Friday, October 01, 2010

UT Endorses Gaspar

The UT endorses Gaspar and says Danny is too unethical, Barth divisive, Kranz not enough Rotary experience.


  1. I just cancelled my UT subscription. If this is their understanding of the workings of our City, then I don't trust anything that they write. I could go on, but those of you who read this blog know the truth. All I know about Gaspar is she wants to lower the sound of the train horns, and wants a sports park with 90 foot lights. Her website states that 33% of our residents are children. According to SANDAG the percentage is 11%. is I do not recall seeing her at any Parks and Rec. meetings, and since I am a Commissioner on that particular commission, I would know at least that. I do not recall seeing her at any City event. Perhaps I just didn't know who she was, However, I have lived here 25 years and cannot believe I haven't heard of her doing something for our City. Her husband has a physical therapy business, and she is a Rotarian. Is that all? Is that enough?I It must be for the UT. Perhaps someone else can inform us of her qualifications, as she would not speak to the Encinitas Taxpayers Assoc.
    Kranz, on the other hand, has been at many meetings where I have attended. He has lived here as long as Dan and knows our community. He knows what is going on, and has some great ideas on how some of our problems might be fixed. How the UT came up with this distorted picture is beyond me. I have no grudge against Ms. Gaspar, as I don't know her. However, I would love to know how and why the Union Tribune came up with this peculiar endorsement. Is there more to the story?

  2. Dr. Lorri get over yourself! If the UT endorsed your candidate, you would be telling that to everyone. You sound like a child, that doesn't get their way. I find the UT to be very INDEPENDENT.

    By the way, they didn't support both of my candidates. I don't plan to vote for any incumbents, but I'm willing to give Gaspar and Kantz a shot.

    I'm surprised that those same people you complain about even keep you on the commission!

  3. I canceled my ut subscription years ago. They don't reflect my views on anything. They are not balanced in their news reporting. They are biased and support people I would never vote for.

    I encourage everyone to cancel their subscription.

  4. Anon:9:23- Perhaps the people I speak about will not reappoint me to the Commission next year. However, I will not be quiet even if my service to the community (for free I might add) is dependent upon it. I will continue to speak my mind as long as this blog exists, and free speech for everyone is still an option in this country. If you have lived here for any length of time, you may recall that I didn't want to see Rachelle Collier on the Council either. And I like her. I just didn't think she would be able to standup to the powers that be. I got chastised for that as well, and that was from people I know and respect. You won't even post your name. If I don't get reappointed, I can still be actively involved in this community, and will be.

  5. Why can't they be as independent as this blog or the ETA (same group, I think)? I just don't get it!

  6. I just canceled my subsciption to the UT today. I encourage all of you do the same. I've been thinking about for a long time.

    The UT is the typical Associated Press rag that is useless propaganda. They only serve the government status quo and Realtors.

    Pathetic. Their endorsement of Trophy wife shows how of the mark they are with current issues. I bet they actually listed to Stocks on this one. Losers.

  7. Go Dr. Lorri! Liberty at all costs.

    I think you'll make a fine council member someday. I hope to serve with you.

    For the time being. Kratz and Barth get my vote and I also am dumping the valueless UT.

  8. The UT states that Krantz would be devisive, but does not cite any evidence. None at all. I have yet to see any indication that he would be devisive.

    The UT seems to value getting a sporks park built over larger concerns of ethics, open government, finanical management, etc.

  9. I guess all it takes is blond hair, stilettos and a cocktail dress to get an endorsement from the U.T. Sorry Dr. Lorri. Even though you always dress nicely at any City function I have attended, you are too old for those low cut dresses and stilettos so a UT endorsement. is definitely out for you. You should have run in your 30's. You could have pulled it off then:)

  10. Nice post you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning this topic. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is some pictures of some devices.

    Kate Watcerson
    phone scrambler

  11. 9:23 all Dr. Lorri is doing is expressing her opinion and backing it up with her observations, which I happen to agree with. She's seen a lot of action at city hall.
    There is obviously something going on behind the scenes with the Union Tribune. They ran no less than three editorials about Teresa Barth and accused her of wasting tax payer's money, when it wasn't her decision to do so at all. Our city attroney is the one who made the bone headed decision to hire an outside law firm to the tune of $15k. According to FPPC rules, Dan broke the law, and they simply find that "troubling"...?

    The Union Tribune has always been my choice for something to line the cat litter box with.

  12. I'll second that Mary. I wonder how much it takes to get a pro-UT endorsement?

  13. For those interested in who wrote this piece it was Don Severens at the U.T. He is the same man who, on 3 different occasions, "trashed" Teresa. Perhaps his boss, the Editor in Chief of the U.T. might want to know how many people are canceling their subscriptions, or at least have some problems with the one sidedness of this endorsement.

  14. I just sent a letter to Mr. Light. Many thanks to whoever found the information and made it so easy to do. I will post it if he responds. Hopefully he will. What is also interesting to me is how the UT went after Duke Cunningham, but doesn't say much about Dan. I guess not endorsing him does says something. Has anyone heard anymore about what the Fair Political Practice people have said about, or to, Dan? I would like to know before the elections if possible, so that I can make an informed choice.

  15. Be sure to ask Mr. Light how they think the city could build the park without the money.

  16. The UT is in the pocket of big monied interests and try to control the nature of the small town politics as a result. Their endorsement of Kristin Gaspar is to maintain the Stocks, Bond and (hopefully soon-to-end) Dalager voting power block. Gaspar is Dalager in drag basically - a replacement for the triumvirate. Kranz is "divisive" because he won't join "the Stocks team" and is linked to Barth by endorsement. And the UT's pathetic pass on Dalager's shady record constitutes a passive endorsement of his candidacy; I quess his "Checkers" political mailer he sent out must have gained him neutrality from consequence.
    I will vote for Barth and Kranz - they are the only hope to regain some independence in Encinitas city government.

  17. I just sent a letter to Mr. Light as well. This editorial endorsement based solely on the fact that she "wants the Hall Property Park built now" is silly. She and the editorial fail to acknowledge that fact that there is no money to finish the park. The park was financed with a "lease revenue bond" which requires the property to actually produce revenue. Parks don't produce revenue. The loan was used up paying for the library which went nearly $12 million over budget.

    Teresa Barth was not on council when this decision was made. Barth researches the issues and answers policy questions. Kranz has also done research on financial issues such as deferred street maintenance. Gasper refuses to answer any policy questions.

    To base an endorsement solely on building a bogusly funded park is ridiculous.

  18. Yeah, I don't want another park. I want a government that lives within their means.

    I don't want them borrowing from my children.

  19. Don Sevrens was at the last council meeting on September 22. He arrived only for the last Agenda Item about the Pavememt Maintenance Report. It was close to 9 o'clock, and most people had gone. Only Tony Kranz and one other person spoke.

    At the end of the meeting Sevrens and Jerome Stock went to Jerome's office for a private powwow. Now we know what they were up.


  20. Don Sevrens needs to be terminated by the UT. What a low life. I wonder how much he was paid?

  21. DalaGas or SubPar
    Either would fit her

    I dumped the UT years ago. Neighbors complained it stunk up the neighborhood

  22. Where is the FPPC report on the Dalager bribe taking? I notice that Dalager has not provided any additional insight into his corruption scandals - where is the "disclosure" he promised? Was it that absurd political mailer where he and his dog Checkers were featured, in which he claimed all that har ruckus were be fabricated by dem darn rascals out ta' git me! Come on down fer some corn cidar with de Mayor - if'n you pick up da tab!! YYEEEHHAWWW!!!
    Dalager must go....

  23. Insane, 6 months ago Gaspar didn't know where City Hall was located, now she's a candidate for council?

  24. Sadly, she is likely soon to be our councilwoman. She will be sitting on the dias talking down to us, knowing full well that she did not get there thanks to grassroots people. Her loyalty will be to those who put her there - the landowners and developers.

    I wish people would take the time to educate themselves before voting, but they vote based on slick mailers. We know that from seeing illiterate Dan (and now corrupt Dan) win elections.

    We need to put more money into Barth and Krantz. Otherwise, we will have to deal with more union liabilites and developer ruining our quality of life.


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