Monday, October 04, 2010

Double Rainbow all the way across the Leucadia sky


  1. Remove the Criminals.October 04, 2010 9:17 PM

    If my wish comes true, Dalager will be removed from office in November. Never vote for a crooked incumbent like Duke Cunningham. Vote for anyone but Dalager.

  2. Our Politicians need Prison timeOctober 04, 2010 9:51 PM

    Check out the News papers and DeMiao in San Diego. Finally a politician with Balls willing to blow the whisle on the huge pensions being given to employees. The top 10 retirees will collect more than $40,000,000 in payments. Yet our Crooks like Dalager, Stocks, and Houlihan support them and actually voted to give them millions of our Tax Dollars.

    Vote out Dalager in 2010. Then Stocks and Houlihan in 2012. They are the worst thing thats ever happened to Encinitas.

  3. What? CAn't somebody say something non-political? ... even after a double rainbow?

    Sheeeesh... this blog is worthless. The people spewing this crap are morons.

  4. enough double rainbows. those that wish to keep their head in the sand and let their government run amock continue to your own loss of liberty. those that want a revolution at the ballot continue towards a better future. You can decide what you want.

  5. Dan Dalager was looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - Jerome Stocks told him that was his reward for blowing their cover on kickbacks!

  6. Speaking of pot of money. Why hasn't KC or (AKA; ETA) taken a position on Prop P (the only bond in the city)?

    I thought that is what a taxpayer group does; review tax and fee propositions.

    I understand that the San Diego County Taxpayer Group has came out against this proposition.

    Kevin, please share your view on this!

  7. PEC needs help and unions are the problemOctober 05, 2010 12:59 PM

    I'll chime in:

    As a parent of PEC, I am voting no. The unions screwed up the educational program. The board needs to focus on education. Not Gardens, Farming and niceties.

    Faster computors, solar, and faster telephones are also not needed. Focus on breaking the union and getting our educational system back competitive with the rest of the world. Watch "Waiting for superman". You will then understand the needs of the kids and focus of the school board. Vote no on P and all new taxes. There is plenty of money for better teachers and school improvements if they address the defunct pension system.

    Secondly, Dalager is a crooked fool. Vote for anyone but Duke Dalager.

  8. 2nd PEC parent says No on POctober 05, 2010 1:20 PM

    I'm also a PEC parent and voting No.

    This is an ill-conceived slush fund and is taking on 30 years of debt for near-term operating expenses -- BAD IDEA!!!

  9. Your taxes steal from my walletOctober 05, 2010 2:52 PM

    Vote against ALL tax increases and bond measures. Defeat them all. You and I have to live within our means, so do they.

    No one forced them into teaching or education for that matter. If they can't get by, perhaps they should consider another profession.

    Vote NO!! (while you still can).

  10. Somewhere over the rainbow, a politcian lies. Somewhere over the rainbow, a taxpayer cries. LL

  11. I was at the last ETA meeting. Prop P was discussed and none of the 15 people in attendance had the time to take it up.

  12. 907,

    Why do I have to have a view on everything?

    The ETA has been working on several issues and no members came through on looking over prop P.

    Send an email to the eta or join us at our next meeting if you'd like to meet the active members and help out.

    Prop P has some stink bombs in it. Mike Andreen is working on the no on p campaign. Maybe he can send the Leucadia Blog something to post.

  13. Prop P is a joke and Kevin (as leader or VP of the group) needs to address the bond or face criticism about not addressing the only bond on the ballot in Encinitas.

    The EUSD Board of Directors should resign for not being able to balance their budget, without again going to the taxpayer for additional money.

  14. Vote NO on any tax increase. The government has enough of my money to run efficiently. ETA should take a position and it should be No on P or any other tax.

  15. Prop P is a loser. Let the YMCA or Quail Botanical Gardens build a organic farming center if its such a great idea. Its more in line with their missions. The School District is supposed to be focused educating our children in the fundamental basics of education (reading,Writing, math and science), not teaching farming or playing on the fastest computers or talking on the telephone. We also don't need to be an early adapter of Solar. As with all technology, within time the cost comes down.

    What the board needs to focus on is breaking the corrupt unions addressing the tenure and pension issues. By doing so, you can get rid of the bad teachers, reward the good teachers, and have money to improve the school facilities. Watch, "Waiting for Superman"...then you'll get it. Every year the District does the lemon dance bigtime.

    The only thing that Prop P has going for it is the Devil himself is against it. That had me looking at it twice. Normally, Anything that Mike Andreen is for, I am against.

    It is very concerning that Mo Muir, Encinitas School District is aligned with Andreen.

    It is even more concerning that our Fire Chief Mark Muir is aligning his family with Mike Andreen. This is not good for the Muirs, Encinitas, the fire deparment, the City, and our children.

    Mike Andreen is a proven loser. Years of examples to draw upon.

    Who's the Muir's next BFF, David Meyers, or the Employee Unions?

    Do Mark and Mo Muir lack common sense?

  16. hey,

    the city is keeping us occupied.

    the ETA likes to have all its facts straight before taking a position. The school bond is complicated. If you would like to do the foot-work I will analyze it all and take a position and probably the ETA board will do the same.

    sign up for the ETA and/or send us an email with your offer to help.

  17. Vote no on P!!

    See how easy that was to take a position.

  18. vote yes on P

    It is for the kids.

  19. 9:40
    Isn't that what Michael Jackson used to say?

  20. Kevin, so how's it going wth the hard lifting for facts with all the work you're doing on the city? Don't pass the buck, you should be able to research one proposition as a TPA. If you are going to accuse the city of defering work and say that is not right for taxpayers, than you should not defer your work as well. Inform us. You are coming off as disingenuous. LL

  21. I'm a parent of a grade-schooler and I'm voting NO on Prop P.

    I'm thoroughly unimpressed with how EUSD currently wastes money on expensive computer programs (Pearson's SuccessMaker, for instance), instead of actually working with kids who are struggling or who need advanced instruction. Despite the promises about extensive teacher training on SuccessMaker, the complete lack of teacher training on this tool they praised so much was glaring. Most of the classroom teachers I talked to weren't even interested in using it. Sit through an SST while a learning resource teacher fails to explain coherently the SuccessMaker report on your child's progress to anyone in the room, and then a week later get a call saying your child's data was "lost" when the report was run and he'll have to start over again (pulled out of class to use it, too), and you'll know how EUSD buys expensive toys and still fails to teach our children.

  22. Vote yes on Proposition P. Mike Andreen spends all of his time on these blogs trying to give false information on this proposition. This is good for our students and our home values. This is a bond extension so we won't pay any additional taxes than we currently do. finally, what's wrong with computers, solar panels, and fixing the plumbing? Vote yes on P! No dollars from P go toward a farm. Read the Proposition. The only criminal around here is Andreen. Why didn't he go to jail for ripping off the chamber?

  23. Mike: you need to revisit 4. If you think your past that, you're fooling yourself.

    Repent Brutha!


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