Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Top Secret Group Goes Public


  1. Cryptic, man. Is this a real group or a parody?

  2. Follow the money:

    I see developer, landowner, and physical therapist money. Reflects poorly on Garcia's Mexican Restaurant and Encinitas Ford.

  3. The Conservative Committee on Good Government is a Republican group giving money to Brian Bilbray. Here What is this group? My copy of the Gaspar mailer went directly into the dumpster, so I can't see if it's the same as this image.

  4. If Gaspar is working for Bilbray, don't vote for her. Bad judgement on her part. Bilbray has done nothing for North County. He has done nothing for our failed State and Country. Don't vote for Bilbray next term either. LL

  5. Ha, ha, I never knew the president of Encinitas Ford was named Wheeler. Too funny.

  6. Free Geert WildersOctober 06, 2010 3:54 PM

    If Gaspar is the best that Encinitas can do for a candidate to elective office, God help us all.

    Free Geert Wilders.

  7. Dalager supporters:

    St. Germain’s
    Encinitas Foreign and Domestic – my current mechanic

    It was one thing to give to your good ole boy buddy, but these business owners gave to someone they knew was corruptible.

  8. You forgot Appliance City and Linda Benson Surf Contests and Community Unity Bank and his three tenants.

  9. Free Geert WildersOctober 06, 2010 6:58 PM

    Ahhh Aztec Appliance?? Aren't they Dalagers biggest supporter??

  10. Follow the money-

    I see pension receiving ex fire chief. I see kickback from Physical therapists. I see spending 20k to get encinitas residents to fund a tall lighted 100k mega sports complex for all of north county.

    For all you out their like Cardiffian. I hope you donated big to Krantz and Barth, because they are you only hope for a balanced council. If you all don't contribute to stop the Stocks crowd of union/developer cronies, there is no hope for Encinitas.

  11. Paul Ecke III shows his true developer colors and throws down $250 for himself and another $250 for his hired gun calkins (eckes property manager)

    Ecke is squarely in the Dalager corner. Not a good sign for Ecke. The current Eckes are willing to sell out Encinitas to the union and all developers to maximize their profit on their remaining land. Sad but True.

    Ecke III the symbol of a trust fund sell out.

    Hansens- Sellout

    Encinitas Ford- Sellout

    Dudek- Sellout

    All willing to sellout Encinitas for personal gain. Sad but true.

  12. CA Committee "on" Good Government -- don't they mean "for"...tacky

  13. Nope, they mean ON IT, Granny.

  14. I Just Googled "the California Committee on Good Government". It looks like the Lima Bean Festival has more on the ball. If I were a candidate, my sticker would at least have credibility and say "paid for by people who love lima beans". Guess Kristin thought "paid for by the friends of Kristin Gaspar" sounded too corny - or maybe she's aiming for the majority of Encinitas voters with no ability or desire to research. Sounds good / means nothing. Sorry to be harsh Kristin. You're probably a great lady and mom. It's only your associations that disturb me, and how predictable birds of a feather are. That's really why I'm not voting for you. Especially because of your allegiance with that Henry character.

  15. The same money that supports Bilbray is supporting Gaspar. So that is how she can get the big signs. The "big boys are afraid that Dan won't win so they are running Gaspar to hedge their bets, so to speak. The Committee on Good Government has not given the money directly to her, but to the American Physical Therapy Association. I wonder how the membership of the Physical Therapy Assoc. feels about spending the Association's money on the wife of the owner of Gaspar Physical Therapy? I cannot see how it benefits the profession of P.T., but perhaps I am dense. On the other hand, Paul Gaspar, is very active in politics and is on the State Board that regulates Physical Therapists. Is there any conflict of interest? I don't know because I am not an attorney. Also, if any of you have ever been patients at one of Gaspar's centers, he has your name, number, e-mail etc. If you receive any mailings or calls, it begs the question "Is she using your information for political gain and solicitation?" I got a robot call today telling me to vote for her. I have also been a patient of Gaspars. It is illegal, without your permission, to use your name, or any other I.D, that is available to Gaspar, if you have been a patient of his or any of his associates.. I am not saying he has done this, only to beware that it is possible. It is a violation of the Health Insurance Privacy Portability Act (HIPPA) for any doctor, or other health care professional, to give out the names of their patients to anyone. If you feel your confidentiality has been violated, call the State Board of Physical Therapists and report it. It is important to keep your medical records safe and not used or sold for ANY reason.

  16. When Stocks last ran for re-election, I found an interesting donation to his campaign in the name of "Citizens for North County Coastal Cities" which listed an address of 330 Encinitas Blvd. Ste. 101, Encinitas, Ca. 92024. This address is currently occupied by Scott&Cronin as it was then. Scott&Cronin specialize in tax issues and setting up political entities. Many political donations to political candidates have been made using different names, but the same address. Most to Republican candidates, but some to seemingly non-partisan issues. The political finance director is Nancy Haley.
    In going through Kristen Gaspar"s current Form 460, I find her campaign has paid three professional services bills to Scott&Cronin. Her treasurer is Nancy Haley whose phone number is listed as the same one on the Scott&Cronin web site.Gaspar's long door hanger brochure lists her campaign address as 330 Encinitas Blvd Ste 201 directly above the Scott&Cronin address.
    I am not naive enough to believe this is a coincidence - it certainly looks like "the Pros" are running the Gaspar machine not necessarily for the good of Encinitas, but for the good of those willing to spend enough money.
    The cryptic "CA Committee on Good Government" looks very similar to other names that Scott&Cronin have set up previously. Gaspar would like your vote, but does not seem adverse to buying it with flashy brochures, "borrowed" policies, and as little actual policy details she can get away with. Please do not vote for this manufactured candidate.

  17. Maybe the printer dropped a few letters in the Dalager / Gaspar sign. It should have read

    "CA Committee to oWn good government" instead of "on good government." They'll have the best government money (or appliances) can buy.

  18. Not to trivialize all this machine money putting forth this puppet candidate, but doesn't all that pink remind you of Legally Blonde?

  19. W.C- Is on a role. Keep up the good work

  20. A True RepublicanOctober 07, 2010 6:51 AM

    The same money that supports Bilbray is supporting Gaspar.

    That means more RINO business.

    Gaspar will be just like Stocks and call himself a Republicrat while supering union supersizing pensions and pay for all employees and council that has sunk the governments future.

    what RINO sellouts. Bilbray, Stocks and Gaspar Suck! and I am a republican.

    I wish republicans would follow the republican platform of fiscal conservative and small government.

    Clearly Stocks and Gasper are not good republicans.

  21. Amen true republican! Amen

  22. Buying political influence unfortunately is not new, it's just a lot easier to hide these days.

  23. Kevin Cummings what are your thoughts on big dirty money behind Prop P? Are you still remaining quiet on this issue?

    Is there any truth that your remaining silent because your wife is a subsititute teacher looking for a job at the district?

  24. If that’s the case, its perfectly understandable. He'd have to be an idiot to take a position on an issue that is so close to this families success in the future.

    I know he has kids in EUSD- that in itself is enough for him to remain silent.

    Kevin - Don't get sucked into Andreen’s petty games. Recues yourself on this one. You’re too close to the district operations.

  25. I hate Prop P, but I'm not going to speak out against it and subject my kids to any snubbing from PTA parents or teachers.

    I'm keeping my mouth shut and voting NO.

  26. Just read about the proposed Community Garden Project on the School District's property on Quail Gardens Drive. The project is administered by a private group that will provide some veges for the school district and some plots for the public. In addition, there will be a "Learning Center" funded by Prop P money.

    Gaspar just said she would be wary of any such proposal for a community garden that included these funds. She was asked a question at the Senior Candidates Forum about the community garden use of the City-owned parcel on Quail Gardens Drive, and responded with that comment.

    Prop P smells bad.

  27. I see Gaspar as insurance for the wall-o-sausage in the event Duke is not re-elected.

    After hearing her speak, I'm convinced her ego is much larger than her heart, and that she is just collecting accomplishments for her resume. She went on for a while about all her qualifications and positions on this board and that non-profit. Just too self absorbed for my vote.

  28. a) the bilbray committee looks different than the one on the sticker, but Herb's comment is interesting.

    b) Prop P contributions: Send us the documents and other details, and I'll be happy to comment here or in the paper.

    c) I am not working on Prop P. I am spread way too thin. Reminder: we are not paid to do any of this.

    If you want to do some footwork that I started I am certain that I would be willing to use what you bring back to me two write an editorial (right after I write a follow up to the open government editorial). let me know; I'll make a list.

    d) any truth to... I am not avoiding P because of that. Email me and tell me why you think that and I will do my best to clarify any misunderstandings without hurting anyone's feelings.

    See C above. I will do it, I just don't have the time to do the background that I would want to apply. You realize that hours of work can go into just one blurb. If you want to help...

  29. Damage control by the power brokers will not let their grip of the city be relinguished by Dalager's blundering. Gaspar is Dalager in drag, a perfect match to replace him should he be defeated. So Stocks et al have 2 chances to maintain power - the miracle resurrection of Dalager's bribe stained career, or the Valley Girl that has nothing going for her except the big monied image machine.

    Yes, Ecke III likes the trio in power - they do his bidding. He'll come around again sometime in order to develop his property near Quail Gardens - the stooges are ready to assist him.

  30. Any group that supports Billbray is a bunch of RHINO chasers - Gaspar is just another union front. Brian is currently co-sponsor of HR413 which is Harry Reid's national union swan song give away. Just google "Reid, Billbray and HR413". Looks like he is doing an end run around Busby. How very weak. RHINOs are short sighted and very dangerous.
    Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid is quietly trying to nationalize rules governing every police, fire and first responder union in the nation. Through the benignly named Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act (H.R.413) Reid wants all first responders represented by collective bargaining rules emanating from Washington D.C. Naturally he thinks that it is necessary as a matter of national security.

    Reid is pushing this monstrosity as a major sop to his union supporters who .......

  31. Its RINO- Republican in name only.

    Bilbray, Stocks and Gaspar are all RINOs and all about supporting unions for personal gain. Pathetic and disgusting.

  32. Too funny- I could have swore I heard Stock whisper to Dalablaber.

    "I can’t wait to have that MILF sit on my Dias!"


  33. Stocks wants a MILF as a puppet, unstead of Duke Dalablabber. I can understand that. Dalablabber is so dumb he just rambles on and on and on until he gets himself in trouble. Jerry knows that its a matter of time until Dalablabber's lose lips will sink his ship.

    Vote out Dalager first in 2010 and Stocks and Houligan in 2012. We don't have to worry about Bond, he's slipping fast.

  34. At the Senior Candidates Forum Dalager was unable to answer any of the questions asked all the candidates. He only rambled on about "back in the old days trivia" pretty sad, no content, no substance. His big reply to almost every question was, "You guys are our eyes and ears, bring us your ideas, I'm a good listener."

    I'd really rather have a leader who has his own ideas.

  35. Only for a brief moment during the election periods are the public able to witness the candidates' competency. Dalager is absolutely devoid of any leadership capabilities and cannot process a logical thought sequence. He blabbers about inconsequential trivialities and begins to choke when attempting to address substantial issues. It is incredible that this inert totem pole has been on the city council for 8 years! Anyone that supports him is either brain dead or benefitting by his allegiance to the Stocks' consortium. And who is financing his posters around town? Dalager is a disgrace to the city of Encinitas.

  36. Dalager has it backwards againOctober 08, 2010 9:06 AM

    Again- Duke Dalablabber has it backwards.

    He is the worst listener... he could never repeat what someone has said, because he never shuts up.

    The man is pathetic, and devoid of any ability to think logical common sense thoughts.

    How could Encinitas residents elect such a tool?

    All he does is accept favors from Special interest - Unions, Developers, and Sport leagues ---and screws the public.

    Vote Kranz and Barth for an Encinitas with a Good future.

  37. The funny Dalager video is that one of him on the council talking about the appliances. He said "appearance is everything." Clearly, he doesn't get it. It's not appearance. Do the right thing and the appearance will take care of itself.

  38. You can't sell the steak without the sizzle

  39. Last nights candidate forum was very interesting and distrubing.

    First Danny had no clue about Prop P and Prop 23 -- he didn't even know they were on the ballot -- this is our Mayor...WTF

    Next Gaspar is for the major buildout of I-5, she is also for the lights at the Hall Property. Funny thing she said to justify this is that kids need a place to play. And that our population of children is growing. (this is not correct) This is a regional sports part they are trying to build...not a playground.

    Then when asked where she got the number of 33% of our population is children, someone asked where she got that number, she said the internet.....well Theresa told us on the City's website it is listed as 15% -- Kristin's response was something to the affect that maybe 33% was the worlds children population...

    Vote for Barth and Krantz --

  40. I also attended the New Encinitas candidates forum last night and was struck by the difference in preparedness and substance between Dalager and Gaspar, and Barth and Krantz. Nearly every response from Gaspar was devoid of substance, constantly reverting to platitudes like "I'll be proactive", or "I've done my homework". Her oh-so-soundbite-friendly catchphrase "children are 33% of our population and 100% of our future", turned out to be the result of an internet search, and only belatedly was it revealed that the 33% figure "may have been for the world - not Encinitas" - where we all live and she is running for office. If Gaspar beats Krantz, I will lose all faith in our local electorate. It will mean that nobody listens and nobody reads, that robo-calls can masquerade for substance and that our local elections can be totally sold to the highest bidder.

  41. I took a look at Gaspar's financial contributions statement. Did anyone notice the preponderance of physical therapists on the contributor's list? If you go to the website of Gaspar Physical Therapy, you'll see a section devoted to treatment of sports injuries and sports training. I wonder if her unbridled support for the 90 ft lights on the Hall Property stem from a calculation that promoting youth sports will profit her business in the long term.

  42. 12:55 - She is simply not that bright. She does as she is told. I bet Jerome even tells her to wear MILF/Cougar outfits.

  43. And I am not sure why she chose to wear a hot pink outfit, including her purse. It looked like she was running for a soriety president or maybe prom queen. Just did not seem very professional to me. Just saying....

  44. Gaspar is the spare tire for the flat that is Dalager. She is being promoted to replace the nitwit, who has shot himself in the foot by boasting about his "pay-offs". Notice the latest political mailer, promoting them both in tandem - as are the posted signs all over town. She is a talking head with no substance upstairs - bobbleheads should be made of Dallager and Gaspar - both hollow and devoid of any independent thought.

  45. Anon:12:56=You have an excellent point re: sports medicine and Gaspar. Gaspar's place is referred to all over town, including Scripps, La Jolla. I happen to personally know this, as an orthopedic surgeon at Scripps referred me to Gaspar for phsysical therapy. He gave me no other referrals, although I believe that Scripps has their own P.T. dept. and there is Simmons Physical Therapy group in town. Kind of interesting now that I think about it. Sports injuries are huge money, and if doctors are referring only to Gaspar, wouldn't it be lovely to have a LIGHTED SPORTS PARK really close to his businesses in Encinitas? The lighting is more for the adults, although I am sure most of you have figured that out. Therefore the 33% number of people using the park, if it is all sports, may actually add up to 33%. That would include all the adult who will play there as well. I also received an e-mail for the 1st time from Gaspar Physical Therapy 2 days ago. Nothing was said about Ms. Gaspar, but it has been 2 years since I was there and it seems funny that I never received an-e-mail before. I called him about this, and directly asked him if he was violating any HIPPA laws by using his client based information. He said "absolutely not." The same day I also received a "robot call" from Ms. Gaspar, asking for my vote. Those calls cost a great deal of money, so where is she. He did respond, and those e-mails and responses have been sent to the J.P., and Kevin who can choose to use them if they want. I give them full permission. Something is just not right here, IMHO. And to whoever is worried about my reappointment to Parks and Rec. Commission-don't. Who knows what 2012 will bring?

  46. I realized when I read my last post, something happened and words were dropped. When I said when I stated that I had sent something to Kevin and J.P. was: I have sent you some e-mail exchanges between Don Sevrens at the U.T. and myself referring to correspondence that I have had with Mr. Sevrens. He is the person that wrote the editorial for the U.T endorsing Gaspar for Council. I think that is all.

  47. Gaspar's candidacy reeks to high heaven - special interest nominee all the way. She is a Trojan Horse being rolled onto the citizens of Encinitas, who are being barraged with slick, meaningless ads and endorsements. This will be an intelligence test for the citizens of Encinitas - are you going to be fooled by Gaspar's deceptions? Vote Kranz/Barth.

  48. I have to agree with ToughLove...if Gaspar beats Krantz I will have lost all faith in the electorate. Not that they get high marks now.

    Its our obligation to vote, but so many people show up unprepared and uninformed. One poster mentioned Danny being unfamiliar with Prop P, I'll bet 50% or more of the voters will be seeing it for the first time on their ballot.

  49. We also have received robocalls for Gaspar, and we can't figure out how they got our unlisted number, except that my wife was a one-time patient a few years back. I'd like to know, how many people who have received robocalls for Gaspar have also been patients of Gaspar Physical Therapy, and in the interest of fairness, how many people who've received robocalls were not patients.

  50. Fellow thinking Encinitans,

    If you don't wish to be a serf in the kingdom of Eckenitas with no voice in our direction as a city, vote for Barth and Kranz. Kristin Gaspar has stated publicly in her glossy flyer that "she won't pander to a small subset of community activists" who she describes as"obstructionists". Insist on access to the council we elected by rejecting Duke Dalager and Kristin Gaspar. Reclaim OUR CITY!

  51. Dalager should be used by the anti Prop 19 group. Show Dalagar at any forum with that stupid "deer in the headlights" look on his face and say he just finished a bong-load. Then do a brain wave scan and watch the flat line on the screen - brain dead! Of course, this is Dalager's natural state - devoid of any thought processes.


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