canned non-responses to things she either didn't want to touch or didn't understand. There were a few hot button issues she either couldn't censor herself on or were things she knew about. She was wrong about a few of her assumptions and we corrected her. After that meeting she decided to no longer answer questions.

    She did say she was strongly against term-limits because people can vote out incumbents and that there would be no problem with funding the Hall park. She even said she would be presenting a funding plan in August 2010 to the council. That didn't happen as far as I know.

    She seemed to imply the funding might be donations or commercial sources. Something outside the city.

    Maybe there is a plan. A secret plan? How can there be a secret plan without violation the open government laws?

    Can the boys be so dumb as to not have a financing plan to build the park?

    I've spoken to two people on the mailer and neither of them had any idea that there was a potential funding problem. There must be no problem.

  7. What a dark day for Encinitas when the demonstratbly two weakess candiates are pre-packaged and pushed by anonymous outside big monied interests. There ar just emotional appeals for the "park" and soccer or a baseball positioned near the candidates' heads - you couldn't be cornier. If voters are influenced by such sluck and shallow trash as this, then the community will suffer the consequences of poor, special interest oriented and self-serving "leadership".
    Get out the vote for Kranz and Barth.

  8. Well I was going to vote for Barth and Krantz because I want an open government, fair practices, and ethical behavour, but now that I know they are against the families and kids of our community, I will have to reconsider.

  9. I am for special interest that will make millionaires out of common city employees and line the pockets in gold for leaders of private sports organizations, and developers!

    Vote for the most corruption. Vote for Dalager and his little trophy pet Gaspar!

  10. At least half of Team "Gold Digger" seems likely to have ambitions beyond humble Encinitas.

    Kristen Gaspar's bio on her website mentions that she went to work for her current husband's physical therapy company right out of college.
    She then married the boss in 2001.
    Now she's flirting with the voters of Encinitas to rid herself of volunteer activities for the more lucrative city council.
    Judging by the names of the many influential men being flaunted on her fliers, one might think the local city council is just a stepping stone to bigger and better things.
    As we've all come to realize as of late, the taxpayer is now the ulimate sugar-daddy.

  11. Does the big money buy the elections everytime? Can reputation tarnished Dalager be reinvented as Mr. Clean? Can Gaspar be pushed as having an independent thought in her vacuous head? Maybe we are really living in a Monty Python movie, where imagination is stronger than reality.

  12. Meathead SarducciOctober 17, 2010 9:43 AM

    The McCain / Palin - Dalager / Gaspar Coinzedenzas

    McCain: white over 40 (twice)
    Dalager: white over 40
    Palin: white over 40
    Gaspar: white over 40

    McCain: a squirrely hunter
    Dalager: a squirrel hunter
    Palin: can see Russia from her house.
    Gaspar: can see Redevelopment from her house.

    McCain: was a prisoner of war;
    Dalager: is a candidate of war (RIP Jack Orr)
    Palin: has been called a MILF
    Gaspar: is a MLNFL (Mother who likes ninety foot lights)

    McCain: can't remember how many houses he owns outright
    Dalager: can't remember how many houses he rents out, right?
    Palin: for her campaign picks red, white and blue
    Gaspar: for her campaign was picked out of the blue

    McCain: feels like a new man and at home on the rifle range
    Dalager: likes the feel of a new kitchen with a radar range.
    Palin: made socks for her mom
    Gaspar: is a soccer mom

    McCain: Irish
    Dalager: Orrish
    Palin: didn't know what A Proposition for vice president would be like.
    Gaspar: didn't know what Proposition A was like.

    McCain: likes to surf the web
    Dalager: likes to dress like a surfer
    Palin: clubs roaring bears to relax
    Gaspar: relaxes at the Rotary Club with bears

  13. I can you respect a women that will have her 3 kids raised by someone else while she feeds her ego to become a politician. How pathetic can a human be? Gasper is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Why did she have the little ones to begin with? Was it in her prenup?

  14. How can you respect a women that will have her 3 kids raised by someone else while she feeds her ego to become a politician?

    How pathetic can a human be?

    Gasper is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    Why did she have the little ones to begin with? Was it in her prenup?

  15. is there anything on the flyer that says who paid for it? i think it's supposed to say by law.
    it's such a sad and petty attempt at thought control

    do you hate families?
    do you hate kids?
    do you hate trees?
    do you love cramped, confined spaces?

    danny? really... really? do short pants and a giant lollipop come with that name. jiminy jillikers!

    kristin... that's a really a bad angle for you. it makes your chompers look giant and i'll be kind and not remark on your nose. your handlers need to get you a stylist.

    sorry i resorted to personal attacks but since she has no position on anything it's all i had left.

  16. Cry me a river. All the people here think up the most BS reasons to stop the park. "OMG, it's going to be too busy!" "OMG, the lights!"

    "OMG, there's going to be a park with too many kids and it's right by my house!"

    So lets just file lawsuits and derail the entire project.

    Build the park already and these people need to shut up. The citizens of Encinitas (I guess the people here don't) want a park.

    Quit your whining and if you don't want a park, hey....let's build a strip mall!

    Then we can get tax revenue and more business! Who cares about families and building a soccer field? Maybe we could just file another BS report to make this whole thing more expensive.

    Let's face it: You are all a bunch of hypocritical NIMBYS. You're all for open space and preserving open space and opposing development.

    Yet all you do is complain about this property!

    Do the families and kids of Encinitas and shut up.

  17. "Do the families and kids of Encinitas and shut up."

    You do and you'll go to jail.

  18. The park is going to be built but where is the money for operations going to come from?

    The sport clubs don't pay fees now...will they be willing to pay to use the new fields or do they just want to keep feeding at the public trough?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  19. 11:41
    You are delusional. Everyone wants a park built. There would be a park open NOW if:
    Dalager had attempted to avoid the Hall EIR in toxic land.
    This forced citizens to sue, (and won), to not have children play on toxic land.
    Taxpayers were surveyed, by the city, and wanted a Community Park with amenities for all.
    They designed a community park concept that was morphed into a regional sports park with
    no public input. This plan is NOT A COMMUNITY PARK.
    Dalager held the EIR in draft firm for over a year, costing $.5 Million in interest payments.
    Dalager would not compromise with the majority that wanted a Community Park, divided the
    city and directed P&R to challenge their recommendations and voted,(3-2, surprise), to reject planning commission rulings. This caused further delays and money.
    The planning commission heard 2 days of public testimony from the entire city, reviewed 1500 pages of the EIR, rejected it and recommended the fields be reduced by one or two and solve identified serious traffic issues, because that is what the majority wanted.
    The entire city does not want a regional sports park with 90 foot stadium lights with light outage of half the Rose Bowl. Residents did not want the on Leo Mullins and won. The light proposal violates 40% of the goals of all of the city. See General Plan Vision Goals.
    Dalager is lying when he sent out notice to change the general plan and spot zone the park area. He still says the planning commission certified and approved the HalL EIR. Not true.
    Everyone wants a park.
    Everyone always has.
    Anyone in the city who does not want a REGIONAL SPORTS PARK and prefers a Community Park for all is not a NYMBY.
    11:41, what of the above is not true?

  20. I whole heartedly agree with the above post all of the candidates want a park. Dalager has nothing to run on so he's trying to use the park as a wedge issue by distorting the facts. The park will get built however there's much more to be done in Encinitas and I heard no mention of the road repairs of the drainage problems from Dan. Please vote for open government and get rid of Larry Moe and Curly Joe won't no what to do as two Stooges.

  21. Physicians for EncinitasOctober 17, 2010 2:16 PM

    This park will be further held up if 90 foot lights become part of it. It is not in the original EIR, and the Coastal Commission will definitely not support it. So when the citizens take it to the Coastal Commission, will we be NIMBY's all over again? Dan, please stop. You know what it right. And Kristin, please learn more about the workings of Encinitas, and the real finances of the City. Perhaps in the future you would make an excellent Council member. Just not now. I realize your handlers probably won't let you drop put, but for your sake and Gaspar physical therapy's sake, get out as soon as possible. There are many of us out there that refer to Gaspar. I will no longer feel comfortable doing this if you continue this smear campaign. Just say NO to whoever is handling you.

  22. to 9:56
    The do you hate families flyer was paid for by Dan Dalager and Kristan Gaspar. Go to the bottom of the side that has the baseball picture. Go to the box Notice to voters. Go to the end of the statement. You will see some marks and will probably need a magnifying glass to see the quote sign, a star or asterisk and then another quote sign. The stars or asterisks show who paid for the mailer. Go to the other side and you will find the stars next to Dan and Kristans names in the yellow Then vote......

    The flyer has the same address, 1212S. Victory Blvd, as their previous joint hit piece Pick Two.

    The Do you hate families flyer probably cost about 5 thousand to print. There are 20,000 addresses in Encinitas not counting Cardiff. The cost to mail,even at bulk rate is about 40 cents each. These are costly mailers.
    Look at Kristan Gaspars contributors. About 64% of her contributions come from outside of the city of Encinitas. Why are people outside of the city of Encinitas so anxious to elect her and Dalager????????

  23. 11:41
    You are delusional. Everyone wants a park built.
    There would be a park open NOW if:
    Dalager had attempted to avoid the Hall EIR in toxic land.

    This forced citizens to sue, (and won), to not have
    children play on toxic land.

    Taxpayers were surveyed, by the city, and wanted a
    Community Park with amenities for all.

    Dalager held the EIR in draft firm for over a year, costing
    $.5 Million in interest payments.

    The planning commission heard 2 days of public
    testimony from the entire city, reviewed 1500 pages of
    the EIR and recommended the fields be reduced by one
    or two and solve identified serious traffic issues, because
    that is what the majority wanted.

  24. I want to draw moustaches on them

  25. Meathead Sarducci - hilarious comparisons!! Classic stuff.
    Dalager gives it 3 thumbs up - the extra thumb is on his shoulders.

  26. Kranz is a certified failure! Living in his mother-in-laws home in Leucadia as a paper salesman without ONE job as as a community volunteer in any capacity! This is unacceptable and looks like a remake of Nick "NOBODY" Liebham (remeber that young feller with all the big fancy degrees and not one ounce of experience anywhere outside the classroom)?

    Kranz aims low when he posts photos of his father as a Iwo Jima veteran to what try and bolster his own pathetic military record (National Guard, airfield maintenance hack).

    When I was accosted by the Socialist Kranz/Barf team marketeer at Ralphs on Sunday (openly soliciting a handout on private property without permission-known in other parts of the country as TRESPASSING) I asked him "what has Kranz ever done professionally that would prepare him for local politics?" His reply was that he raised three kids (wow, I love kids and have two myself but let me get out my sticker book and grab a gold star) and that he pays his mortgage...that was it!!! The sad thing is Kranz pays a mortgage on a home that was given to him by his mother in law do what all good socialists do for their kids...sharing the wealth...instead of making ol' Tony boy go out there and make it himself like a big boy instead of trying to make it so hard as 'an artist' because someone told him many years ago to follow his heart. Heart is for art which is a great hobby, tell me you can raise a family of three doing it and who wouldn't be outside sittin in the sun painting tropical flowers??!

    Krantz is not to be taken seriously as one with ANY experience to lead the caliber of citizen that demands more from those that speak on their behalf.

    Tony, please go sell some more paper, volunteer somewhere for at least 1000 hours (preferably with wounded veterans after riding your dad's Iwo Jima coat tails) and then come back and tell us how much you know about the Encinitas, business, and how we should position ourselves on the issues moving forward.

    And ask your socialist partner in crime Teresa Barf, how much does her tax-payer funded lifetime union pension from Del Mar pay...let's spread that around a bit and tell her that she can start by cutting a check to the City for the $15,000 that she bilked because her feelings were hurt. Pay up Barf!!

  27. Sounds like the clown criticizing Kranz for living in an inherited house is experiencing sour grapes. I quess he is proud that
    Dalager bribes his way to make a living and Gaspar is supported by outside groups with hidden agendas.

  28. The clown is DRUNK with ambition.
    Literally, not figuratively.

    D & G wins/HE wins.

    Sour grapes or sour mash/take your pick

  29. When I received that mailer I could not believe that those candidates could be so misleading. Do they both think that we as voters can not read thru the BS??? I am truly offended by it. Those huge signs everywhere is just another example of waste.
    Please vote Barth and Krantz, so we can get Encinitas back to the real people.

  30. Question #1: How much will the Hall Park cost?

    Question #2: How will we pay for it?

    Answer these simple questions please pundits.

  31. I quess Pacific View School is out of the picture as a city park.. It can be bought for a fraction of market value, as it was a municipal property. But Stocks has already sold it out for high density development - more ticky tacky congestion for old town Encinitas. Stocks, Bond and Dalager have destroyed the small town charm of Encinitas.

  32. The long delusional diatribe against Barth and Kranz sounds very much like the bitter vitriol spewed incessantly towards any courageous councilwoman or proponent of open government who attempted to justifiably thwart the Ecke agenda. His unrelenting venom could be found on Wire Fire. He has been upstaged by another clown who may not be fully exposed until after the election. Place your faith in the future of Encinitans who clearly cherish community character and environmental stewardship. Vote Barth and Kranz.



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